Chapter 12

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Jade's POV:

I sat on the bright magenta-pink carpet that lay on the floor, waiting. Outside the door I heard mumbling. One of the voices clearly belonged to Bebe, another to Red, and another to Wendy. Then I heard a fourth voice, clearly nervous.

"But what if she doesn't like me?"

"Don't worry Marjorine, she'll love you." said Wendy, with lots of care in her voice.

"I hope so..." 

With that, the door opened. First came Red, then Bebe and Wendy, and finally a beautiful girl with short blonde hair. 

Her hair was nice and fluffy, slightly spiky at the ends. She wore no makeup except for a light coat of mascara and some light pink lip gloss. Her dress was light pink and hello kitty themed, with a puffy skirt and a petticoat. She had some small bracelets on her arm. One of the bracelets was gold with little pink chain hearts on it, and another was clearly homemade. It was a mix of bright pinks, blues, and white. There were little letter beads on it that wrote 'She/Her' in purple. Her nails were nice, long and neat; and she wore a little hello kitty ring.  Her face showed a mixture of worry and hope.

"H-Hey there fella, my name is Marjorine; But you can call me Marjie!" She said smiling.

"Hello Marjorine, my name is Jade! It's nice to meet you." I said happily.

The girls all sat on the rug with me and started talking about drama. Just as Bebe was getting to her situation with Clyde, the rest of the girls ran upstairs.

"WE BOUGHT A PIZZAAAAAA!!!!!" Esther screamed, holding three boxes. Lola came upstairs with a bag of makeup, and Nicole got out her nail polish from under her bed. Everyone gathered round, and we started munching on the pizza.

"I have no idea why people still think I'm with Stan, we broke up forever ago. Plus, I think it's pretty clear that he likes someone else." Wendy said, picking up a tube of mascara. "I mean, we all see it, do we not?"

"EXACTLY. Like, why is everyone so insistent on you two?? It's not like you're going to marry him." Red said, curling Marjorine's hair. 

"Honestly, I think he should just suck it up and get with Kyle. They clearly have something going on." I said, walking over to Marjorine.

"How do you know?" Bebe asks, slightly confused.

"I saw glitter and stars in Stan's eyes as he played with Kyle's hair in 4th today."

"You mean Kyle took off his hat for him?" Heidi asked, astonished.

"Yeah? What's the big deal, it's just a hat." I asked, confused.

"When Kyle and I were dating;" Heidi began," He would never take off his hat for anything. If you asked him to, it was always a no. Even for something a stupid as a picture, the answer would be no. The only time I ever saw his hair was in the yearbook."

"God damn." Red said.

"I had my suspicions about those two, but that just confirmed it. I don't know about Stan, but Kyle is definitely gay for him. No doubt about it." Heidi said, snapping a compact closed. 

"Well Stan is at least bisexual, I can tell you that." said Wendy, putting on some lavender eyeshadow.

"How do you know?" Bebe asked, cracking open a can of Coke.

"When we were dating, he left me in his room so he could go ask his dad for some marijuana. He told me to get some pre-rolls out of his drawers, but he couldn't remember which drawer it was in. He told me they was either in the top or middle drawer. In his top drawer, there were 12 men's underwear catalogs. Twelve of them. and let's just say they weren't too clean."

"EWWW!" The girls shreaked.

"Did you touch them?" Esther asked, making a face.

"No, thank god. He still doesn't know I saw them." Wendy said, laughing.

"Im willing to bet that they get together by the end of the year." Heidi said, taking off her hat.

"Totally." Bebe said.

With that, we all gathered around Marjorine. 

"So Marjie, you got a crush on anyone?" Wendy asked.

"Oh jeez, I don't know if I should say it." Marjorine said, rubbing her knuckles. 

"Who? Who??" the other girls asked.

"Well, ya know Kenny McCormick?"

"OH MY GOSH! You would be so perfect together!!" squeaked Lola.

"Lola is right, you would be the next hottest couple!" Bebe said, brushing highlighter onto Marjorine's face.

"Aww thanks, girls." Marjorine said, red-faced and smiling.

All of the pizza is gone and the nail polish is open. Nicole takes a yellow and a pink, Bebe takes red and yellow, Wendy takes lavender and pink, Red takes two different shades of purple, Heidi takes a lime colour, Esther takes sky blue, Lola takes a greenish-teal, Annie takes a coffee-brown colour, I grab black and lime, and Marjorine takes a baby blue and light pink.

We all continued gossiping and giggling until my mom called. I pulled out my phone, answering and placing it on speakerphone.

"JADE CAMPBELL, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU????" My mother shreaked through the phone.

"Well someone has a stick up their ass." Red said, snorting. 


"Sorry mom, I just went with some friends to Nicole's house." I said, hoping that I wouldn't end up grounded.


"I am, Ma'am." Nicole said, leaning towards the phone.

"Hello dear. My daughter 'forgot' to tell me where she was going earlier. I'm going to pick her up at 6, is that okay?"

"I suppose that would be alright. I live just south of the U-Haul station, beside Big Gay Al. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, Near the SoDoSoPa?"

"Yes. If I don't drop her off by then, you can come and pick her up."

"Thank you, Nicole. Jade, your father will be home at seven. You better be coming up with some lovely negotiation so I don't tell him."

"Yes mom, bye."

"Bye." She says as I hang up. I look up to see that all of the girls are watching me.

"Dude, I am so-" I turn to each girl. 

"Royally-" I pause, making eye contact with Marjorine.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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