Chapter 1 :)

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I WAS SLEEPING PEACEFULLY until I heard my brother bursting into the room.
"Morning lil sis,time for breakfast," He yelled in a sing-song voice.
I groaned and lifted the cover on my head.
I heard him go away, and i continued sleeping till ,this time,I heard my dad coming in.
"Come on, Nathalie,or you're gonna be late," he said in an almost annoyed voice.
"Jeez, fine, I'm up," I said, removing the cover and getting up.
"I'll give u another five minutes," my father says, walking out of the room.
I went to the bathroom and washed my face,then I started getting dressed, preparing myself, and I ran out of the room,almost falling down the stairs.
"Finally,what did take u so long?" Face Maker asked with a confused face.
"She's a girl buddy,she needs time. Isn't it right, Nat?" My father asked with an obvious tone,while smirking, I know where he wanted to go.
"Yeah Nat,are u trying to impress someone??" Face Maker asked with a mischievous grin.
"Shut up,the both of u, and let me eat my breakfast in peace," I said, almost frustrated of all the teasing.
"She's right, Face Maker,let her eat in peace,like they said,morning is for coffee and contemplation," my dad said, sipping his coffee.
I started eating my pancakes,while at the TV they showed another battle of the Heroics.
"Woah,is that Miracle guy?" Me and Face Maker both said at the same time.
"Yeah,apparently someone finally took him down. By the way,kids,I received a call from Ms. Granada,so you already know what to do and where to go. "
That means just one thing,we have to go to the headquarters,at least I can see my friends.
"Have u finished yet?" Asked Face Maker.
"Yes,but -" Before I could finish the sentence, Face Maker runned to dad's car and yelled, " THE LAST ONE IS a DEAD RAT!"
Oh god, what can I do with him? I started walking slowly to the car so he could get annoyed.
We entered the car, and dad started driving towards the headquarters.
When we arrived there me and Face Maker and I got out of the car.
"Love u, dad," we said in sync. "Love you too, kiddos," our dad said before driving off.
We entered and got met with Ms. Granada. " Kids! Here u are,c'mon, let's go with the others, " she said while walking with us to our "study" room.
She opened the door and I saw everyone here,so,like always I went next to Wildcard and sat down.
Ms. Granada watched us "studying " while smiling proudly, then she left and closed the door.
As she did that,Noodles stretched his head towards the door and said, " she's gone!" Everyone started cheering while me and Wildcard just threw papers in the air.
"Hey" I said smiling to him "hey,I was worried that u couldn't come and leave me alone with those idiots"he said laughing "Aww Wildy missed me" I said while pinching his check.
He became red,I don't know why,but I shrugged it off.
"So,how are u doing with the powers?" I asked him, hoping to get a smile,but instead, he frowned.
" I don't know,I just can't focus,and so they don't show," He said sadly.
I put a hand on his shoulder and started caressing it.
"U can do it,you know that I've always believed in u," I said, looking at him directly in the eyes.
"Yeah,thanks Nat-" Before he could finish, we heard Noodles say, " she's coming back!"
We quickly turned to our seats and started doing our 'work'.
The door opened, revealing Ms. Granada ,with a girl with brown, long, wavy hair.
"Everyone, this is Missy. She will be joining you today," Ms. Granada said while everyone was looking at her.
Missy was looking at all of us,almost scared.
"Missy,I appreciate it if u would take a seat right there," she pointed at a seat beside Fast-forward.
"And quietly continue your studies along with the other children."
Then Ms. Granada said, "Children,thank you all for respecting my rules.Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior. Well done," she said, chuckling softly.
Then she spinned around and walked out of the room,
Noodles stretched his head again and said, "She's gone!" Everyone started doing what was doing before,while Missy was looking at us in disbelief.

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