Chapter 4

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I started working on my paper, but I could barely focus. Why do I feel like Stan knows something? It's not like this is a movie or something!

I need to find a way to make my brain shut up.

I turned back to my assignment. Ms. Chokesondik wanted us to write about what we did for the summer, but it had to be a page and 1/2 worth. I had no idea how I was going to stretch 'we did nothing because my dad is a little bitch that can't hold a job' into a couple of paragraphs. Then it hit me.

I could just write about California! That would be so much easier! So I took that idea and ran with it. By the time I was done with my story, it was exactly at a page and 1/2. When I looked around to see if anyone else was done, Stan made eye contact with me. Awkward.

He looked away and pulled out his notebook again. I turn away. I probably made him uncomfortable. When I turn back towards him again, he rips out a sheet of paper from his notebook. He then folds it up and throws it to me.

I look to him in confusion. Why would he toss a note to me? We've never talked before. Stan sees the confusion on my face and mouths the words 'open it'. I do as he told me to, and I read the note.

'Do you know Kyle? Like, are you guys friends?'

I think for a moment, then realize that there's no real reason to lie. I scribble my answer onto the paper.

'Sort of? I had no idea where this class was, so I was wandering the halls looking for it. He was the only one in the hall so I had to ask him for help. He's really nice though.'

After I finish writing on the paper, I toss it back to a patiently waiting Stan. He quickly unfolds it and reads it. He writes back quickly.

'Was he okay when you guys were walking together? He seemed strange when we got off the bus.'

Before I could write a response, the bell rang. Kyle got up from his desk quicker than I'd ever seen anyone move. Stan opened his mouth to talk to Kyle, but he was already gone. It was clear that Stan wanted to talk to him, but Kyle didn't want to. Stan sighed, then made his way towards me.

"Hey there, we haven't formally met yet. My name's Stan. Stan Marsh."

"I'm Jade Campbell." I said, smiling slightly.

"Can I ask you something? Please?" he asked, looking worried.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I don't know if you already answered the note or not; but while you were walking to class with Kyle, was he okay? He was fine when we were at the bus stop, but later he completely ran away from me when I tried to talk to him when we got off the bus. He's doesn't normally act like this, I'm kind of scared."

Stan was clearly worried, as if this question was eating him away inside.

"I didn't really talk to him much, but when I first approached him, it looked like he just finished crying." I told him. Stans' face looked like something in his brain clicked.

"Thanks Jade! You're the best!" Stan shouted as he ran out the door of the classroom.

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