Chapter 2

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"Do I have to yell for her again? She's been 'awake' for half an hour now! JADE??" my mother yelled. She turned to see I was coming down the stairs. "Jade! you're awake! thank god. there's pancakes on the table, go ahead and grab some. You have 10 minutes until the bus comes."

My mother was a beautiful woman in her late 30's, with the same blonde hair I have, but pulled back. The ends of it were dyed a blue, similar to her eyes. She also has peircings like me, but she had more. Some people find my mom scary, but she's really a sweetheart.

Making my way to the table, I grab two pancakes and roll them together. "Im going to walk and eat mom, I'll see you after school, okay?" I say, picking up my backpack.

"Okay, but Jae-"


She sighed, and then looked back up at me.

"Try to keep an open mind this time, okay?"



She's fucking insane if she thinks I'm gonna do that. 'Keep an open mind'???? This 'South Park High' forced me to do work over the summer just to get in! They robbed me of the time to explore this town before school! What's the point of trying in this school!? We'll be moving soon enough!

I keep walking until I reach the bus stop. Looking over the kids waiting for the bus, I realize.

I recognize these kids.

Where do I know them from? I give them a second look real quick. The first kid standing there was closest to the sign for the stop. He was about average height, and he had a rather strong build. He had on a brown button-up coat with a red hood, red gloves, and blue pants. On his head lay a blue and red puffball hat. Underneath the hat, you could see pieces of straight black hair poking out. He had a large smile on his face, laughing with the boy beside him.

The second boy was taller than the first, but only by about an inch or two. He was also rather skinny compared to the first boy. He was wearing an orange zip-up jacket with a green hood, green gloves, and dark green pants. On his head lay a green trapper hat that failed to cover the large quantity of red curls on his head. He had very pale skin that was dusted with light freckles that were just barely visible. His nose was hooked, and he was doubled over laughing with the other boy. To his right, there was a morbidly obese boy looking at the ground with a figure in an orange parka.

The fat boy wore a red coat with what seemed to be a yellow hood, but I couldn't tell because his lack of neck covered it. He wore simple brown pants, and a cyan and yellow beanie. Underneath the hat, brown strands of hair poked out.

Kneeling beside him, there was a bent-over boy with an orange parka. He was very skinny, but not the healthy-looking kind. He had his hood up, but I could still see a small portion of his face. He had deep blue eyes that were sparkling at whatever he was looking at.

I was curious to see what the fat boy and the orange one were looking at, so I walked over towards them. I stood behind the orange parka dude, listening into their conversation.

"Come on Kinney, its not that hard! Just kill it already!" the fat boy said.

"No! Its cool!" said the parka boy.



"Kill what?" I asked. Both boys jumped. apparently, I scared them.

"JESUS H. CHRIST!" the orange boy, presumably 'Kenny', shouted. At the same time, the fat boy screeched "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

They both looked at me with wide eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" fatboy asked.

"CARTMAN!" Kenny said, turning to the blob of flesh beside him. "You cant just say that!"

"Oh, fuck you Kinney." said 'Cartman'.

"But actually, who are you? Im Kenny McCormick." asked Kenny, turning back to me. "And this fatass excuse for a human being is Eric Cartman."

"AY! IM NOT FAT, IM BIG-BONED!" screeched Cartman.

"Shut the FUCK UP CARTMAN!" the ginger screamed from a couple of feet away.

"Calm down Kyle." said the boy in the blue hat, appearing out of nowhere.

At the same time, Cartman yelled "FUCK YOU KAHL!"

So the gingers' name was Kyle, I thought to myself. That name kind of suits him. I looked down to see that Kenny was on the ground again. Bending over by him, I asked to see what he's looking at. He then holds up his hand to show me a small bug. It had a shiny green and orange back and six legs.

He had found a Japanese Beetle.

I thought those didn't go over towards here? Isn't this Colorado??? Oh well. With a grin, he motions for me to hold out my hand. Just then, the bus rolls up. His smile dampens slightly, and he moves to a plant to release it. The other boys have already gotten on, so I follow them.

I try to find an empty seat, but to no avail. There weren't any completely empty spaces at all, and there were only 3 places left to sit. My options were to sit by a twitchy blonde, a boy with an eye scar, or the ginger from the bus stop; 'Kyle'.

This is going to be a long day, I can already tell.

A South Park Adventure (Includes OC)Where stories live. Discover now