Chapter 22

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Bill's heart beat to his throat as he looked at Tyler's uncertain expression.

"Um..." The hustler said hesitantly before composing himself and smiling tiredly. "Don't forget to wash the toy when you get home."

"Oh." Bill tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice but wasn't sure he had managed it. "Yeah. I will." He nodded as he turned away. Had it just been his impression, or had Tyler wanted to say something entirely different?

As Bill reached his car, he turned around again to look, but the man was just exiting the parking lot without looking back, and a moment later he disappeared around the corner. Bill got into his car with a sigh, leaning back for a few moments to stare at the wall in front of his car as if it would have all the answers.
Earlier he had been so sure of his plan to somehow get to know the other man better, but now he wasn't so certain anymore. What if this whole thing was just a total waste of money and time? Maybe he really would be better off with Andy... Even if Andy wouldn't be so good in bed – it's not as if that was so important to Bill anyway. When the hustler had asked him what he wanted, Bill's initial instinct was to say a relationship because that was what he had always wanted, but obviously that wasn't going to happen – at least not with Tyler.

Bill whined indignantly, leaning his head on the steering wheel; but he wanted it so badly! He was crazy about the damn hooker, and earlier when they had gone out to eat, the man hadn't refused – that had to be a good sign, right? 'Or maybe it was just a sign that he was hungry, idiot,' Bill sneered at himself, rolling his eyes.

He needed a smoke. Defeated, Bill opened the car door and lit himself a cigarette. This was a total waste of money. Tomorrow he would ask Andy out and forget all about Tyler.

The following day, Bill had the afternoon shift at the Koi and was, as ever, late.

"Bill!" Li Jing yelled angrily as he hurried into the kitchen, tying his apron. "Why you late again?"

"I'm sorry," Bill apologized as he began with the piled up orders; he had been practicing with his band and completely forgotten the time – like always. "It won't happen again, boss. Please don't cut my pay, I really need it," Bill pleaded miserably.

"Ah, Bill!" Li Jing scowled at him, but before she could say anything else, one of the waiters rushed in with some type of emergency and she walked away, shaking her head while muttering something in Chinese. Did that mean she was cutting his payment or not?

Bill sighed, tossing the vegetables into the wok. This was a terrible start to his week.

By the time his shift was up, however, Bill had changed his mind about asking Andy out. Andy wasn't at all what he wanted, and the only reason he had wanted to ask him out last night was because he had been lonely and desperate for a boyfriend, but once he had really thought about it, he came to the realization that dating Andy for the lack of a better option was a stupid idea; he didn't want to be one of those people who settled for the next best thing because they were tired of being alone. Even though he was really super tired of being alone.

And so, he went home that evening without asking Andy out. Maybe he should call Tyler and ask to see him... Did Tyler even work during the week? But they had only seen each other yesterday – Bill didn't have enough money to see him so often. Though his father had sent him money... But should he really blow it all right away? He needed to pay rent. And food.

Bill groaned tiredly as he unlocked the door to his shared apartment, kicking his shoes off and locking the door again after letting himself in. Though he was really exhausted and just wanted to fall into bed and pass out, he stopped on his way as he saw Victor sitting in the kitchen, eating from a large bowl of ice cream.

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