Chapter 9

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Jade's POV:

I walked slowly out of the cafeteria and into the crowded halls. There were people all around me, but the noise didn't bother me much. Sure, it might not bother me, but for this blonde kid to my right, that was not the case.

This boy looked like the embodiment of crippling anxiety and ADHD combined. He stood very tall, about 5'11. He would have looked intimidating if it wasn't for the state he was in. His shirt was poorly buttoned, and it looked as if it was a size too large as well. His hair was a rather long and unruly blonde, and he had strikingly blue eyes. They were pale and clear, but they screamed for help. In his hands he gripped a to-go coffee cup, taking a sip every few seconds.

The boy was muttering to himself, looking like a scared animal. I looked around, unsure what to do. Everyone else was laughing with their friends and putting up decorations in their lockers. Once I realized no one would help him, I walked over.

"...I swear to god, I'm going to fucking die. If I walk into the flow, they'll kill me. I'll get trampled. I won't make it home. I'll never see my parents again. Never see Craig again. Never visit the coffee shop again. If I don't, I'll be late for class. If I'm late to class, Mr. Garrison will shame me in front of everyone...." The boy mumbled, then he took a big sip of his coffee. 

"...What do I do. What do I do. What do I do..."

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, and he jumps.

"TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" He shouts. A handful of heads turn throughout the hallway, and then they go back to what they were doing. He looks at me like a scared guinea pig, then takes another swig of coffee.

"I'm just checking on you. Can I help you at all? I may be new to this school, but I can probably get you to your class." God, he looks terrified. Why is everyone so scared at this school? First Butters, now this kid? What is going on?

He stays quiet for a moment, then looks down at me. 

"Do you know where Mr. Garrison's class is? I can't be late. I had him for elementary, and whenever you were late he would yell at you in front of the class. I usually go with Craig, but I can't find him. If I go alone, I'll die."

"Funny enough, I have that class too." I say, smiling. "The name is Jade. Jade Campbell."

"Tweek Tweak. I know, odd name. It's on my birth certificate too. I guess my parent's couldn't come up with anything original. They probably didn't have time to come up with a name, I was born two weeks early. Hey, wait a minute. Two-week. Two-week! Tweek! Maybe that's where my name came from!" he told, then drank more from his cup and turned to me. "You said you were new here, right?" 

I nodded.

"My parents own a coffee shop uptown, by the theatre. Maybe you should pop in from time to time, we have really good coffee. We also have tea for people who don't care for coffee. Oh! We also have the second largest Yaoi collection in all of south park!" 

He froze for a second, as if he just crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed. I took this silent opportunity to speak up.

"Do you mean second as in second to the Tucker's collection?"

"How do you know about that?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm the new girl at school in a small mountain town. People are bound to tell me anything and everything." I smile.

"Well then. So the Tucker's collection has 179 pieces, and we only have 164 displayable pieces-"

 I stop him.

"Displayable?" I ask, and he looks slightly uncomfortable. 

"Um. Well.. Some of them are a little...."



"So how many do you have, total?"


I feel my eyes widen.

"That's a LOT." I say, impressed. "I have got to see that."

That's when I heard him laugh. It wasn't a hearty, Santa Claus laugh, but it wasn't an anime girl's giggle. It was a small laugh that highlighted both the deep tones of his voice and the light, anxiety filled sound from his voice box.

We walked down the hall for another minute, and then came a classroom that said 'Garrison' on the door.

"This must be it." I said as I opened the door, allowing Tweek to go first. He smiled, then took a seat at one of the desks. I looked up at the teacher, a grey-haired man with a puppet on his hand.

He looked to be about 50 or 60, with the top portion of his head bald. The man had square glasses that wrapped around the front portion of his face. All over his face he had slight wrinkles, whilst being most prominent lines were on his forehead. His ears had small dents in the lobes, as if they had been pierced before and allowed to heal over. He wore a lime green button-up shirt paired with dark green pants. On his right hand lay a puppet.

His puppet had a blondish-brown beard. It wore a lavender shirt and a large, Cat-in-the-Hat style top hat. It was white and red, with a black brim. The puppet's eyes were peeking through the top of the brim of the hat, but they felt like they were staring into the depths of your soul.

Mr. Garrison got up, walked to the chalkboard, and wrote a singular word: History.

"All right you little cunts, this is my history class. Sit down, shut up, I don't care what you have to say. Now that's out of the way, I'm going to tell you how this class will be graded. 90% of this is just listening to me, unless I've been forced to give you a project. Since this is the first day, I figure we should start with one of the original reality shows: Jersey Shore."

What the fuck. 

What kind of history class is this?? Learning about reality television??? This will be SO easy! I think as I pull out my notebook. Turning to the first clean page, I begin to write.

"Jersey Shore was the first show of its kind where they take a bunch of 20 somethings and have them party hard for the camera. The first episode was released on December 3rd, 2009."

"So, they took 8 random people and say that they'll be roommates, and they force them to live together. Sammi-" Mr. Garrison underlines her name. "And Mike-" He does the same for him. "AKA The Situation- have a little romantic thingy. Then Ronnie catches Sammi giving her number to another guy."

He makes an arrow pointing from Ronnie to Sammi with little eyes over it. I scramble to write all the information down, and once I do, I take a break to look around. I was sitting all the way to the right of the classroom, towards the back. The class was filled to the brim with boys, and I was one of only 3 girls in the class. 

Sitting in front of me was a boy with brown hair. His jacket was red with blue trim, and he seemed a little bit bigger than everyone else at this school. Not Cartman level, of course, but just a little chubbier. 

On his left was a handicapped boy in a yellow shirt. He had forearm crutches laying on the ground next to him. His legs were skinny and bent strangely, covered in blue jeans. His hair was brown, and his head was tilted up ever so slightly.

Behind him was a boy with deep cocoa skin and short black hair. He wore a purple shirt with a large golden 'T' on it. He paired it simple black jeans.

Diagonally behind me, sat a quiet boy in a blue chullo hat. Even though he was sitting down I could tell how tall he was, he was a giant. His hat was a deep blue with a bright yellow puffball on top. The end of each set of strings were joined into small yellow stars.  His coat was a similar blue, but with darker trim. On his legs were black jeans and he had ripped up converse on his feet.

And finally, behind me was Tweek. 


You know, I think I might like this class.

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