Chapter 15

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Bill's sad melancholy had the one upside that he finally managed to give his songs that 'color' they had been missing. Over the next week, he spent most of his free time rewriting and expanding their songs that somehow miraculously fell into place. Their songs had a more dramatic, poetic touch to them, which Bill really liked, making them sound more mature and epic.

"So Bill, did you bring me your CD?" Andy asked once they were finally done with their shift on Friday evening.

"I did!" he said enthusiastically, searching for it in his shoulder bag. "Here it is." He handed Andy the CD, which even had a name already.

"Ah yes, the long awaited CD! Finally it's here!" Andy said solemnly, waving it around while Bill laughed. "I'm going to listen to it as soon as I get home. Unless... Do we go out for a drink? It's Friday," he pointed out with a bright smile.

"I can't..." Bill said hesitantly. He actually wanted to call Tyler and see if they could meet up again. He knew he was being crazy, but now he also knew what he wanted and was ready to squander the little savings he had on it. "Maybe tomorrow?" He asked hopefully; he really liked Andy and did want to be friends with him. Hopefully he wasn't leading him on?

"Alright, cool. I'll see you tomorrow for the afternoon shift then." Andy smiled and waved as he got on his Vespa and then drove off into the night.

Bill just nodded, more to himself, torn between excitement over the CD, and slight dejection because the CD was actually not as good as he wished it would be; their songs were so much better now than they had been when they recorded it, so maybe it hadn't been all that wise to give it to him, but he was so impatient and another recording appointment would take another month or longer. Damn his impatience.

Once he finally got home, he immediately went to his room and called Tyler: hopefully he wouldn't be busy despite it already being 11:43.


Utterly bored, Tyler watched people dancing, drinking and generally having fun while he moped around in his corner, still sipping the same beer he had ordered an hour ago; it was lukewarm and tasted terrible by now. Gross...
Every once in a while, a random girl would flirt with him from across the dancefloor, but every time he looked away to indicate he had no interest tonight. He was depressed because he actually wanted to be with Bill, but the fact that it was so, angered him beyond reason; that stupid kid was ruining his life.

He had come tonight to find a cheap lay, but no matter how many attractive people walked by him, none managed to capture his interest – not even for one night.

Bored and unnerved, he finally downed the remains of his drink and got up, ignoring all the flirtatious winks and smiles he got on the way to the door where the valet finally handed him his keys so he could go home; tonight had been a total waste of time.

Somewhere on the drive home, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, but he was too annoyed to pick up so he just let it ring – whatever it was, he could deal with it tomorrow.

Finally, at around midnight, he got home, feeling completely exhausted despite not having had a rough day – why was he so tired? He hadn't done anything, or gotten up particularly early. He felt as if he were just tired of life. He wanted something else... But what? Why was he suddenly so unhappy?

With a heavy sigh, he kicked his shoes off, leaving them lying randomly in the anteroom – something he usually never did because he was a neat freak – and then headed to the living room to pour himself a drink; he wanted to get wasted and forget about Bill.

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