Extra: Let Yourself Be Loved

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Reiner was sitting at a bar drinking a rum after a long day, and long week, at work.

It was friday, at least. Some co-workers told him they were going to eat pizzas and invited him, but he politely declined.

He wasn't quite sure why they kept inviting him if he always declined, they were nice, apparently.

Reiner preferred to be alone. He already looked like a bitter old man and he wasn't even in his thirties.

He decided to go for a drink at a nearby bar to at least break a bit of his torturous routine. Maybe he needed it, but he preferred not to do it in a group of people. Honestly, he had already forgotten how to be sociable, maybe it's the way it should be.

"Excuse me." Someone touches his shoulder. "Reiner?" A person had just recognized him, dealing with another human being was the last thing he wanted to do at that moment.

He took a second and turned around, out of simple decency. However, in doing so, he almost fell out of his seat.

"... Bertholdt," barely escapes his lips.

"I can't believe it, it's really you." He smiles broadly before hugging him. "I thought I saw you but you've changed so much that I had to ask just in case" He laughs and sits next to him. "I can not believe it."

"Me neither... Uh, I thought you were still in Germany." He has no idea what to say or how to act, he was in shock.

"Actually, I came back last year. I have a very noticeable accent, don't I? They tell me."


"I'd say it's a coincidence, but with all the time I've been in the city, I'd say we're even took time. Do you still live here?"

"Yeah. Do you live here or...?"

"Yeah, I wanted to go back for a while and when I fixed everything I just made it happen." And he had such a dazzling smile on his face, just like he remembered it.

"I'm glad..." He admits.

"It's really crazy to see you again after such a long time. You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I missed you too," he confesses, letting a soft smile form on his lips, as he hadn't done in a long time. "You want a drink?"

"Oh, no, I'm not drinking today."

"You're in a bar?" He says, confused, making him laugh.

"Yeah, I know," he says, amused. "I came because I was going to meet with someone, I was going to be a designated driver and just have something to eat, but they canceled me... I still have the car so, you know," he explains.

"Your date stood you up?"

"It wasn't a date, luckily, that would be depressing. In fact it was a friend whose girlfriend didn't let him go out, it seems they have problems."

"How horrible." And with that sip he finishes his drink.

"Bad day at work?"

"What gave me away, the formal clothes or the zombie face?"

"A bit of both. It's Friday, we're all destroyed," he admits. "Do you work in an office?" When they were together, Reiner had not yet decided on his career.

"Yes, human resources. You?"

"I'm a biochemist."

"Sounds good, belated congratulations I guess."

"Thank you."

Reiner puts his glass away, it would be better not to drink more.

"Did you come on foot?"

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