Chapter 17

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Angrily, Tyler slammed the door to his apartment. Why was he so upset? He should feel triumphant, shouldn't he? Bill was finally out of his system. Wasn't he...?

If he was, then why was he feeling like this?

Never in his entire life had he felt so desolate. He felt shallow and empty, as if someone had ripped a part of him away, but he had no idea which part. What was happening to him? Was this part of his early-life crisis? Maybe he should seek out a therapist...

He felt as if his entire life were falling apart and there was nothing he could do about it. As if everything he had ever thought he wanted and needed, turned out to have been wrong. He had always been so carefree, easygoing and mostly satisfied with his life, but now... now he felt as if it was all irrelevant and he was missing the most essential piece but couldn't recognize which one it was. And without that piece, the rest made no sense either.


Exhausted, Bill dropped down on his bed that night, staring up at the ceiling. Things had actually gone the way he had wanted, so why was he not feeling good about it?

Oh right, because he was in love with a hustler who couldn't care less about him. But maybe he could change it? After all, there was a person behind the hustler, who also had to have feelings of some kind, right? Maybe he would gradually manage to uncover those... He just needed to be patient.

Nodding at himself, Bill sat cross-legged on his bed and opened the bag that contained a small, black-red box. Curiously, he opened it and gave a quiet shriek; inside was a small, bright green vibrator shaped like a caterpillar. It had a smiley face... And there was a handwritten note next to it.

I'm Paul
I want to be your friend
Play with me!

Bill stared at the note, torn between shock and amusement.

Very hesitantly, he took the vibrator out of the box to inspect it closer. He had never held a sex toy before. It was quite small, with a smooth surface and black base.
Bill swallowed drily, putting it back into the box and stuffing it into the bag, only to notice something else inside: another box and a bottle of lubricant.
He took out the other box that had another note taped to it.

Use me first

Bill opened the box that contained a purple bead chain... Was this what he thought it was...?!
The first two beads were very small; the next two slightly bigger, about as thick as his fingers; the next two another bit bigger; and so on, ten beads in total, with the last two being about as thick as Paul.

It actually seemed like a very good way to get... started. Weren't it for the fact that Bill would really prefer Tyler to do that, rather than a toy... Of course, the toy would be way cheaper, but he was so not ready to play with this, no matter how cute they looked and no matter how turned on he still was from the events of the earlier night.

Instead, Bill jerked off like normal people, took a shower and then went to bed. Paul would have to wait. A very long time.

Bill's week continued normally, taken up by classes, an exam he failed, music, and cooking at the Koi. The only thing he was doing was waiting for the weekend so he would get his paycheck on Friday and could squander it on Tyler on Saturday... This was what his life had been reduced to.
Maybe he really should take a closer look at Paul...


Lazily, Tyler nibbled around on a pencil, avoiding the pile of work on his desk. He'd had a terrible week and couldn't wait for the weekend to roll around so he could go out, get wasted and fuck someone.

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