Chapter 6

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With a miserable groan, Bill landed face down on his bed, wailing his frustration and exhaustion into his pillows. He couldn't believe he had actually done that; he had actually hired a prostitute. What the hell was wrong with him?

With another moan he looked at his alarm that indicated nearly 3am. Should he take a shower...? He felt so gross. Not because of Tyler, no, definitely not because of that, but because of the sleazy hotel he had been in; god knows what had already happened in that bed. Gross.
But soon he realized he was way too lazy to actually shower, and just stripped down to his underwear and dropped back down on the bed, crawling under the covers after switching off the light.

However, no matter how exhausted he was, he couldn't find enough peace to actually sleep. His mind kept spinning around that damned, cocky hustler; was he developing a crush on him? Seriously? On a hooker? That was so typical. Nice going, he grumbled at himself.

After a restless night, Bill slouched into the kitchen the following morning.

"Good morning," Victor greeted him as he entered.

"Morning," Bill grumbled hoarsely, dropping down in one of the chairs in their small kitchen.

"Want some omelet?" Victor asked, pointing at the pan he was watching over. "I made a bit too much anyway."

"Oh, sure, thanks." Bill nodded, grateful he didn't have to make an elaborate breakfast; he wasn't feeling very active today. Various random muscles ached and he really just wanted to crawl back into bed. Luckily he didn't have to work today. Seriously, how did people have sex and then work the next day – that was crazy. And that even though he hadn't actually had sex... No, he still hadn't done it. A blowjob didn't count as losing your virginity, right? Or did it...? What counted as sex and what was... something else? Who made those rules anyway?

"Are you ok? You look kinda off," Victor noticed with a worried glance while he fetched two plates for them.

"I'm just a bit tired." Bill sighed, resting his head on the table while keeping one eye open to peek at his friend.

Victor chuckled. "Did you go out last night?"

"No. What? No. What are you talking about? Of course not. Why would I go out? No I didn't. Where would I go anyway?" Bill stumbled over his own words, feeling the heat rising in his cheeks.

"...Riiiight..." Victor raised an amused eyebrow. "One more 'No' and I'll be certain you did something illegal last night." he laughed.

"No, I didn't!" Bill almost shrieked, sitting up while trying to force the blush from his face. Was prostitution illegal in California? Bill had no idea because it was a subject he had never been interested in.

"You don't have to get all defensive," Victor grinned.

"I'm not getting defensive!" Bill defended loudly.

"Who's getting defensive about what?" George suddenly appeared in the kitchen door, looking like a hobo; he hadn't combed his hair or shaved in various days, and today it was really beginning to show.

"You look like crap," Bill said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"Thanks, you too," George sighed, sitting down next to him. "How'd it go with Andy?"

"What?" Bill asked confused.

"Who's Andy?" Victor asked curiously, getting another plate for George and splitting the omelet for the three of them.

"Bill's coworker... The one you wanted to meet last night? Or did you go somewhere else?" George asked suspiciously, giving him a sideways smirk.

Victor gave a naughty cackle. "I knew it."

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