Chapter 8

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Tyler groaned as he opened his eyes, trying to ignore the stabbing headache as he rolled over to his side to check his watch; it was nearly 9 a.m. and the sun shone in through the thin curtains. Squinting, he looked around the messed-up room that looked as if a bomb had gone off in it. The furniture lay scattered everywhere, curtains had been pulled from their rails, lamps were broken and clothes covered the entire floor. For a moment he pitied the maids who had to clean this place.
With a groggy groan, he freed himself from the two girls that clung to him like an octopus, and crawled towards the edge of the giant bed that hosted various people he had never seen before. Somewhere on the upside-down couch he spotted Nathan, sprawled out like a dead cat, his limbs sticking out in random directions; it looked very uncomfortable but Nathan seemed to be sleeping profoundly anyway.

Just like the bed, the room contained a few strangers that Tyler couldn't identify, but carelessly stepped over while he searched for his clothes. His head was throbbing and he could only remember half of the events from last night; it had been quite a while since he'd drank so much, and judging by the white, powdery remains on the glass coffee table, alcohol wasn't the only poison in his body right now.

Parties like these had accompanied him through his entire college life, and even various years after, though they had become rather scarce lately, and now he knew why. He felt like crap, and they weren't half as satisfying as they used to be. A few years ago, parties like these were what he lived for, but somehow it just didn't give him enough anymore; was he getting old...?
He certainly felt like it. Ten years ago a night like that barely bothered him and he went to class as if nothing, but the older he got, the worse he felt in the morning. He was definitely getting old....

The thought made Tyler growl darkly; it's not like he was that old, but he felt as if he were hitting a midlife crisis anyway, and the fact that wild nights couldn't satisfy him anymore, bothered him. He wanted to be able to party endlessly and have nothing on his mind – no unfulfilled desires or wishes. Unfortunately, he had no idea what those desires and wishes were, or how to satisfy them. Maybe he was just naturally insatiable.

It took him nearly 10 minutes to distinguish which clothes were his, but once he thought he had found most of his things, he got dressed, stealing someone else's sock because he only managed to find one of his own, and then quietly exited the hotel suite, not bothering to wake Nathan; he could find his own way home. At this point he was just cranky, tired and his head hurt, so he wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep for at least 12 hours straight.

Wobbly, he stalked to his car, not certain he was in any condition to drive right now; perhaps he should take a cab or call Peter.
Once he managed to unlock his car, he dropped into the driver's seat, feeling like a sack of sand, before he managed to get enough strength to search for his phone in the glove compartment; he would just call Peter.

Just like every time he was away from his phone for a few hours, there were countless missed calls and messages that he couldn't care for right now, so he just scrolled down to Peter's number, hoping he was somewhere close by.

"Hello?" Peter's voice echoed loudly through the phone, making him cringe with the feeling that his head was about to explode.

"Pick me up," Tyler groaned, covering his eyes with his hand to shield them from the merciless morning sun.

"What? Where?" Peter asked.

"God, stop yelling," Tyler groaned.

"I'm not yelling... Where are you?" Peter sighed.

"I don't know..." Tyler looked around, not having paid attention which hotel he'd been in. "At the Ritz," he mumbled and hung up, not bothering to hear Peter's jarring reply.

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