Chapter 8

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-TW: Slurs (Also Cartman's inner monologue is a lil messed up)-

Jade's POV:

Wendy and I left the bathroom, giggling. We decided to just walk around the school and look around. Wendy guided me through the halls and showed me where all my classes were, the best places to skip, and how to get free stuff from the cafeteria vending machines. Along the way, she was telling me stories from the previous years of school.

"So that was how Tweek and Craig got together."

"They got together because Asian girls drew gay pictures of them?"

"Yeah. Anyone could buy them. Now- get this- Craig's dad bought over 140 drawings of them AND has each piece framed in a room of their house! I saw it first hand! Red showed me."

My eyes widened. 


Wendy and I had just reached the courtyard. It was fenced in to the left of the school and had 3 picnic tables. Next to the tables was a basket ball court, and a big garden patch with colourful flowers was on the other side.

"How did Red sneak into the Tuckers' house?"

"Red is Craig's cousin."

"Really? I've never seen Craig, but based on what I've heard, I never would have guessed."

"Yeah, their family is kind of complicated." Wendy said, shrugging. "Oh, by the way; I wanted to see if you could hang out after school? I can introduce you to the others!"  

"Sure! What time does school let out here?" I asked, smiling. 

"Well, we get out at 2:29. Since we only have 4 classes a day, lunch is about to start."

"Do they let us come out here for lunch?" 

Wendy laughed. 

"Oh HELL no! This is a teacher's courtyard. We would get lunch detention for even being found out here. The student court yard is open, but it is very shitty and torn up over there."

"So teachers play basketball?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and pointing to the court. 

"You would be surprised. Mr. Mackey can play pretty well."


"M'Kay guy."


Cartman's POV:

That fucking bitch. She never leaves me alone.  If only Wendy was fucking dead. I would pay a sizable amount of money to murder her. It would be so wonderful to see her head crack on pavement, or to pour acid over her and watch the skin melt off her bones. The joy that would be produced by tearing her skin into pieces after burning her to a crisp. The pleasure that would spawn by grazing a knife against her pale skin. Nothing would be better.  She humiliated me in front of all those people. She deserves it. A simple cut along her throat would allow the beautiful crimson blood to escape her ugly body.

I wish I could. 

The last time I acted upon the urge to murder, it came back to bite me. I had murdered my biological father, it doesn't get much worse from there. If I murdered Wendy, someone would find out. Stan may be faggy for Kahl now, but I know he would cry over her death. Kahl would blame me, and no one would question it. I would loose the idiots I call 'friends', and I would loose all the power and people to manipulate my way to the top again. 

Maybe I won't kill her. Maybe I can just find some dirt on her or something. Something simple, yet efficient. 

Or maybe not her. Maybe someone else close to her.

Wendy's POV:

 The new girl and I had just walked into the cafeteria when we heard Red squeal.

"Omg! You met Wendy!" Red stood up and hugged Jade. She then turned to me and smiled. "Wendy, you are SO. FUCKING. BADASS!!!! I can't believe you beat up Cartman again! " 

Jade's POV:

"Oh honey, it's easy. He punches like a pussy!" Wendy said grinning.  

Red grabbed our hands and led us to a table full of girls. 

"We saved you guys seats! Jade, you go on my right; and Wendy, you go on her right!"

I sat in front of a pretty girl with blonde curly hair. She was looking at her phone. As soon as Wendy and the others sat down, she shoved it in her pocket. She striked up a conversation with Wendy and the other girls were forgotten. 

I took this opportunity to view the table. It was an eight-seater table, and I was on the right side. All the way to the left, diagonally to me, was a girl with slightly wavy brown hair. It was partially pulled back by a headband. She wore a teal green long-sleeved shirt and jeans. 

Next to her sat another girl with brown hair, but it was a rather light. She wore a beanie with a flower on it and a lime coat with red trim. Her jeans were black.

 In front of the first girl was a third brown-haired girl, but this one had her hair pulled into pigtails. She wore a green shirt with a daisy on it. Her jeans were a pine green and she had freckles. She was talking to the girl with the flower on her hat. On her right was Red, then me, and finally Wendy. 

In front of Wendy, there was an absolutely stunning girl with dark, cocoa skin. Her eyes were a similar shade, and her hair was a rather fluffy and soft-looking black. It was pulled back into pigtails with little yellow and pink clips. She wore a bright yellow coat with white trim that complemented her complexion. Her pants were a bright magenta pink, and she was listening to the blonde beside her talk.

"And then, I told Clyde if he wanted to hold my tit, it would cost a new pair of shoes! He looked like he was gonna cry!" The blonde told, laughing a bit. "But hey, I got my shoes!"

"Damn Bebe, you're gonna run him dry!" Wendy said smiling.

"Oh Wendy, you gotta live life to the fullest! Sure, one day I'm going to be a stupid housewife or a flight attendant or something, but I gotta put all this-" She motioned to her body. "To work while I still got it!"

Bebe, Wendy, And the pretty girl in yellow laughed. Then they turned to me. 

"Hey new girl, you got a man?" Bebe asked.

I felt my face pale. No, I never thought this would happen today! I haven't even been able to scout the area for possible crush material! Normally, it would take a week or two between when I moved to a new place and when I found someone I could say was my crush. It always took so long between scouting the area, weighing the pros and cons, and finally finding someone I could pin a 'crush' to.

Damn, being AroAce is hard.

Taking note of my suspected paleness, Bebe spoke up again.

"Ooooorrrrr, maybe a girlfriend~" Bebe said, giving a teasing smile. 

"Oh Bebe, she just got here! Give her a week or two to find a crush, at least." Wendy said. 

Thank god for Wendy. It was like she read my mind! The girls giggle, and then Red pokes me.

"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaade..... Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeee!"

I laugh. 


"I wanna introduce you to Heidi!" Red says as he points to the girl with the flower on her hat.

"Hey there, I'm Heidi Turner! You are Jade, correct?"

"Yeah, that's me." She seems friendly. 

The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. 

"Damn! I wanted to talk to you more! Maybe we can hang after school?" Red asked hopefully.

"Wendy said she was going to 'introduce me to the others'."

"Oh! I'll ask Wendy about that then! See you later girlie!"

With that, I headed out of the cafeteria.

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