Chapter 14 :)

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ACAPELLA WENT OVER to Missy and the others.
Tentacles started to come out of the guards' backs,causing them to be taller than before.
Everyone gasped as they took down from the ceiling some sort of handcuffs and cuffed them.
I started speed walking into an empty hallaway.
I walked towards a door. "Focus on super strength!" I yelled angrily, trying to open the door. It didn't opened and I groaned in frustration,I went to another door near the other one. "Focus on teleportation!" I yelled with my eyes closed,I ran towards the door, but I bumped into it, falling on the ground.
As I was standing up I saw three guards and Ms.Granada looking at me "Hmm...nice try kid,take him to interrogation " she said raising her finger,I gasped as many tentacles grabbed me,I hope Nathalie's okay.
"I can't believe it. How can he be so stubborn?!" Nathalie said in frustration.
"Nathalie -" Face Maker tried to say, but she cut him off. "No face maker, how can someone be like that?!" She yelled in anger "Nathalie-" Face Maker tried to say again,"No! I swear,if he keeps being like this all the mission, I will never tell him that I like him!" Nathalie said sternly, as Face Maker froze.
"Face Maker? Why did you stop?? Let's go, " Nathalie said, grabbing his arm, but he didn't move,he just looked at her.
"Nathalie, it's me," Face Maker said, turning into Wildcard. The girl widened her eyes in shock,letting go of his arm.
"It was all part of the plan.." Wildcard said."What?" Nathalie asked confused "The plan, was that,I was gonna be mad at you two,and then I was gonna transform into Face Maker, and him into me,so now we can go to the control room" he explained "Oh" was all that Nathalie could said "So...I guess you heard everything.." she said, fidgeting with her fingers and keeping walking "Yep,everything" he said smiling,reaching her. She looked at him confused."Why are you smiling?" She asked "Oh nothing " he said smiling, she looked at him for a while,trying to understanding why he was smiling, when she accidentally read his mind 'I like you too' she heard,she widened her eyes in shock as a smile took form on her lips.
Wildcard turned towards her. "Now who is the smiling one?" He asked."Oh shut up, " she said, giggling as he took her hand and they started going to the room.
They started moving their hands,trying to take off the cuffs,but they couldn't.
"Rewind!" Missy yelled."I can't, " he answered, trying to move his hands.
"We can do this," Fast-forward said. "How?" Rewind asked."We work together,I'll help you, " she said, starting to move her hands, and Rewind moved his hands in the same direction.
They rewinded time and turned back when Acapella went over them.
"Noodles,get those shackles out of the ceiling!" Missy ordered as Noodles took them off.
"Now fast-forward, quick," Rewind said as she forwarded time,arriving at the moment where the guards took down the handcuffs.
They lifted their tentacles, trying to find them, but they couldn't.
The kids started chuckling,the guards fell on the ground,with their feet cuffed,and the kids laughed again.
Suddenly a guard took out a bunch of keys from his pocket. "Uh-oh" Acapella said, "Again!" Fast-forward exclaimed as they started rewinding time.
The guards smirked as he searched for his keys,but when he couldn't find any, he looked at them shocked.
"Looking for these?" Missy asked to him, swinging the keys.
The guards scoffed and punched the ground.
The twins high-fived, and Missy went in front of them. "Great job, Fast-forward, excellent work, Rewind," she said,as Rewind started rewinding her.
"Excellent work, Rewind," she said for the third time,as Rewind blocked her. "I just like hearing her say it," he said, smiling to his sister.
He continued rewinding her as the parents in the other room were shocked.
Crimson Legend and Red Lighting Fury stood up. "Did you see their teamwork?" Crimson Legend asked."Just like their parents, " his wife said as they held hands.
Anita started chuckling, and Marcus looked at her,putting a finger on his mouth, signaling her to stop.
Wildcard was on a chair as the guards started entering the room.
"Okay, Wildcard, spill it,What's the big plan,hmm?" Ms. Granada asked impatiently.
"Well,the plan was to get me close enough to you to turn you into the dumbest alien that ever existed" Wildcard said,suddenly he moved his hend towards Ms.Granada,don't doing anything "No way" he exclaimed "My powers finally worked" he finished smiling,as a guard behind Ms.Granada started laughing loudly.
She turned around and glared at him. "Keep laughing, and I'll blast you right back to Ogima," she threatened as the guards shutted his mouth.
Ms. Granada turned her head to find a smiling Wildcard. "We have ways of getting the truth out of you,you know?" She asked, kneeling to his level.
"That'd be a first,Ah!" Wildcard said, smiling as the same guard started snickering.
Ms. Granada turned her head slowly to the guard as he shutted his mouth again.
The kids arrived in front of the giant pyramid.
"We have only six minutes left!" Missy said as everyone ran behind Wheels.
"Not a problem, not a problem," Wheels said, looking at everyone. "All I have to do is reprogram the rocket's main contr-" at the end of the sentence, something appeared on the pyramid
"What is that?" Rewind asked, confused.
Wheels took a stick. "Maybe it's a," he said, putting the stick closer to the pyramid,but it exploded,scaring everyone.
"A force field?" Wheels asked, shocked and mad.
"No,no,no, we were so close!" Missy said, defeated.
"But there's no one here but us," Acapella said, looking at Missy.
"Who did this?" Noodles asked, looking at the pyramid."I did this, " Ojo said as everyone turned around and looked at her.
"Ojo,did you just talk?" Noodles asked, surprised.
"I could always talk,I simply chose to observe and listen instead,and what I heard was chaos,dysfunction,dysarmony... just like your parents," Ojo said, looking at them with a serious face.
"But that's not true," Missy said, walking in front of everyone. "We were walking together," she finished.
"Were you?" Ojo asked."Then where are Wildcard and Nathalie?" She asked Missy with a not surprised face.
"That's a good question," Missy said, raising her finger. "Hey Nathalie, Wildcard, old buddies,are you in the ship's control room yet?" She asked, looking at Ojo.
From the control room
"We sure we are,just like we planned, old buddy," Wildcard said, looking at Nathalie smiling.
Ms. Granada heard what he said from another room,and her smirk faded into a shocked face.
"Ignore him," Ms. Granada said, raising her finger. "That's some kind of trick,I have Wildcard right here,don't I?" She asked, getting closer to the Wildcard on the chair.
He passed a hand over his face,transforming into Face Maker. "Boo!" He said as Ms. Granada gasped and started screeching.
"Wow,I gave this plan 50 to 1 odds at best" he said looking at Wildcard's shirt "But you fell for it hook,line and sinker" he said smiling proudly "We got the one with the useless superpower?" Ms. Granada asked, upset.
Suddenly, they heard Nathalie's voice from the speakers. "Hey! He doesn't have a useless superpower, you douchebag!" She said, defending her brother,as he smiled at her voice while Ms. Granada just glared at him.
"Got you far away from the control center,didn't it?" Face Maker asked, smirking.
Ms. Granada gasped. "Go to the control center,now! Go,go,go,go!" She said as every guard started running outside the room while she pushed them,glaring at Face Maker.
He started laughing and then made  a fake sad face with baby eyes while waving at them.
He started laughing again.

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