Peace and Quiet - Beef/Etho

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(Great story idea, not so great execution but meh. Fox hybrid Etho is love fox hybrid Etho is life. Also I'm just really liking firework fics :) If anyone wants to rewrite this better go ahead I give you full permission just tell me so I can read it lol)

Etho was a mystery. One day he'd be the most funny, social person on earth and the next he'd be hiding out in his base for days on end. Most people assumed that it was because Etho was an introvert, but then why did he have so much social stamina sometimes? It couldn't just be introversion. There was something else going on, and Beef intended to find out what it was. So he planned a day to help his friend out with some building. A day he would get answers.


"Yes beefers?" Etho paused his building curiously.

"I don't get it." Ethos brow furrowed.

"Get what?"

"Well you're always so fun and social but sometimes you just seem to shut down and go into hiding."

"What's not to get?" Beef sighed.

"I'm just curious why you just disappear in the middle of events..." Etho nodded, returning back to building.

"I'm scared of loud noises." He said it so matter of factly, but Beef still didn't quite get it.

"Scared of loud noise?" Etho sighed and put down his materials, turning to face Beef.

"I'm a fox hybrid. Foxes have really good hearing. It means my ears can get super sensitive when it comes to loud noise."

"That makes sense... but then how do you attend parties and hermit meetings without being scared away?" Etho chuckled and reached into his pocket. He pulled something out of it and presented it to Beef.

"Earplugs! That makes more sense!" Etho put the earplugs back in his pocket.

"They aren't fully noise canceling so I can still hear people well enough, but they block out the loud sound enough that it doesn't bug me." Beef smiled in understanding.

"That's cool." Etho raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Cool? It's a huge pain if you ask me. I miss out on so much. Like big parties and concerts. Oh and I can't enjoy fireworks. Even just using them with an elytra is a pain." Beef let that sink in. All those things seemed so normal to him, and Etho couldn't deal with any of them.

"I'm sorry."

"Eh. It ain't your fault and I manage just fine." Etho cracked a smile before returning to building.

Later that night Beef sat pondering his newfound knowledge. He needed to do something for Etho, but what? One thing was for sure: he had to somehow get Etho to enjoy fireworks, because Beef loved fireworks.

He put on his headphones and put on some music to help him think. There had to be a solution. Beef hummed along to the tune, appreciating the way his headphones drowned out the ticking of the clock on his walls. And then it hit him. Headphones!

A few weeks later Beef showed up to Ethos base without warning. It was late but that meant it was the perfect time to surprise Etho. He ran into the base and searched until he found the man deep in some redstone project.

"Etho!" Etho jumped up, slightly startled.

"Beefers? What are you doing here?"

"I have a surprise for you!"


"Follow me!" Beef grabbed Ethos hand and bulled him to a little hill outside of his base. Etho stumbled but kept up. Beef sat, Etho doing the same.

"So... uhhh... what are we doing?"

"I have a gift for you! Doc helped me with the details and stuff but I think you'll like it." Beef grabbed the black box that was sitting nearby and handed it to Etho. Etho looked at the box and then back at Beef before pulling off the lid.

"Headphones? Beef I don't listen to music..."

"I know silly they're not for music! You know how you said your ears were sensitive?" Ethos eyes immediately lit up as he quickly put on the headphones. Etho tackled Beef into a hug.

"Noise canceling! These are amazing! And they fit well too!" Etho pulled them off so he could hear beefs response.

"Yeah! Doc helped me make sure they'll work with your fox ears."

"Thank you! You're the best!" Beef smiled.

"The surprise isn't over yet!" Beef grabbed the headphones and situated them back on Ethos head. He then laid on his back and motioned for Etho to do the same. They both laid back and before long, fireworks filled the sky with light. Etho fell into a trance. He had never been able to watch fireworks. They were magnificent. He turned and smiled at Beef, the man who made it all possible.

"Thank you."

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