Lavender - Impulse/Zedaph/Tango

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Resources. Impulse always needed more resources. Double life was hard, and that meant he always needed more to protect himself and his soulmate, Bdubs. Mining and gathering and bartering. More resources. It was never enough. Never enough to keep them safe.

Impulse cursed under his breath as his pickaxe broke. He swiftly turned around and headed back home to craft a new one. Clambering back through the tunnel, Impulse looked at the materials he had. Not enough. Impulse sighed, was he the dead weight in the partnership?

Impulse got back to the surface and quickly made another pickaxe. He couldn't waste anymore time. He needed to be a good soulmate. He needed to get back to the mines. He needed to carry his own weight. He couldn't let Bdubs down. He couldn't...

"Impulse? Back from mining so soon?" Impulse froze, Bdubs watching him with a smile. Impulse quickly defended his case.

"Oh, no! My pick just broke so I came up to get a new one. I'm headed back down to get more iron right now actually! See ya soon!" Impulse turned and headed for the door when Bdubs grabbed his shoulder.

"Impulse. You're overworking yourself again." Impulse sighed. He knew he was, but he couldn't help it.

"B, I just want us to be safe. I promise, once I'm done mining I'll take a break. Deal?" Bdubs smiled .

"Deal. But real quick I got you something!" Bdubs pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Peonies and lavender, lilies and poppies. Impulse smiled.

"Aww! Thanks!" Bdubs beamed. Impulse set the bouquet in some water. He wanted to take it with him while mining but he knew it was a bad idea. Making a quick decision, He pulled 2 stems of lavender out, placing one behind his partner's ear and one behind his own. Bdubs grinned and waved goodbye as Impulse left back to the mines.

It had been a good few hours, and Impulse was getting tired of mining. He kept going, fueled by the thought of impressing Bdubs. As he worked, Impulse slipped on some gravel. He fell on his bottom, taking no damage but losing the lavender from behind his ear. Worriedly, he picked up the stem and put it back where it belonged. The scent clouded his senses. It was all too familiar. Impulse couldn't help but be pulled into a memory.

"Impy! Look!" Zedaph rolled down the hill in the lavender field, Tango following suit. The two ending up colliding on their way down, laughing. Impulse just chuckled and ran to catch up.

"You two are idiots!" Zedaph acted fake offended and Tango shot back a response.

"Well we're your idiots! So I guess you'll have to deal with us!" Impulse held out his hand to help the two up. Tango and Zed smirked at each other before grabbing Impulse's hands and pulling him down onto the ground with them. They all laughed together.

Tango picked a few stems of lavender and tied them together, creating an intricate crown. He promptly placed it on Zedaph's head. Zed grinned.

"I wanna do that! Show me how!" Impulse watched as his boyfriends tied flower crowns. When they were done, Zed placed his less than perfect crown on Tango's head and Tango placed his perfect one on Impulse's head. Impulse smiled.

"You guys are amazing." Impulse said, placing a small kiss on both of their cheeks. Zed and Tango blushed before throwing sickeningly sweet compliments back at him, kissing him back. They all ended up in one big group hug, giggling at their matching crowns in their little lavender paradise.

Impulse wiped his eyes. Had he always been crying? He picked himself up off the floor of the cave and dusted himself off. He mentally cursed for letting himself get so distracted, causing more tears to fall. I'm a mess. He picked up his pickaxe, still trying to calm his sobs. A mess who really misses his boyfriends.

Impulse thought about Zedaph, on his own back at hermitcraft. Safe and sound but probably lonely. He thought about Tango. Tango isn't thinking about me. He has Jimmy. Impulse threw his pick. He was mad that he wasn't thinking about Bdubs. Bdubs was his soulmate for crying out loud! (which now he definitely was crying out loud). Impulse hated that he didn't have that connection with Bdubs but he hated it even more that Tango did have that connection with Jimmy. Tango was supposed to be his and Zed's boyfriend. What if he left them for Jimmy even after double life?

Impulse couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to go home. Home to hermitcraft. Home to that lavender field with his boyfriends. He sobbed. In a fit of rage he threw the sprig of lavender and crushed it under his foot. Bdubs' lavender. I'm a mess.

Up on the surface, Bdubs could feel a pang of sadness and jealousy being sent through his soul link. It was devastating. He knew that somewhere, Impulse was crying. He didn't fully know what Impulse was crying over but he could feel that it was about someone important. Tango. Bdubs knew Impulse was in pain. He also knew that there was no way for him to help. Bdubs let a tear slip down his face. Even if you don't love me, please be ok. If not for me, for them.


I love team ZIT. So much. This one was for me <3 

I'm currently working on y'alls requests! Thanks for them! Next chapter will be another double life fic featuring Jimmy and Tango! It'll be funny and cute I promise! :)))) 

Aight buh bye! Hope y'all enjoyed!

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