Chapter 13

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Bill lay back down with the hustler leaning above him, just a few inches away from his face; this was the perfect moment to kiss him. 'Do it!' Bill yelled at himself, but of course he was too coward, and so the man leaned further down, kissing along his shoulder instead. Bill growled at himself.

The gentle kisses continued, and soon Bill had forgotten all about his earlier fright. Unlike earlier, Tyler moved slowly and gently, covering his body with light kisses that gave him goosebumps and made his stomach flutter. Bill wished so much he hadn't said that ridiculous thing about the kissing...


So maybe this wasn't what Tyler had planned for tonight, but then again... When did his plans regarding Bill ever really work?

Slow and romantic wasn't something Tyler did a lot, but he found he didn't mind at all. It gave him time to actually appreciate the boy's natural beauty; something he never bothered to do with other people - mostly because they weren't that beautiful. Or sensitive... or sensual... or generally enticing.

Hungrily, he licked along the boy's sensitive neck, up to his ear on which he nibbled tentatively, inhaling the soft scent of shampoo that clung to the boy's long, dyed hair.

What were they going to do tonight...? Did Bill want them to have sex? Or just... another blowjob? It wasn't really what Tyler wanted, but he would go along with it anyway; it was a lot better than not being with him at all, and if the kid wanted to move at the speed of a glacier coming down a mountain, Tyler would comply.

While he was still considering his next move, Bill's delicate fingers slowly traced up his arm, causing Tyler to lift his head to look at him; the boy was staring up with a slightly nervous smile, as his hand eventually reached Tyler's shoulder, giving him a gentle push to the side. Tyler rolled over to lie on his back, slightly surprised at the change of position; Bill had initially given off the impression that he just wanted to lay there, but apparently not.

After a second of hesitation, the black haired boy leaned over him in a similar fashion to the way Tyler had leaned above him earlier, and gave him another unsure glance; Tyler just smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way. He didn't know what Bill wanted to do, but they had agreed on just being themselves... It was so weird.

Usually he knew what the other person intended, but here everything moved so slowly... With so many questions and shy looks... It was impossible for Tyler to determine where they were ultimately headed.

Warily, Bill ran a shaky hand along Tyler's sides, and then lowered his head to tentatively kiss his shoulder.

Tyler couldn't even remember the last time things had moved so slowly and innocently. He must have been around 13 or so - if ever at all.

But apparently Bill wasn't in a hurry, because he continued his exploring, shy kisses along his collarbone and up to his neck, while his hand became a bit more assertive, groping up and down Tyler's chest and side.

Obviously this boy was of the playful kind, because very soon he began to nibble and suck around on his neck; that would so leave a hicky. Damnit. Tyler hated it when people left him 'marked', and always told them to make sure not to leave any visible bruises on him, but right now he couldn't be bothered.


The fact that the hustler's breathing was increasing a bit encouraged Bill, and the whole sucking-around-thing was actually a lot of fun. The skin of the man's neck was so soft, and Bill loved how it felt against his tongue and lips; it was really different from what he had imagined.

As he lifted his head a bit, he noticed the bruise he had left behind on Tyler's skin. It was the first time Bill had ever given someone a love bite; it was actually very fascinating. Especially because the hustler didn't have any others - why not? Did no one else... do that?

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