Chapter 8 :)

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While we were doing our hero poses,I noticed that Missy wasn't there,and Anita went to her.Poor girl,she must think that we hate her.
"Keep training," Anita said before walking away.
Anita arrived where Missy was.
"Now,now,you didn't expect to get it on the first try,did you?" Anita asked her granddaughter.
"I'm never gonna get it,not with a million tries," Missy said, crying. "You know why? Because I'm useless, " she continued as Anita sat next to her.
"Who told you that?" The old woman asked in disbelief.
"Everyone told me,in those exact words," Missy said.
"I have trained all of the greatest superheroes, Miracle Guy,Sharkboy, Tech-No, Lava Girl, do you know who the greatest superhero of them all was" Anita said, looking at Missy,who just shook her head.
"It was your mother," she finished.
"But my mother was normal,like me," Missy said, confused.
"Exactly,and without your mother, your father never would have become someone who leads by example,and you will too" Anita said stroking her hair " I'm sure of it,mi amor,I'm sure of it" Anita said hugging Missy.
"Miss Moreno!" Wheels yelled stressed.
"What?" Anita asked, worried.
"You better come quick," the boy said, going back to his friends.
I looked up and saw helicopters coming closer and closer.
"Wildcard," I say, taking his attention. He looked at me and then at what I was looking at.
"Guys,look!" He yelled. Everyone looked up and saw the helicopters.
"I'm gonna call Miss Moreno," Wheels said in a rush.
After some minutes Missy,Wheels and her grandma came into the view.
"They sure find you fast," Anita said, looking at us.
"They wanna take us back to the headquarters," my brother said, putting an arm on my shoulders.
"Well, too bad,we've got a world to save," Missy said confidently.
"Hmm," Anita agreed proudly.
Anita suddenly punched a little button on her stick.
"Go,through this tunnel,I'll hold them off," she said, pointing at the tunnel.
"Go,go,go,go," she said at us.
Wildcard grabbed my hand and started running with me.
" I wish you could come with us," Missy said to her grandma.
"Hug me,as if it's for the last time," Amita said, hugging the brown haired girl.
"Hey,it won't be,I promise," Missy said. "That's my girl,go,go,go,go!" Anita said, pushing her softly towards the tunnel.
Missy came down the slide, and Face Maker and Acapella helped her.
"Guys? Come on!" Missy said to us.
"It sure is dark in here," Guppy said, taking my hand.
"Hey!" Wildcard whispered-yelled while Guppy glared at him, and he pouted,crossing his arms.
"Ojo, can I borrow your flashlight for a minute?" Missy asked as Ojo gave her her iPad.
"We just have to stick....together," she said, walking in front of us.
"Yeah,and find a way up to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the Heroics," Wildcard snapped back at her sassily.
Anita tried to run into the house until she heard a noise behind her.
She turned around and saw an alien.
"Oh my,visitors," she said, chuckling nervously. "Want some lemonade?" She asked as the creature began to grow.
"No? Fine, " she said confidently until it wrapped his tentacles around the woman.
"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels said while pushing his wheelchair.
"Everything, like we lure the aliens out of the cities,so that we don't destroy more buildings," Missy said, holding the IPad.
"She's right. Our parents always have huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities," Rewind agreed.
"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asked while swinging our hands.
"All superheroes have costumes,pads,fake muscles,tons of useless buckles," Fast-forward said.
"Underwear on the outside," Acapella said, disgusted.
"Masks you can barely see out of," Rewind said.
"That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily," Fast-forward said.
"Because they were easy to spot," Missy added. "We have to blend it,be..." Missy paused for a minute before continuing "stealth".
"How?" Wildcard asked, going beside Missy.
"Just trust me,I have a plan," Missy said smirking while Wildcard rolled his eyes.
We went out of the tunnel, and Wildcard asked, "Where? What plan?".
"I'll show you," she said while Wildcard went next to her.
"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" Wildcard asked, unimpressed while crossing his arms.
Missy started whispering something in his ear.
"Oh,holy-doo doo," he said, glancing at Guppy,while she just rolled her eyes.
"I mean, yes,very interesting,uh-huh,okay,makes sense,yep,wow,that's really smart," he said while we all rolled our eyes.
He then snitched the IPad from Missy.
"Okay, everyone, Missy and I figured out a way for us to do this," Wildcard said, looking at me.
"Check It out,Ojo drew us a clue," he said, showing us a draw. "A supply ship," he finished.
"So what does that mean?" Acapella asked.
"It means there's probably one nearby that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship," Wildcard said, handing the iPad to Missy.
"That's actually a good idea,no matter who thought of it," Wheels said.
"Thank you," Wildcard answered, smiling proudly.
"Come on,it's time we show this aliens what's what?" Missy said.
We started running as Wildcard grabbed my hand again.
"Hurry up, Slow-Mo!" He yelled while we were hiding behind a rock.

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