Chapter 11

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Stan's POV:

Holy shit, his hair is so perfect. It's curly, with a beautiful ginger colour and a wonderful scent. I've wanted to do this my whole life, but an opportunity never arose. He always either kept his hat on or was too far away. God, I love this.

Cartman's POV:

They are so fuckin' gay.

Kyle's POV:

His fingers felt weird in my hair. It was slightly calming sensation that sent a small shiver down my spine. I opened my eyes slightly to see a beet-red Stan. He was obviously really happy, but looked too embarrassed to ever dream of admitting it. I closed my eyes again, happy with the reaction Stan is giving me. God, I love him.

Jade's POV:

They are so sweet, I would kill to have what they do. I feel a movement in front of me and middle-finger-man catches eyes with Kyle. He has a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you Craig, I hope you die alone." Whispers Kyle.

"I knew you were gay." Craig whispers back, looking smug.

"Slit your wrists with a blunt, rusty knife."

"Love you too, Broflovski." Craig replies.

Damn, I guess they both have sticks up their asses. Broflovski seems to be the punchy-pissed off type, and Craig just seems arrogant. It's hard to guess Stan's personality, but he reminds me of a dog somehow. The way he looks at Kyle and the way he talked to me earlier, he just seems like a puppy. The mesmerized look he has while playing with Kyle's hair reminds me of when a puppy finds something new and exciting. His blue eyes seem to have stars in them as he runs his hands through the fiery red tangle. Kyle seems to be enjoying it too when he thinks nobody else is looking. They seem really gay.

The bell rang for the final time today, allowing kids to break free from the school and spend time on their own. I lifted myself from my seat and waited by the door for Red. Kid after kid fled to the hall, all mumbling about their after-school plans. Craig told Red that he was going to Tweek's, so she had to text Laura about it. Stan and Kyle were talking about going to Stan's place, and Kenny was flirting with some girls who happened to walk down the hall.

"Okay, you ready to go?" Red asked, shoving a paper in her bag.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Nicole is driving, so when you get to the parking lot look for a silver car"

We make our way across the school towards the parking lot doors. Red opens one for me and I smile. She nods her head and walks to the sidewalk with me. Just as we touch the cement, A car rolls up playing loud music. A girl rolls down her window, and it's the beautiful one from lunch.

"Get your asses in here, it's time to party!"

Me and Red run up to the car, hopping into the second row. 'Blah Blah Blah' by Ke$ha is blaring on the speakers, and everyone is singing along. The vibes in this car are nothing but fun and adventure. Red holds up her bag and shouts.


Everyone cheers. Oh god, does she have drugs? Methamphetamine? Cocaine?? What if it's-

"BLUEY GUMMIES!" Heidi shouts, pouring out the contents of Red's bag.

"AND POPCORN!" shouts a girl with a headband, picking up a bag.


Red puts an arm around my shoulder and leans in so I can hear her.

"So this is almost everyone, except Nelly. She always tries to find something wrong with us so she can report us. She's kind of a bitch. Look to the left, that's Esther." Red says, pointing to a girl with black hair and a cyan jacket. She held a 6-pack of Faygo and waved.

"And to her right is Bebe, then Lola, and Wendy." As Red says their names, they also wave.

"In the front riding shotgun is Annie, and our beloved Nikki is driving."

"You know damn well the only reason I'm driving is because I'm the only one with a license." Nicole says smiling.


"WHOOP-WOO!" everyone shouts.

"So is this everyone?" I ask.

"Nah, Marjie is meeting us there." Bebe answers. "In the meantime, have some. there's plenty to share." She says, tossing me a pack of Bluey gummies and an orange Faygo.

We all sing along to the music Annie puts on, and we pull up to a big, blue, two-story house. We try to shove all of our half-eaten goodies back into Red's bag, barely succeeding. We all hop out of the car, and Nikki fiddles with her keys.

"Shoes off by the door, I mean it this time." Nicole says, looking in Red's direction.

"What? They didn't look dirty! Red says defensively.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell that to my mom."

The other girls and I pull off our shoes and place them on a sky blue mat. As soon as the last girl pulls their shoes off, the doorbell rings.

"Red? Can you and Jade put the stuff upstairs?" asks Wendy, clearly talking with her eyes. Red seems to realize something and hands me her bag.

"Yeah, of course."

Red and I run upstairs into a room with salmon coloured walls. She turns to me and sighs.

"Look, there's no way to dance around this. Marjorine is transgender. The girls sent me upstairs to tell you this because she isn't very far along in her transition. She's still really insecure about it, especially because her father doesn't approve whatsoever. She has to go to school as a boy, so she has to wear a wig instead of growing out her hair and borrow dresses. She decided not to come out to any of the other boys at the school, so we are the only ones who know about this. This has to be kept a secret. If you have to tell any of the boys about what happens at these sleepovers, just don't include Marjorine, okay?" Red says. I smile and nod, grateful someone told me.

"I'm going to go downstairs to tell the girls that this went alright, okay? Stay up here."

Red's POV:

"Oh hamburgers, why didn't you tell me? Does she kno-"

"Don't worry Marjie, she knows. I just told her." I say, walking down the stairs semi-gracefully.

"How much does she know?" Wendy asks.

"She knows Marjorine is trans, and that this needs to be a secret. That's about it." I answer. Wendy and the other girls look satisfied, and Marjorine clears her throat.

"I-I think I'm ready to head upstairs."

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