Cat-tastrophe - Rendoc

221 11 15

Doc never minded the fact that he was half creeper. He actually appreciated the heightened senses because it meant he noticed more than a lot of the other hermits. It also meant that while walking through the shopping district, Doc could more fully admire all the work everyone put into their shops. The vibrant sights and the calming sounds, he reveled in it all. But being part creeper did have its downsides. Like the fact that shopping could be overwhelming at times, and the fact that today Doc just knew that something was off in the shopping district but he couldn't quite identify what it was. That was when he heard it.


Doc stopped dead in his tracks. Another downside to being part creeper: He was absolutely terrified of cats. Doc turned on his heels and lo and behold, Jellie, Scar's cat, was right behind him. Doc stepped backwards slowly, trying to keep his breathing in check. After a few steps he turned back around and walked away. 'That could've been a disaster.' Doc worked his way around the shopping district for a while longer trying to calm down but the feeling of dread didn't go away. Then he heard it again.


Doc turned around once again to find Jellie sitting nearby. He once again took a few breaths and stepped back but this time, Jellie didn't sit still. She started trotting towards Doc. Doc started walking a bit faster to try and get away from the cat but Jellie followed closely behind, keeping pace. Doc felt himself starting to hiss. 'No no no no Doc pull it together! It's just Scars stupid cat! Nothing to get all explosive over!' But as Jellie continued to follow him his fear grew more apparent and the hissing grew louder. Doc felt like he could explode at any minute. In a last ditch effort to escape the fiend of a feline, Doc deployed his elytra. But as luck would have it, his wings broke instantly. He fell a very short distance out of the sky and landed on his back, face to face with Jellie. Doc felt like he was going to cry. Then, Doc's vision flashed white a few times. He knew what was coming. He briefly saw Jellie run away as he braced himself for the pain to flood through him.



-DocM77 was exploded by DocM77-

Grian: Thats a death message I haven't seen before

Grian: You ok Doc?

Impulse: Ouchie

Bdubs: Doc?

Stress: You ok luv?


Doc opened his eyes but immediately shut them as bright light flooded his vision. He winced at the pain covering his body. He heard distant shuffling but was too lightheaded to figure out what it was. He knew he was in his campervan so whatever the noise was couldn't be bad.

Doc waited for his head to clear and slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position only to feel himself be pushed back down.

"No way my dudes, you are NOT getting up." Doc opened his eyes once again and found himself face to face with a very stern yet concerned looking ren.

"Ren, I gotta go get my stuff." Ren frowned, his doglike ears flattening on his head as he did so.

"Someone else will pick it up for you. You're gonna stay here and rest. But not until you tell me what happened." Oh Ren, overprotective as ever.

"Its no big deal. Just had an unfortunate run in with Jellie in the shopping district and my creeper senses just kinda went... haywire?" Ren growled.

"No big deal?!?!? VERY big deal! I'm gonna make sure that the cat doesn't ever step foot anywhere ever again." Doc immediately shot up and grabbed Ren by the arm before he could bolt out the door.

"You are NOT going to kill Scar's cat. You're gonna stay right here with me." Ren pouted angrily, his tail tucking between his legs.

"But she hurt you Doc."

"She's just a cat Ren. A stupid cat."

"But.... but she hurt you..." Doc sighed.

"Lets put it this way. If you go and find Jellie, who's gonna stay here and keep me company while I recover from being 'hurt' buy the cat? Hmm?" Ren contemplated this for a moment before ultimately giving up and sitting down on the bed next to Doc. Doc hummed happily. A few minutes passed where they just sat in silence, enjoying eachothers company. But out of the blue, Ren smirked and tackled Doc.

"HEY! What the heck man!" Ren just laughed.

"If I can't tackle the cat I guess you'll have to be the replacement! Plus I prefer holding onto you way more than strangling some stupid furball anyway. I hate cats." Doc sighed once again and accepted his fate, letting Ren snuggle up close to him. Slightly blushing at the comment.

Within a few minutes, Doc heard quiet snores coming from Ren. He smiled and wrapped his arms around the sleeping man. How someone as energetic as Ren fell asleep so fast was a mystery to Doc, but he wasn't complaining. He pressed a small kiss to Ren's forehead before allowing himself to drift off as well. And there they slept in their cat-free van, comfy eachothers arms.


Requested by _abby042588 (I hope you like it!)

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Love you all have a great day/night 

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