Chapter 16

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Just like last time he went to meet Bill, Tyler parked a few corners away and then took a cab to the motel. Just like last time, Bill was standing there smoking, and extinguished the cigarette as soon as Tyler got out of the car and walked towards him. Just like last time, he looked awkward and anxious.

The sudden realization of how much he had missed that shy smile made Tyler highly uncomfortable, but he ignored it and smiled casually. "Hey."

"Hey." Bill smiled in his usual, breathtaking manner.

"Shall we?" Tyler headed towards the door, opening it for Bill who apparently already had the key to 'their' room. 304. The number alone made Tyler's stomach twist in anticipation.

They entered the room in silence, and Bill locked the door behind them just as Tyler shrugged out of his jacket that he placed over the chair, together with the small bag he had brought along.

"What can I do for you today?" On some morbid level, he was enjoying this sick game. It was like some twisted roleplay that Bill didn't know he was part of. Something Tyler had never been into because he considered roleplay to be a total waste of time, but somehow he was really into this thing – whatever it was. Probably because it was with Bill...


"Um..." This was the part Bill had been dreading since he had decided to call Tyler again. How was he supposed to explain what he wanted? "Uh... I thought about what you said the other day... Um... You know... About the whole... that stuff..." This was not going at all the way it was supposed to go.

Tyler raised his eyebrows. "What stuff?"

"You know..." Of course, Tyler didn't know – he had probably already forgotten that conversation... Great. "About me not being... ready for that?" Worst conversation ever.

"Oh. Yeah. What about it?" Tyler asked calmly, leaning a bit against the table, next to that suspicious bag; what the hell was in there?!

"Um... Well..." Bill mumbled awkwardly, looking around the scarce room to avoid looking at Tyler. "I thought... maybe... you could take care of that?"


Tyler stared at him in disbelief; was Bill saying what he thought he was saying?

"Um..." Tyler began slowly, trying to think of what to say.

"How much?" Bill asked softly, giving him one of those intense, eager looks that made Tyler's stomach feel strange.

Tyler groaned in his mind. This was so wrong... He couldn't possibly do this. On the other hand... it was what Bill wanted...

"Hundred an hour." As wrong as this was, he was unable to refuse; he actually wanted this. He had no idea why because it was insane, but lately Bill was what he lived for – this mad game was what he lived for.

Bill smiled, looking both relieved and embarrassed while he searched through his clothes for a hundred-dollar bill which he handed him with an apprehensive look.

Tyler nodded, pushing himself away from the table and grabbing the boy's extended hand, using it to draw him closer while cursing him for the stupid 'no kiss' thing again. How he longed for a kiss right now...

But since that was forbidden, he settled for caressing his cheek while he held him close, inhaling the familiar scent of cigarettes and fruity shampoo; damn, he had missed him.
Bill didn't object the gesture at all, burying his face in Tyler's neck and snuggling against him.


Bill was so glad the hustler had gotten into their game right away; the man was getting so good at it Bill would have bought it if he didn't know it was all fake. But he didn't care because Tyler made him feel amazing and that was all he cared for. At the end of the day, who really cared that it was all make-believe... For one hour a week he could have what he really wanted, and that was all that mattered.

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