Chapter 20

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With a shaky breath, Bill unlocked room 304, dropping his bag next to the chair.

"So," the hustler said gently, shrugging out of his jacket the way he always did. "What can I do for you today?"

Bill swallowed thickly. "Um... Well... Can we continue where we left off last time?" This wasn't actually his ultimate plan, but he would wait until later. Mostly because he didn't know how to bring it across and because he was scared that the man would refuse; maybe this was as far as he would go, so he might as well spend an hour with him now before the man walked away.

Tyler chuckled. "Where we left off last time... I thought Paul would take over that, so you wouldn't be wasting your money," he said with a wicked grin that made Bill's stomach feel funny.

"Oh uh... um... yes... well... I haven't really... um..." Oh god. Bill groaned internally.

"Haven't really made friends with Paul yet?" The hustler raised an amused eyebrow.

Bill laughed embarrassed. "Not really... I-I... well I... um... I would much rather prefer it if... um..." Bill wanted to die. He was certain the man knew exactly what he was trying to say and was just torturing him for his own entertainment.

Awkwardly, he stalked over to his shoulder bag to retrieve the brown paper bag in which he had hidden the toys, which he hesitantly held out to the amused hustler.


Tyler was trying to contain his laughter at the stuttering kid handing him the bag. Last time he had been with him he had been so sure he never wanted to see him again, but now that he was here again... This was all he wanted. Even if this whole thing was ridiculous and mad. Was Bill seriously expecting him to use the toys? Was Tyler even into that...? Despite having bought them, he had never actually used one because it seemed like such a waste of time – cuz seriously, what did he really get out of using a toy on someone?
And on himself... no way; he'd rather just have sex. He wasn't even sure if that turned him on or not... Maybe?

Whatever, right now was Bill's time. He was still mumbling something and fidgeting around with his manicured fingers, but Tyler didn't need to hear his words to know what he wanted; and the worst part was that he much preferred it that way too. To his great amazement, he discovered himself happy that Bill hadn't 'played' alone yet. Why, was far beyond him. It was juvenile and silly, and yet he couldn't shake the delighted feeling.

With two steps, he stood next to the nervous kid and pulling him close with a hand on the nape of his neck, nearly kissing him only to remember he wasn't allowed to. But what was that look in the boy's eyes? He looked so... hopeful? Expectant? Eager? Did he want to be kissed...? Should Tyler dare?

Closing his eyes, he pulled the boy closer, burying his face in his hair instead; no. He couldn't. What if he was misreading the signs and Bill didn't want this? He was too scared to screw it up again; a feeling that almost made him laugh.

Instead, he tossed the bag on the bed and clawed his way under the boy's tight shirt, pushing it up to reveal the breathtaking figure that had been his only road to completion in the past weeks that he had spent in bed with someone else; why he had done that was still beyond him. He had regretted every single time... It was hilarious. He felt guilty for having had sex with someone other than the person who was paying him... What was his life coming to?!

It wasn't long before Bill's cold, thin fingers found their way to Tyler's hair and raked through it; something the kid was obviously very fond it, and to Tyler's great surprise, didn't bother him as much as it usually always had. As long as it was Bill touching him, he didn't care where or how it was.


Though Bill was vastly disappointed the man hadn't kissed him, he soon got lost in the warmth of his body and impatiently tugged on the hustler shirt; why was he still wearing that? That needed to go.

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