Chapter 6

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Kyle's POV:

I grab my Super Best Friend and hold him close, seeking comfort from his warm body. I couldn't believe I let him catch me crying. My emotions tend to reflect on him, and it completely breaks me down to see him cry. I've been best friends with Stan for years, but every time he comes to check on me or see if I'm okay, it feels like something new and special. His smile always makes my heart jump out of my chest, and he always makes me feel warm and welcome wherever we go. To be completely honest, I wouldn't mind living the rest of my life with him. He makes me happy.

There was something bugging me though. I knew that Stan would never lie to me without a reason, but I can't help but wonder why he just did. Stan has always been a terrible liar, but I always let him get away with it. Sometimes it would be a simple 'I didn't do it, Cartman did!' or a 'No mom, we never ate lunch at school'. It was always simple lies that wouldn't hurt anyone if he got found out.

If it was important, Stan would always tell me the truth. That is one of the things I know for sure. Putting my trust in him will never be a mistake. That, I know.

Jade's POV:

I was sitting in my homeroom that I (luckily) found before the bell rang. I was sandwiched in the middle of a three seater table, with Kenny McCormick to my left and a beautiful girl with dye-red hair on my right.

I've been sitting here for only a few minutes, but this class feels very awkward. I already knew Kenny enough, so I decided to get to know the girl to my right.

"Hey there, my name is Jade Campbell. Who might you be?" I ask, trying to make a new friend.

"I'm Rebecca, but everyone calls me Red." she answers, looking up from her phone. " I know it's just the first day, but are you new around here? I dont recognize you, and I've never seen you in one of Wendy or Bebes' Coonstagram posts."

"Oh, yeah sort of. I moved here to South Park halfway through the summer." I told her.

"Damn girlie, I know what that's like. I move all the time. My family keeps going back and forth between here and Denver." Red tells me, completely putting down her phone. "So what brings you to Shittsburg, Nowhere?"

"My father got a new job." I tell her, now avoiding eye contact. I always hated talking about my father, he'd done some stupid shit in his time. Of course I loved him, but I never liked him as a person.

"Really? Where does he work?"

"He's working for the construction company that's working on the new mall."

Red opens her eyes wide.

"One of my moms works there!"

"Moms?" I ask, slightly confused.

She seems confused for a second, then has a look of realization. "I forgot that you're new. I have two moms, Moira and Katelynn. Katelynn is one of the heads of the construction company, and Moira is a stay-at-home mother. My biological father divorced from Moira when I was 12, and that's when Katelynn came into the picture."

"Ohhhhh... That makes sense now!" I say. "My mother is stay-at-home too. I live with her, my dad, and my older brother."

"How old is he?"

"Brother or father?"



"Does he still go to school?"

"Just the community college here." I answer, While I was telling he the information, she was typing the answers on her phone. That's when I started wondering why she was asking so much. As if she could read my mind, she answered my question.

"If you're wondering why I'm asking about your brother, it's because Bebe is asking."

"Who is Bebe?" I ask, only to be met with surprise on Red's end.

"You don't know who Bebe Stevens is???" she asks in disbelief.


"Bebe is the prettiest and one of the most popular girls in school! I should take you to meet her and Wendy later." Red says, big smile on her face. "I get along with most people, but Bebe is one of my best friends."

And with that, the bell rang. Red asked me to write down my number, Coonstagram and my Snapchat so she could add me. After that, she left with a smile.

I kind of glad to have made a friend like her, she seems really nice.

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