Chapter 18

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Saturday after breakfast, Bill decided to clean up his room, since he didn't have to work today. He was totally hungover from yesterday, and really just wanted a calm day during which he would eventually call Tyler. But it was still too early for that... How long did Tyler sleep? He usually worked late so he'd probably not be up before lunch, right?

Sighing, Bill stuffed all his clothes back into his tiny closet that was way too small for all of them. He needed a bigger closet. And more clothes. But that was out of the question because he was beyond broke – he didn't even know how to pay next month's groceries. Maybe he could ask his parents for something...? Ugh, he hated asking his parents for money. They always wanted to know about his grades and he generally avoided that.

Sweeping all the dustbunnies out from under his bed, he came across the paper bag containing... Paul. Hesitantly, he opened the bag, taking out the small box with the silly note.
He decided to leave cleaning for later and unpacked the toy, turning it over in his hand. It was small and adorable, and not at all the kind of toy Bill would have ever bought. Not that he would have bought any at all, but if, then certainly not one with a cute smiley. It was just wrong to put poor Paul up his... No way.

Bill shook his head in disbelief; what had Tyler been thinking by giving him this?! Sure it was funny but... was he seriously supposed to use that...? Despite it being quite small, Bill wasn't sure he was comfortable with that size; though Paul was very short, he was a bit too... thick for Bill's taste.
Of course there was also that bead chain... But...

Bill looked into the bag suspiciously. The bead chain was a lot better. It was far more neutral. Maybe he should... No. What was he thinking!

Shaking his head again, he turned his attention back to Paul. Carefully he turned the base, causing the toy to begin vibrating softly; seriously? Tyler had already included the batteries?! Bill shook his head once more, though he was strangely intrigued. Apparently Paul had 8 different vibrations, ranging from very soft to very strong. He even had a 'turbo' button... Well, that was just wrong.

Just as Bill was about to turn Paul off to put him away again, Victor suddenly opened the door, startling Bill so much he dropped the vibrator that rolled around the floor, making weird vibrating sounds.

Victor had his mouth open, apparently with the intention to say something, but ended up just staring at the green toy. "I... uh..." he stuttered, finally tearing his eyes away from it and looking at Bill. "Lunch is ready," he finally brought out, shutting the door firmly.

"Oh god," Bill whispered into the empty room, closing his eyes and wishing he could die right now. Victor must think he's a total perv... Wonderful.

After a few seconds of being utterly embarrassed, Bill quickly grabbed Paul to turn him off and hide him before making his way into the kitchen where his bandmates were already eating lunch. Victor avoided looking at him, and Bill avoided looking at Victor.

"Is everything okay?" George asked after a few silent moments of awkward lunch.

"Fine," Victor and Bill said in unison, freaking George even more out.

"Okay then..." he said slowly, shrugging.

The quick lunch passed in total silence, and as soon as he was done, Bill returned to his room with the excuse that he needed to keep cleaning.

'Most awkawrd lunch ever!' He couldn't believe Victor had just seen him with a sex toy... So embarrassing! Damn Tyler and his perverted toys!

Bill spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning his room and rearranging all his music notes that were a total mess, before sitting down next to his bed to try and write a bit, but it wasn't progressing as well as he had hoped. He missed Tyler and really wanted to talk to him... Yes, talk, not just screw around... Damn.

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