Chapter 28

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Due to the earlier events, Bill hadn't found the time to call Tyler, so once he finally came around to it, it was close to midnight and he had a missed call from him. Should he call now? What if he was working? Then he probably wouldn't pick up so it really didn't matter...
Every time he thought about Tyler with some other guy, his insides began to burn with jealousy. Should he tell him to stop? But with what excuse? Could Tyler even get out of that so easily? Bill had no idea what the man's motivations were for what he did, or what his situation in life was.
What he did know, was that there had to be some reason Tyler had sex with others for money – either because he really needed the money, or because he enjoyed it. Both were very bad things for Bill.

Nevertheless, he called Tyler once he finally finished his shift and allowed himself a smoke behind the restaurant before going home. He wanted to tell him that they would be going to Thompson Records tomorrow. He'd rather tell him in person, but he doubted the man would have time to see him right now. Plus it was really late and Bill had classes in the morning. He so needed to quit college.

Unfortunately, Tyler never picked up, so Bill drove home feeling miserable; he was probably with a client somewhere... having sex... Stupid hustler.

Though Bill intended to go straight to bed as he reached home, he found Victor in the kitchen, eating brownies.

"Did you make those?" Bill asked in disbelief; the entire apartment smelled like brownies. Since when did Victor bake?

"Yeah." Victor lifted a brownie-mix package as he saw Bill's disbelief.

"Oh." Bill laughed with a nod. "Can I have one?" A healthy dose of sugar was exactly what he needed right now.

"Help yourself. I made way too much anyway." The drummer gestured at a large tray. "And there's some more in the oven."

Bill sat down next to his friend at the table and took a warm brownie off the tray. "I don't suppose we got any whipped cream, right?"

"No," Victor whined, "I also wanted some."

"Mhm. So..." Bill began. "Are we sitting here, eating sweets in the middle of the night again because of guys?"

"Yeah," Victor confirmed with a nod, taking another bite from his brownie.

"You start, since you made the brownies," Bill offered with a small chuckle, and Victor groaned.

"No, you start because I think George is still awake and if he hears me talking about him I will kill myself," he mumbled while Bill laughed a bit; Vic could be so dramatic when he wanted to be.

"Okay well... um... ugh. Tyler's a hooker – what else can I say?" Bill grumbled, stuffing his mouth with brownies.

"Have you guys talked about it?"

"No, I've avoided the subject at all costs... But we kissed recently!" Bill almost squealed; he was so torn between happiness and misery.

Victor looked surprised. "You hadn't kissed yet?" he asked in disbelief.

"No... We just... did other stuff..." Bill mumbled, feeling himself blush while Victor grinned wickedly.

"I see."

"Shut up!" Bill laughed giving him a soft kick under the table before he remembered his misery again. "But ugh! I hate the fact that he's always with other guys... Just thinking about it drives me nuts... How the hell do people deal with this? I mean... other prostitutes also have boyfriends or something, don't they?! How can they live like that?" Bill groaned, taking a second brownie from the plate.

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