Chapter 9 :)

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AS WE WERE HIDING behind a rock, Missy said, "Look,there's the supply ship,just like Ojo's drawing."
Suddenly, a bunch of tentacles came out of the bushes, making all of us say some 'ew' or 'gross'.
"Shh,keep it down," Missy said as we all bent down.
"Wait,wait a second,let's go," she said, and we all started running.
Wildcard held my hand real tight,so he basically dragged me with him.
We all entered the ship. "Now shut the door and get out of here," Missy said to Wheels,but he started counting us.
"Wheels,can you -" Missy said but got interrupted by Wheels. "No!, we're not all here!" Wheels yelled panicked.
"What? Who's missing?!" Fast-forward asked as she looked in front of her and sighed."Oh..".
We all looked where she was looking and saw Slow-Mo running in slow motion.
Wildcard widened his eyes and squeezed my hand.
"Slow-Mo cut it out,run!" Wildcard yelled at him.
Suddenly, the tentacles came out of the bushes again.
"Hurry! They're coming back!" Guppy yelled, watching at the tentacles.
Face Maker came next to me and took my hand out of Wildcard's,who glared at him.
"Ten to one says he's tentacled," my brother said. "Dude!" I said, looking at him while he just smirked.
We all started cheering for him,and Acapella started singing 'Chariots of Fire'.
"All right, hold me down," Noodles said as Face Maker and Wheels took his shoulders.
We all gripped Wheels wheel chair, and Noodles stretched his arm till he grabbed Slow-Mo waist.
He brought him in the ship. "Yes!" Wheels yelled before closing the door.
Suddenly, the tentacles hit the door,making us all scream.
I hugged Wildcard as he gripped his arms around my body.
"Wheels,tell me you figured this out!" Missy yelled desperately.
"It's incredibly intuitive," he said before pushing a green button.
Suddenly, a purple force field surrounded our ship,making us all yell again.
"Please, just choose any button!" Missy yelled.
"It might be one of this," Wheels said, pushing a blue button.
The force field came down,making us sigh in relief.
The tentacles hit the glass again,almost breaking it,as we all yelled again,but this time Rewind joined mine and Wildcard's hug.
Guppy ran towards the buttons and pushed a red one,making us fly.
We were now in the space,looking around. It was beautiful.
"But what now?" Noodles asked Missy.
"Don't worry, any minute now Ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents, isn't that right, Ojo?" Missy asked, smiling to Ojo,which just shook her head.
"Oh,that's just great," Noodles said sarcastically.
I went to an angle alone and sat down,then Face Maker came and sat next to me.
"How are you doing?" He asked, smiling.
"Well, I guess you?" I asked him smiling too.
"I'm good," he said.
"Hey, can I ask you a question? " I asked him."Ask away, " he answered.
"Why..why do you keep dividing me and Wildcard?" He looked at me and then out of the window.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, raising his eyebrows.
"Come on,I know you're lying," I said, nudging his shoulder.
He looked at me and sighed "it's because-because I'm scared that if you and him start dating you will forget about me and then I will only be the annoying brother that is just a third wheel, and you will not be my little sis anymore " he said sniffing.Wow. I didn't know that he thought that.
My eyes turned blue,and I felt a tear on my cheek, which I quickly wiped away.
" I didn't know that you thought that," I answered he turned his head to me.
"I'm sorry if I made you think you that,I didn't mean it,look,if we,in a very distant future will date,I wouldn't forget about you,you're my brother,and I love you ok?" I asked. He smiled widely and hugged me."Love you too, little sis, " he said, still hugging me.
I laughed and let go of the hug.
"So,you and Wildcard?" he asked smirking "Wha-no,no,no" i said.
"Come onnn,you told me that you like me,and I know he likes you too,so just date," he said.
"If you say so" I said,he suddenly got up and said "Now I'll go on the other side of the ship,imma leave you and your Don Giovanni alone" he said winking.
I blushed and looked away.
"Oh,that's just great!" Noodles said sarcastically.
I looked at Nathalie and saw her and Face Maker laughing.
I smiled and turned back to Missy.
"Hey,why did you choose me to share the idea of looking at Ojo's iPad?" I asked her,she looked at me and said "I don't know, I guess I know how hard it feels when everyone expects so much from you,and you feel like you can't deliver".
I looked down and then at her again.
"Do you believe I can?" I asked
"We all believe you can," she said,then she stopped and looked behind me.
I looked too and saw she was looking at Nathalie.
"Especially her,she knows how much you can do," she said,I smiled, still looking at Nathalie, and then turned my head to Missy.
"Tell that to my parents," I said, looking down.
"I will,right after we rescue them," she said,I smiled and then turned around.
I saw Face Maker winking at Nathalie, and she was blushing.So cute.
I went to her and sat down.
"Hey," I said smiling,her eyes became that gold color again "Hey" she said, smiling too.
"Are you doing okay?" I asked, taking her hand. She blushed, and I smirked.
"Yep,you?" She said, looking into my eyes.
"Me too," I said,still holding eye contact. Suddenly, we heard someone coughing, we turned our heads and saw Face Maker.
"Come on, you two,we're here," he said before going outside.
I got up, and I extended my hand for Nathalie. She took it, and we started going where the others were.

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