Chapter 7

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-TW: slurs (Cartman)-

Jade's POV:

I carry on into the hall, holding my bag close to me. It's a nice bag, with those belt-buckle things  to hold it together. It's covered in pretty pins and little patches, creating little bits of colour over the cinnamony brown, leather-like material. 

As I walk down the hall, I glance at the room numbers. I'm pretty sure that I just left from 118. Or was it 114? 

Like I said, gonna be a long day. 

 I look up again to check the room numbers when I see a giant, fleshy blob of pig meat waddle down the hall. That's Eric from the bus stop! Walking next to him was a rather small blonde boy I also recognized. 

It's Butters! Surely I could ask him for help! In the 45 minutes I got to talk to him on the bus, I could tell what a sweet, kind, and helpful person he was. I start making my way towards Butters and Eric, who is looking like a goddamn Babybell cheese still in the casing.

"I-I don't know Eric, I don't want to get grounded."

"Jesus Christ in a fucking chicken basket! Who cares? We can always break you out later."

"Okay Eric, I trust you. Oh, Hey-a Jade!" Butters said, turning to me. He had a big grin on his face. 

"Hey there Butters! Hi Eric." I say, smiling at them both. Before I could ask them for help, Eric turned to face me. He looked me up and down like some kind of movie mean girl, then laughed.


"You look like a whole-ass walking slur! Do you have any idea what kind of doors open for me now?" He said. His face was pink, like the kind of red-pink after you finish laughing. He looked like an old man that just finished a marathon while drunk. "Now we have another fag at this school, and this one is an actual fucking female! "

I opened my mouth to try and fight back, but he beat me to it. 

"Don't even try to deny it! Everything about you screams faggott!" Cartman screeched, laughing his ass off. A crowd had started to form. Some staying silent, some whispering, and some simply  coming to see if I would fight back.

I looked down at myself. 

Converse? Yeah.

Tight jeans? Sort of.

Band tee? Yes.

Black and green zip-jacket with a matching hat? Kinda.


Dude, I do look like a fag. 

"So what?"

I look around to see where the voice came from. The crowd parted slightly to allow the voice into the center of the circle that unintentionally formed. There was a beautiful girl with black hair who practically ran to stand beside me.

She was about two inches shorter than me, and I could feel the fire and rage burning in her soul. Her hair was twice as long as mine, almost past her waist. It was a shiny, silky black that reflected the light. Her eyes were a pretty hazel that spoke tomboyish danger. She was dressed in a purple and navy jacket with coloured jeans and a pinkish-purple beret. 

"Wendy? Of fucking course. Butter up the new kid while you still have the chance, soon she'll realize what a faggy bit-"

That was all Cartman could get out before Wendy started beating his ass.


Some kids were recording the fight and saying things along the lines of 'Thank god, I thought nobody would beat him up' and 'What a little bitch'. Others were just plain laughing at him.

And then the bell rang for the second time. 

Numbers of people watching the fight started thinning out, but Wendy was showing no signs of wanting to stop. Every punch left more cuts and bruises, and his face was covered. If she kept going much longer, you wouldn't even be able to tell that Cartman was Cartman.



"I know I'm not your boss or whatever, but I think we should leave the scene of the crime, if you know what I mean." I suggest, and she smiles.

"Gotta hand it to ya new kid, you're smart." 

She gets up and motions for me to follow her. I look down at the sad blob of fat that is Eric Cartman and walk to it. Wendy watches me closely. I look down on his bloody, beat up body and take a step back. Then, with all my might, I stomp on him. 

Wendy laughs a bit, and I follow her. she leads me to the bathrooms and she puts her hand on the door of the woman's bathrooms.

"You're allowed in the woman's room, no?" She asks, turning to me.

"Yeah, I think so."

She opens the door for me and I walk inside. Wendy makes her way to the mirror, looks in it, and smiles.

"That bastard never landed a punch on me, let alone a scratch."  

"How can he? He's built like a fuckin' butterball turkey. It's probably a struggle to even lift his arms, let alone punch something." I say, and Wendy giggles. She turns around and sits on the windowsill by the sinks.

"I'm Wendy Testaburger, but you've probably already heard of me. I'm one of very few kids who are willing to beat 'butterball's ass." 

"Oh yeah, Red told me about you! I'm Jade Campbell." 

"Nice! Now let me guess. You were wondering the halls, looking for next class so you decide to ask good ol' fatass for help?"

"I was gonna ask Butters, but then Eric butted in with the 'you are a total fag' bullshit."

"Piece of advice, try to avoid him. He fed Scott Tenorman his parents in the form of chili over $10, I don't want that to happen to you."  

"He WHAT?"


I stared at her blankly for a moment, and she just smiled. 

"What is your next class? I could help you get there, or I could show you where your other classes are so you aren't confused later."

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