Chapter 1

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I woke up to a very annoying beeping. Opening my eyes ever so slightly, I throw my hand on top of the snooze button. I then attempt to fall back asleep, until a blonde man walks into the room.

"Oh hell no. Wake up, I didn't get to sleep in, so neither should you!"

I look at him, attempting to wake my brain up. He had longer hair for a guy, and his eyes were a vivid shade of Weezer blue. He was half dressed, with black jeans, socks, and a pair of converse that looked like they've been through multiple wars. He had a green toothbrush in one of his hands, and a black jacket in the other.

"Stop staring at me, get your ass up for school before mom tells you too." he said, placing the toothbrush in his mouth.

Shit. I forgot all about school. I stop and look at the computer on my desk, evidence of my sad attempt to finish all of my summer work in a single night. I force myself up and grab my laptop to shove in my backpack. Walking over to the closet, I open the doors and pick up the first stack of clothes I see. After putting them on, I walk to the mirror. I look in it to take in the person the reflection told me I was. It told me that I was tired. Very tired.

It was right.

Ignoring how tired I looked, I picked up my hairbrush. As I attempt to pull it through the fluffy blonde mess that is my hair, the man walks in again. This time, he's fully dressed.

He leans against the door, watching me. His outfit consisted of mostly black, with little pops of colour. He was wearing the jacket that was in his hand earlier. Underneath the jacket, he wore an ICP shirt and a chain around his neck with a red guitar pic on it. He still wore the same pants and shoes as before, but now you could tell there was stuff in the pockets.

"What do you want dude? Im kinda busy here." I asked. He laughed to himself a bit over the obvious war i was having with my hair.

"Mom told me to tell you that there's 5 minutes till pancakes are done. Now hurry the fuck up princess." he replied, earning a middle finger from me. He then turns to walk away, then looks back at me.

"Im gonna tell mooooooommmmmm!"he laughs.

"Oh, fuck you Alex." I say as I smile at my older brother. I should probably go down anyway. Putting down the brush, I take a quick look in the mirror. My hair was long, blonde, and frizzy; and no matter what I did it stayed that way. My eyes were a shade similar to my brother's, a family trait. My ears had a few peircings, but nothing too extreme. Around my neck lay two necklaces. The first, held close to my throat, was a little white mushroom. the second was a guitar pic; similar to the one my brother has, but blue.

Back when we were kids, our father had taken us to California to see his old band mates. Whilst we were there, we got back a bunch of his stuff. He let us both pick a guitar pic to keep; I chose blue, Alex chose red. Honestly, that was the most fun I'd ever had. Last summer, however, we barely did anything. All that happened was that dad lost his shit because his company found his work 'unsatisfactory', so he was told to get a new job. His dumbass saw this as an opportunity to move west to see his old friends, who had started touring without him. This led to him starting to look for jobs, until he finally found a construction one in South Park. New job means moving again, all so he could get a job in a shitty little mountain town where the rent is cheap and the pay is low.

He's managed to keep this job for about a month and a half now, and everyone is so proud of him for doing the bare minimum. I'd honestly be happier if he'd stop trying to avoid doing work. Every time he gets told to do something, its always 'I dont think that's necessary' or 'what's the point of doing that?'. I dont know dad, maybe they want you to paint the bookshelf because its a fucking library?


I should probably get to breakfast.

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