Chapter 10

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Jade's POV:

I smiled proudly at my notebook. Page after page of my notebook displayed notes from season one of Jersey Shore. All the names perfectly highlighted, and all the drama written wonderfully legible. Other than Mr. Garrison's slightly off-topic comments about how 'Snooki is the real whore here, but you know, fuck my opinion!', his lectures weren't too boring. 

Behind me, I could hear Tweek mumbling and a voice attempting to calm him down. Curious, I turned around to see that the boy in the blue chullo hat had moved his desk next to Tweek's. When the boy saw I was looking at him, he flipped me off. Not the joking-like kind where you put out your thumb too, a full-on fuck you middle finger. His face remained stoic and emotionless.


I turned around quickly, wondering what his problem was. Someone must have taken hours out of their day to shove a stick that far up his ass. 

The bell rang once again, signaling for everyone to head to 4th period. 

"Okay, bell rang. Get the fuck out." Mr. Garrison said in a sassy tone. 

I shoved myself out the door to look for room 214, and realized I'd have to go upstairs. I sped through the hall, towards the staircase. It was rusty and old, yet sturdy. My shoes made a terrible screech noise with every step.

I made it to the top of the stairs to see my last class right in front of me. 'Ms. Nelson' was written on the door in bright magenta letters. I opened the door to run face-to-face with the boy with crutches.

"Sorry!" I said quickly. 

"That's o-oka.. That's o-kaaa... That's o-okay!" He replied, with a bad stutter. It was a little hard to understand him, but he was still able to get his point across. I opened the door a little more for him, and he gave me a smile. I walked into the room to see the teacher, presumably Ms. Nelson, standing at the chalkboard.

"No seating chart, Just find a seat."

I did as I was told, taking a seat at the far right once again. Kid after kid walked in the room, filling all the spaces. First, middle-finger man sat in front of me; and then others started to fill the free spaces. Kyle was in front of me, diagonally, Stan was behind him, and behind Stan was Kenny. The seat behind me was empty. At least, it was. 

Ten minutes into class, there was a small click behind me. It freaked me out. My head snapped back to see what made the noise, and I saw a small door. It was cracked open slightly, and Red had her head sticking out. I gave her a look that clearly said 'what the fuck, Red?', and she put a finger to her mouth. She slipped through the door, and sat in the seat behind me. She pulled out a piece of paper, scribbled on it quickly, and gave it to me.

'I had something to do. This classroom is connected to an empty one, so I slipped through the connecter door.'

I looked at it, looked at her, than wrote. 

'What did you do???'

I slipped it back to her, and then took a look around while waiting for a reply. 

Fuck, Cartman's here. 

Cartman was beside Stan, and kept throwing little things at Kyle. Kyle was obviously getting pissed, and Stan was playing with strands of curly red hair that escaped Kyle's hat. He seemed  mesmerized by the colour and texture of it, as it if it was a new material he just discovered.  I felt a poke behind me, and Red gave me an answer.

'You'll see later ;)'

I gave her another look of confusion and sighed, giving up. I then turned to watch a pissed-off redhead, a fat fuck, and a lovesick animal in their natural habitat.

Kyle was grabbing his desk so tightly to the point that his already pale knuckles bleached even lighter. Stan seemed to notice and hesitated a moment before grabbing one of Kyle's elbows, pulling it back slightly, and making one of his hands let go of the desk. Kyle looked back a second to see that it was just Stan, and surrendered his arm. Stan pulled it back further, so that he could hold Kyle's hand under the desk. I could've sworn I saw a light blush on both of their faces, and then Cartman whispered something. Kyle instantly turned to him, bitch slapped him, turned to Stan, and smiled quickly.

Kyle's POV:

Fucking fatass. Why did he have to whisper that to me at that moment?? Stan could've heard! Calling me a fag, goddamn it. I don't care, he can call me whatever he wants, but not that. Not while he's here. I look around to see who is in the class. I was in the front row because South Park classes are small. On my right was Craig Tucker, our school's first confirmed homosexual. He was also the first to know my gay little secret.

-Flashback to the previous year-

I was walking through the halls of South Park High. It was freshman year, and the final bell had rung. I was alone at the moment because Stan hadn't come to school today, Kenny was sick, and there was no chance in hell I was going to walk with Cartman. From behind me, I heard the rhythmic tapping of someone walking behind me. 

"Hey Broflovski, can I talk to you?" a voice asked from behind me. I turned to see that the voice belonged to none other than Craig Tucker.

"Yeah sure, what do you need?" I ask, not particularly happy that someone was delaying my leave from school.

"Are you gay?"

I froze. Well shove a gerbil up my ass, he knows. I looked him dead in the eyes and asked him why he was asking.

"I can't tell you that, now are you gay or not?" he said in this monotone voice. 

"I'll answer when you tell me why." I said, thinking that was the safest answer.

"So you are?"

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" I said, feeling my cheeks warm slightly. He smiled ever so slightly .

"Good, now Tweek owes me $15! Now answer this, are you gay for Stan?? I could use some money to get Stripe a new cage"

"FUCK YOU TUCKER!" I said as I slipped past him and out the door. 

-End flashback- 

I still stand by my words. Fuck him. The day after that, he posted a bunch of pictures on his Coonstagram of Stripe and her new cage. I looked up the price of the cage he bought, and it was $200. Do the math, and assuming that he was broke before, that means he and Tweek had a bet of at least $185 that I liked Stan. That's kind of fucked up.

Behind Craig the gaylord, there was the blonde girl from earlier. I think her name was Jade or something. She wore a black hat with lime trim, and a matching coat. On her legs were tight blue jeans, and she had converse on her feet. Her nose was pointed, she had soft eyebrows, and she wore a little bit of makeup. Her eyes were Weezer blue, like Stan's, but not as pretty. Stan's eyes are big and bright, and they shine when you talk to him. When his eyes shine, he smiles big. His smile is as contagious as tuberculosis, if not more. Everything about him is beautiful, from his attitude to his greasy ass hair. 

And I just went on another rant about Stan. Fuck my brain.

A small movement woke me out of my trance. There was a small pulling sensation on the back of my neck, so I naturally went to grab whatever was causing it. Instantly, my left hand met Stan's. I felt his right hand slip out of mine, and Stan's left retracted as well. I turned around to see an embarrassed Stan.

He looked at me and whispered 'sorry'. In response, I took off my hat, laid it on my desk, and put my head on his desk. He looked down at me with a slightly flustered face as he placed both of his hands in my hair. It felt nice.

Wait.... flustered?

No... he couldn't....

Could he?

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