Chapter 5

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Stan's POV:

I ran out of the classroom, leaving Jade behind. I probably shouldn't have ran out like that, but Kyle was my priority right now! 

-Quick Flashback-

I was laughing with Kyle in front of the bus stop. He was doubled over laughing at a joke I told, but it wasn't even that funny. His laughing made me laugh, which made him laugh harder. He looked up at me and we made eye contact. Kyle looked so happy. His green eyes were bright and sparkling. His light skin flushed ever so slightly. His hat was slightly falling off his head, exposing more of his beautiful red curls. That's when I felt it. 

I'm about to throw up. 

A wave of quick panic ran over me. What was I going to do?? Kyle is right in front of me, I can't throw up on him! Plus, I'm pretty sure he already knows what me throwing up means! What am I going to do??????

That's when god blessed me with an outburst from Cartman. 


This led to Kyle turning around at lightning speed in order to yell at him, giving me the perfect  opportunity to throw up in a bush by the stop. I've never felt so lucky. I could keep this a secret, and never have anyone know how I actually felt about my Super Best Friend. 

Then the bus pulled up. I didn't want to sit by Kyle just in case it happened again; I couldn't take risks when it came to these kinds of things. This meant I had to sit with Wendy, my old ex-girlfriend. 

Wendy and I officially broke up in 5th grade, but we both thought it was a good idea. She came up to me, saying she needed to tell me something. That was when she told me that she was polysexual, and had a major crush on one of her friends. She said it wouldn't be fair to me if we continued a relationship, and that maybe I should 'explore my options.' At first, I didn't know what she meant, but later I realized that she must've seen how lovingly I looked at Kyle. 

-End of Flashback-

I ran top speed through the halls, searching for Kyle. I had to find him! I had no idea where he was, so I checked the bathrooms. He often skips homeroom and comes to the bathrooms. Despite being so studious, he absolutely hates that class. It might be the fact that the teacher is bitchy, or it could be that Cartman is in that class. Whatever the reason, he's usually hiding in one of the bathroom stalls. Kyle usually stays in the stall farthest to the left, so I checked there first. Sure enough, he was in there, crying. 

I knocked on the door. "Kyle?"

He immediately froze. He then went and stood on top of the toilet to hide his feet. This didn't work out well because of how tall he was. The top of his green hat peeked out over the top of the stall. 

"Kyle, I can see your hat over the stall." I say, slightly amused at his futile attempt to hide.

He then grabbed the sides of his hat and pushed it down onto his head, attempting to hide it.

"Ky, can you please open the door?"


"I want to talk to you. Face-to-face."

I heard shuffling, a click, and then the door swung open. Kyle looks up at me from the bathroom floor with puffy red eyes. I walked into the stall and locked the door behind me. After doing so, I slide to the floor beside him. Kyle was trying to force himself to stop crying, whilst failing miserably. He then takes a deep breath in, and turns to face me.



Kyle looks directly into my eyes, allowing me to see all the pain he's going through. He's showing me nothing but his true, raw emotions. All his pain and sadness leaking from his eyes in the form of salty tears. He blinks back tears again, looks away, and takes another deep breath. 

"Promise you'll be honest with me."

"I promise Ky. I'll tell you the truth and nothing else."

He then locks eyes with me and the question spills from his lips.

"Do you still love her?"

I look at him in confusion. I had no idea what he was talking about. Love a girl? I hadn't loved a girl since....

"You mean Wendy?" I ask, and he nods his head in slight embarrassment. He then grabs his legs and starts hugging his knees.

"No." I say confidently. Kyle looks up at me and just for just a second, I see a small spark of hope in his eyes. That spark disappeared as quick as it came. 

"Then why did you sit with her this morning?" Kyle asks, his depressive mood swinging back into control. "You left me with fucking Cartman." he said, more tears slipping out.

Shit. What am I supposed to tell him?? Just 'Oh yeah, sorry I didn't sit with you, its because you're so beautiful and hot I throw up every time I see you.'???

I look into the beautiful green eyes I adore as I searched my brain for an answer I could tell him. Wait... I think I have an idea....

"You know how my dad has a ton of pot?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says, sniffling.

"Wendy wanted a share of it, but she couldn't meet up after school, so we did an exchange on the bus." I tell him, searching his eyes to see if he believes me. Thankfully, it looks like he understands.

"That makes sense." he says, letting go of his knees. Kyle then turns to me and holds out his arms, motioning for a hug. 

I smile an gladly embrace my Super Best Friend.

Kyle grips me tightly and pulls me close. He then moves his mouth right next to my ear and whispers: "You still left me with Cartman though."

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