Fresh Apricots on Cloudy Days - Ranchers

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 "Come on! It'll be fun I promise!" Tango insisted. Jimmy wasn't having any of it.

"This is just a ploy for you to call me short! It'll be all hunky dory and then the moment I can't reach the top branches you'll make fun of me!" Tango just rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I won't make fun of you! Can't a guy just take his boyfriend on a lovely date to pick some apricots?" Jimmy blushed. The two had only been together for about a week and the term 'boyfriend' still gave him butterflies. Tango was his boyfriend! And his boyfriend wanted to take him on a fruit picking date. If that meant that Jimmy got called short it'd be worth it he supposed.

"Fine." Tango smiled and pumped his fist in celebration. Jimmy couldn't help but smile at the little action. He adored Tango.

"4:00 tomorrow. I'll come pick you up and then we can head out?"

"Deal! Any short jokes though and I'm telling Etho and Joel to beat you to a pulp." Tango grinned mischievously.

"I ain't scared of your roommates! But I will try my best not to joke for your sake. See ya tomorrow, handsome." Tango winked and strolled away, leaving Jimmy an utterly speechless blushing mess. Yup. That's my boyfriend.

The next day Jimmy couldn't stop pacing around his apartment. He had a date! An official date with his official boyfriend! To say he was nervous was an understatement. Sure, he'd gone on plenty of dates with Tango before, but now they were officially dating. Would things be different?

Jimmy was snapped out of his thoughts as his roommate, Joel, grabbed his shoulders.

"Jimmy! I swear to void if you don't stop pacing around this house while I'm trying to work I will end you." Jimmy just laughed.

"Can't help it Joel! I've got a date today." He smiled triumphantly.

"Yeah yeah, you and your smelly new boyfriend. You're lucky he's sweet or I'd kill him in a heartbeat." Joel let go of Jimmy's shoulders. Of all the people Jimmy had ever liked, Tango had to be Joel's favorite. He treated Jimmy right, made him happy. Joel liked that. Although they weren't actually brothers, this brotherly instinct always kicked in when it came to Jimmy. That meant brotherly teasing too.

"Well have fun being all lovey dovey with Tango, I'll be here paying my half of the rent. Unlike you. I'm lucky I don't need no man. Just a distraction from what really metters." Jimmy rolled his eyes. 

"I'll get my part of the rent in tomorrow. And don't need no man? I'm pretty sure I saw you simping over Etho yesterday..." Joel blushed and shoved Jimmy playfully.

"Did not! I was just happy because he paid his half of the rent. Unlike you."

"Sure~" Jimmy smirked as Joel pouted.

"You're lucky I still let you live here you smelly boy." Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Before Jimmy could react Joel had lunged across the room to open it. There stood Tango, calm and casual as ever.

"Oh hi Joel! Whats up my dude?" Joel cut the crap and got straight to the chase.

"Bring him home before midnight. Treat him nicely or I will find you. If you break his heart I break you. Understood?" Tango's calm and cool essence was gone. He worriedly nodded.

"Yes sir." Joel smiled and patted Tango on the shoulder.

"Great! Have a fun time!" Joel turned back into the house, "JIMMY! Your date's here~" Jimmy suddenly appeared at the door and pushed Joel out of the way.

"Hi Tango! So sorry about him! Hope he didn't say anything weird...?" From inside the house Tango could see Joel glaring at him.

"N-nope! Nothing weird at all! Heh.." Tango nervously scratched the back of his neck. Jimmy didn't look convinced but left it at that. He stuck out his hand and Tango took it.

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