Chapter 3

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Just as I started to think about my options, the bus driver yelled at me to 'sit my ass down', so I was forced to sit by the boy with the eye scar. Just fucking great. I sit down next to him, and just as I do, I hear him mumble "oh jeez..."

I pause for a moment to take in his appearance. He had blond hair, like me, but he had an undercut. His eyes were a bright, innocent blue, but the one with the scar was lighter than the other. He was wearing a aquamarine jacket, dark green pants, and simple black tennis shoes. I could tell he was nervous by the way he was rubbing his knuckles. As I was looking at him, he gave me a look that clearly said 'Please dont hurt me'. Shit. I didn't think that I looked scary.

"Hi! I'm Jade, who are you?" I say to him, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. I put out my hand, and he smiles and takes it.

"H-Hello! My name is Leopold Stotch, but everyone calls me Butters!" He said, glad to have a new friend.

We ended up talking for the whole rest of the ride, but we parted ways after getting off.

My first period was Ms. Chokesondik's English. I hadn't the slightest idea where that was, so I gazed around the halls to see if there was anyone still in the halls that could help me. The bell had already rang, so I was loosing hope of finding another that was late to class. Just as I was about to give up, Kyle came around the corner. Thankful I wasn't the only kid that was late, I ran up to him. As I was doing so, I could see that he was slightly upset and clearly attempting to cover his true emotions. His eyes were slightly red, as if he'd been crying. I wonder what was up with that.

"Hey man, thank god you're here. Can you help me out real quick?" I ask him, sounding more desperate than I intended. Looking up, he seemed slightly shocked that there was anyone else in the halls.

"Oh, yeah sure. What do you need?" he asked, attempting to smile.

"Do you have any idea where Ms. Chokesondik's class is? I've been wandering the halls looking for it for a good bit." I ask.

Yeah, That's my first period." he says.

"Can you show me to it? Please?" I ask.


We walk down the hall for awhile, and eventually walk into a room with yellow walls. Kyle walks in and sits to the left of the boy in the blue & red hat from the bus stop. Not really knowing where to sit, I just take the seat behind Kyle.

"Dude, please talk to me." said blue hat boy.

"We can talk later Stan." said Kyle, slight bitterness in his voice. Stan frowned and turned away, pulling a notebook from his backpack. I wonder what's up with those two. I was under the impression that they were best friends? Maybe I'm thinking too far into this. I dont know these people, or their personalities. It's really not my business anyway.

Just as I grabbed my notebook, what I assumed to be the teacher walked in. She had medium length brown hair, glasses and.....

Holy shit dude. Her tits are huge.

When I say they're huge, im not joking in the slightest. They were stretched down to her knees, and they looked like someone broke two elastic bands made of flesh and taped one end of each to her chest.

I did a double blink to make sure I wasn't tripping or something. They were real? What the fuck dude. Her back must hurt really bad.

"Alright children, settle down. Welcome to your first day of freshman year. Today I'm going to have you do a writing assignment, just so I can know where your writing levels are." she said. Everyone groaned. The boy with the blue and red hat raised his hand.

"Yes Stan?" asked Ms. Chokesondik.

"With all due respect" Stan said, "I thought you left permanently?"

"How do you mean?"

Stan thought for a moment, then said:

"I thought you quit teaching."

"OH! Well Stan, I just decided to come back, you know?" Ms. Chokesondik smiled. "Lets' carry on now, eh?"

Stan went quiet for awhile after that, clearly processing something in his head.

I feel like he knows something I don't.

I don't like it.

A South Park Adventure (Includes OC)Where stories live. Discover now