Extra: Fun Facts

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Extra information and fun facts about the story:

•In the original script for the season (before I started writing it) Marco wasn't in love with Reiner, but with Eren, so the whole story that revolves around what happened with Reiner and Marco didn't exist.
I changed this because the drama felt very repetitive since it didn't have many differences or a different outcome than Mikasa's story with Eren in the first part (and that's good because the story of Marco, Reiner, Marcel and Porco seems excellent to me).

•The first part has a total of only 59.664 words, while the second with the extras has a total of 267.415 words.

•Armin worked for many years as a biomedical engineer but, in effect, his permanent job was as a marine biologist, since that is something he liked even more.

•In the original script Marcel didn't even appear, the only reason I thought of adding him was because when I raised the question of who Marco could be in love with, someone told me that they thought it could be Marcel.
For this reason, my children, I always tell you that it is beneficial even for you to tell me your tastes, opinions and theories, because things like this can happen and give me a lot of material for excellent plots.

•In the original script the whole plot of Porco and Reiner did not exist at all.

•I was going to mention somewhere that Jean and Armin literally met when Jean and Eren had their first conflict and started arguing, Armin going to stop his best friend from fighting, seeing Jean for the first time in the first time in high school, being in the same class. I didn't find the moment to say it, however.

•There was supposed to be a dialogue that I genuinely don't remember why I didn't put in the story (I mean, I don't know if I forgot or discarded it because I couldn't find when to say it) about why Jean forgets simple things when he's actually so smart. It was supposed to be a joke about how bad Jean is studying since all his grades are due to his natural talent to pay attention and retain data easily by remembering it clearly, so when something is difficult for him he doesn't know how to study it and that's why it bores and annoys him very easily. Which leads to the main joke, which is how Jean hears something very easily (not that it's easy for him, but that just it's easy) and he takes it for granted so he doesn't hold it in his head for more than two seconds because he thinks that it is something that he already knows and that he will remember because it is something obvious... and that is why he does not remember the easy things, while the complex ones he repeats or process in his head to learn them well and that is something that he can achieve in that exact moment that he gets that info. Which shows that the only reason why he doesn't know obvious things is because he is arrogant and foolish, since he accidentally ruins something that is easy for him by himself and with silly reasons. That is why if you ask him where Venice is he does not remember that it is in Italy or if you ask him about the capital of China he would answer Hong Kong, while at the same time that if you ask him about the capital of Mongolia he will say Ulan Bator and he also would be the only one who remembers what is and how to use a vector equation.

•Just to clarify (because I think it lends itself to misinterpretation), in the date of Marco and Marcel in the last chapter, Marco is not wearing the blue shirt that he was going to wear for his date with Reiner, he is simply wearing blue, which before he refused to wear despite being his color because his best garment of that color was the one he would wear on his date with Reiner and that brought him bad feelings and he did not want to associate it with Marcel. The fact that he can simply use what he likes the most in the last chapter shows how he starts to get over it but without falling into copying his old bad habits for his new relationship.

•In the original script Mikasa and Annie were going to end up together, however I didn't do this for six big reasons:
1. I never managed to create a nice chemistry between them since I was very limited by how closed Annie had to be and the logical time it would take her to open up.
2. To achieve this plot I needed to develop it in around five chapters, so it was very rushed that they had feelings for each other by that point and if I did it then I wouldn't have time to get them to come out together coherently, so that his plot would remain unfinished.
3. It seemed too fast for Mikasa to get into a relationship since her character represents the idea of spending time with oneself healing from an one-sided love before of getting in another relationship.
4. It was too soon for Annie to forget Armin since she was not only in love with him, but had also come to love him intensely in response to the lack of affection in her life and domestic abuse.
5. It was too soon for Annie to heal from that, love in a healthy way and start a relationship, since what is necessary for her is that she also be alone and not only learn to love herself but also others, since unlike Mikasa, she didn't know how to do that either.
6. Being Levi her legal guardian and living with Mikasa, I had a strange vibe that they would already live with a more fraternal feeling and custom, so involving them romantically and sexually would be strange.
In essence, ideas in the head can look like a completely different thing than they do on paper when it comes to genuinely developing it (and to you this must sound 20 times weirder since you only saw the development in which they literally end up saying that they are like sisters lol).

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