So Big So Small - Etho&Xisuma

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DISCLAIMER: Not a ship story. Friendship is the best ship for these two

It was never uncommon to find Etho up at unethical times of the night. It's not that he didn't want to sleep, he just couldn't. Everything in his brain was always too loud and everything in his body just felt off and uncomfortable. So, like many nights, Etho found himself sitting on the roof of his base, gazing at the twinkling stars above.

Etho could never truly wrap his head around space. He knew that in some unspoken way, those stars connected all the servers, all the different universes of players. Each star was another world filled with new players. He'd seen so many other server worlds but Etho never really understood how they could all be connected under one void of a sky. 

All the stars seemed so small above him. Even though he knew they were vast servers full of life, Etho couldn't help but realize how they all seemed itty bitty from this far away. If a whole world looked like a speck, then how tiny was Etho in the grand scheme of things? He wondered if somewhere out there, someone was looking at the same stars and contemplating the same thing, feeling oh so small.

Etho wondered if he could even make a difference in such a big universe if he was so small. He wondered how many players had even heard his name across the galaxy. If it wasn't many then what's the point of it all? If being so small meant that all of Etho's hard work was too small to be seen than what? And if his giant bases weren't big enough to be seen then how could people ever see Etho himself who's even smaller? He let that thought sit. His brain hummed with a million thoughts. His mind was so loud but the late night was deafeningly quiet.

And then there was Xisumavoid. Flying down onto Etho's roof to check on him.



"It's 3:00 in the morning. What are you doing up here?"

"Just... thinkin." The two sat in silence, the calm atmosphere filling the quietness between them. X sat down next to Etho and looked up at all the galaxies. Gorgeous colonies of stars scattered the sky. Each one alight with the world of some other player. A glorious network of worlds, all for people to enjoy life. Xisuma reveled in it all. As an admin he had seen the void and he'd seen so many places within it. He understood the galaxy in a way no one could. He loved it all. He could tell that Etho longed to understand the universe. Xisuma smiled sadly, his friend could never truly know the cosmos. Etho sat still next to X, eyes fixed on the glittering sky.

"Hey X? Do you ever wonder if we matter? There are just so many servers out there and so many players. Hermitcraft must be just a speck to all of them..." Xisuma sighed and smiled.

"I had a feeling you'd ask that. No matter if we're big or small Etho, we all still matter here. A sky without stars is just darkness, and our existence helps make the night sky shine. Everyone plays a part."

"But if one star was missing, wouldn't that go unnoticed?"

"Maybe, but if one star goes out, plenty will follow suit. And that could cause a chain reaction into losing all of them. I've seen it happen." Etho let his eyes drift closed as he hummed in understanding.

"You're gonna feel small and insignificant Etho. We all do at times. But don't let yourself feel so small that you get lost in the stars. Never lose yourself. Ok?"

"Ok." Etho smiled and leaned his head onto X's shoulder, "thanks." And with that, the two sat and watched the stars fade to welcome the sunrise. And for once, Etho didn't feel so alone.


Just 2 besties contemplating the universe at unethical hours of the night lol

Y'all have any opinions on the 'stars being minecraft servers'? Idk if other people have already come up with that (they probably have) but I thought it might be kinda cool. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

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