Chapter 6 :)

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WHEN WE STARTED yelling the tram crushed into a gazebo,and a woman came out screaming.
"AH! My begonias!Get out of my flower bed,you little termites!" The old woman said.
"Hi abuelita" Missy said still shaken by the incident while raising her hand.
"Ah! Ah,Missy! Come and say hello to your grandma!" Missy's grandma said.
"No way!" Noodles screamed "Missy,your grandmother's Anita Moreno?" Noodles asked excitedly.
"The trainer of the Heroics?" Rewind continued.
"She's a legend" my brother said looking at Missy.
"No,you have to be dead to be a legend,honey" Anita said.
Missy then went to hug her grandma and she said "Oh,mi amor".
"I'm alive and well,which is more than I can say for my gazebo,hmm?" She said eyeing us.
"Sorry" Acapella answered raising her hand.
"We're in trouble grandma,and we need a place to hide" Missy explained.
"To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that,that thing is moving into position" Anita said pointing at the alien ship in the sky.
"She's right, we only have two hours left" Wheels said looking at his tablet "Won't be long until the takeover begins" he explained.
"Everybody get inside, come,come,come" Anita said taking us inside,and glaring at the ship.
Meanwhile I felt something touching my hand,I looked down and saw Wildcard's hand intertwined with mine,i looked up and saw Wildcard looking at Anita blushing.
"Come on people, How hard can it be to find a dozen untrained,unfocused children?" Ms.Granada said looking at everyone in the room with her.
"I've got something, it's weak.It seems to be a communicator or some type,belonging to this kid,patched into our system. " a man said showing a big photo of Missy.
"Can we trace it?" Ms.Granada asked to the man.
"Hold on" he answered "Got her" he suddenly said looking at the bracelet.
"But we're children" Rewind said while Anita gave a glass of lemonade to Missy.
"Yes" Anita said pouring some lemonade in the glasses " The children of the Heroics" she finished.
"If anyone is gonna save the world,it's you,because all of you have superpowers" she said.
"Super lame powers" My brother said,I felt bad for him,so I patted him on the back,since I was sitting beside him,having a smile in return.
"Speak for yourself" Wildcard said confidently.
"Okay Johnny Random" Rewind said making me laugh,I tried to hide it but Wildcard immediately looked at me,and my face became suddenly serious.
"Hmm,this is no way to be a super team" Anita said disappointed.
"Abuelita's right" Missy said standing up "Aliens are about to invade,and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet,we're gonna need to do it now" Missy concluded.
"Are you saying that....we can be superheroes?" Acapella asked while her face brightened.
"Well,yeah,I guess that kinda is what I'm saying" Missy said sitting down.
"We can be heroes, just for one day!" Acapella sang,while we all groaned.
"Sorry,it was there for the taking" she said.
"I need you all to maximize your powers" Anita said.
"Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life" Wildcard said,while I saw Face Maker going behind him,I glared at him and he just smiled at me "So if you have any ideas,I'm all ears" Wildcard said,while Face Maker made big ears behind Wildcard's head,making him scoff and us all laugh.
Then I grabbed Wildcard's hand,giving him a reassuring smile,while he just blushed and looked away,making me grin.
"Um,it's not about who is the strongest or fastest,it's about working together,and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader" Anita said.
"That would be me" Wildcard said raising his hand confidently.
"I was actually talking about Missy,but thank you" Anita said,making Wildcard scoff and leaving Missy with her mouth open.
Damn,I love that grandma.
"Follow me!" She finished "Quickly, quickly! Fast, fast!"
We all stood up and started following her.
"But I'm the leader!" Wildcard complained.
"He's right, I'm totally okay with that." Missy answered.
"Well I'm not,and we don't have time to argue,so what i say goes" Anita answered.
"Yes ma'am" Wildcard answered defited.
"Hmm" Anita nodded and smiled proudly "Welcome to my training ground" she said chuckling and suddenly a training ground with a lot of training items came up.
"Let's boogie" Anita said smirking.
We all started to do our trainings,while Rewind,Acapella and the others started to do fighting training.
"Stand together, feel the rhythm" Anita said looking at us.
I was trying to move a large vase with some flowers in it,because why not? But I couldn't, it was too heavy.
I tried many times,and I could tell that there was Wildcard staring at me,when I tried to move the vase again I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder I looked behind me and saw Wildcard.
"Hey" he said smiling "Watcha doing?" He asked with his hands in his pockets.
"Trying to move that shitty vase,but it's to heavy" I said to him.
"Ah! Language!" He said gasping, I smiled as he smiled too.
"So..about the vase" he started but I interrupted him" Yeah, I know,it's better if I leave it alone and start to do what you're guys doing" I said defeated.
He looked at me in the eyes,making me blush,before he grabbed my shoulders and spoon me around.
"Look at the vase" he said I nodded "Okay,now focus on it,like,concentrate all your energy" he said,I nodded once again,I focused on the vase,suddenly it started to float around and then I putted it down.
"YOU DID IT!" Wildcard screamed letting go of my shoulders, i looked at him in disbelief before jumping into his arms and hugging him.
"I did it!" I yelled again.
Now we were hugging while he was spinning me around laughing.
Then he putted me down and stared into my eyes,almost surprised.
"What?" I asked confused " Oh nothing " he said smirking than walking away.
While I was standing there in confusion Anita came up to me.
"Can we talk?" She said looking at me,I nodded before heading inside.
"What did u wanted to talk about?" I said she looked at me and said.
"That boy,Wildcard, is some hot head,isn't him?" She asked
"Yeah he can be stubborn sometimes but he's just like this at the start,then he's actually really sweet and caring" I stopped myself looking down and saw Anita smirking.
"What?" I said blushing.
"Dear,did you know that you're eyes become gold with silver sparkles when you are talking to him or about him?" She said,I gulped and said no.
"You know...your mother was the same as you" she paused and looked at me "she was strong,and determined, and whenever she looked at your dad her eyes became exactly like yours,so I guess it's from the family" I smiled a little remembering my mother.
"Also,I can tell that you like that boy,don't ya?" She asked.
"Well-yeah,but he doesn't like me anyways" I said,but she just shook her head.
"Are you sure?" She said looking somewhere, I looked in her direction and saw her looking at Wildcard,that was already looking at me,and when he saw me he turned his head.
"Only love can make you that crazy,sweetheart, and that damn stupid" she continued while I was still looking at Wildcard.

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