Chapter 3 :)

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AFTER HITTING FACE MAKER I went near Wildcard,suddenly he got up and asked, "So new girl,what's your superpower?"
I nudged him slightly, for being rude,he looked at me and shrugged.
"Yeah,uh,so,with the whole powers thing -" Missy started but was cut by Face Maker.
"Wait a second,I remember you,you're Marcus Moreno's kid," he said, pointing his index at her.
"Yeah,my dad hasn't gone on any mission for a while,so I've been chilling with the normal kids," she said anxiously.
"Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with normal kids?" Wildcard asked,I knew where he wanted to go, " Oh, I get it,you don't have any powers, " he says, smirking.
I glared at him while he gave me a 'sorry' look.
"You're powerless?!" Wheels asked in disbelief.
"Whatever, can we turn on the TV? I want to see if there's news about our parents, " Missy said,sitting down desperately.
Everyone went back to their seats, and Wheels turned the TV on.
"You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown event when they've called in Sharkboy!" The lady announced.
Everyone started cheering for him.
"Earlier today,Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths,landing on the beach of South Padre Island," the male anchor said.
"And moments later Lava Girl blasted up from inside an active volcano"
"Go Sharkboy and Lava Girl!" Guppy cheered as Acapella patted her back.
"She's from the Earth's core,and here's Mayon Doolittle,at today's ribbon cutting for his new city hall,rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action."
The lady said that Blinding Fast ran in cutting the ribbon.
"Did u see that?! Of course you didn't,that means it's none other than Blinding Fast,the fastest Heroic on the planet. "
"Go, dad!" Slow-Mo cheered very slowly.
"And here comes Crushing Low!" The lady said as you and Face Maker started cheering for your dad.
"And here goes the mayor's new building in record time."
Everyone started cheering again.
"These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers but so entertaining," the lady said with excitement.
"Pass the pop corn,this battle's gonna be epic!" Wildcard said to Slow-Mo.
"This is unprecedented," the lady said as Slow-Mo started passing the pop corn to Wildcard.
"All of the Heroics have been called into action against the alien threat," the lady continued.
Wildcard looked at his watch, and then he snatched the pop corn from Slow-Mo  impatiently.
"Want some?" He asked me, handing me the pop corn's box.
I took some and I started eating them.
I saw Wildcard staring at me, so I said, "Do you want a chewing tutorial or something?" His checks became pink as he continued watching the battle.
"We're getting some live footage now," the man said.
"And look who's back in action," the reporter said.
"It's Miracle Guy, you didn't expect him to actually lose,did u?" She asked.
Then we all saw the Heroics ready to fight,and when Missy saw her dead, her face dropped. "He's not supposed to be there," she said, worried.
"Oh my god!" The lady shouted as an alien ship hitted Miracle Guy.
"No way! No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy!" Noodles said in disbelief.
"Evasive maneuvers," Lava Girl shouted.
Then Sharkboy got hitted by an alien ship, and he ended up on a helicopter.
"You ok Sharkboy?" The man asked,but soon enough, one of the ships took Sharkboy,and Guppy gasped in fear for her dad.
"Oh no,I'm just getting some terrible news," the lady said.
"It's almost unimaginable, but two of our heroes have been captured by the intruders."
" I thought the Heroics were unbeatable," Guppy said, defeated.
"They are unbeatable,it's not over yet," Wheels reassured everyone.
" it looks like our heroes are fighting amongst themselves again."
"Ladies first," Crimson Legend said.
"I don't need your dated chivalry," Red Lightning Fury said.
"Fine, I'll go," Crimson Legend answered.
"How dare you," Red Lightning Fury spatted back.
Then they got captured,"Mom!" Rewind said,"Dad!" Fast Forward said,then they both looked at each other in fear.
Then our dad came on TV, I was excited but also worried for him,I heard Face Maker say, "Go dad!".
He started hitting some ships but then got captured.
I gasped while Face Maker did a confused face.
As I was looking at my brother I heard a hand interlocking with mine,I looked at Wildcard who was already looking at me,he gave me a simpathy smile, and I smiled back still scared for my dad.
Then suddenly Rewind rewinded the TV  back,but Fast Forward forwarded it,they did it a few times again,then Rewind looked at his sister and said " I want to see it again" and she said " and I don't want to see it again".
"And here comes Ms. Vox to the rescue,she'll get those aliens singing a different tune, " the female anchor said.
"Ah,ah,ah." On the third note, an alien ship grabbed her,and Acapella gasped.
"They took Ms. Vox!".
Then Lava Girl was going to throw a lava ball to the ship,but accidentally, she hitted Tech-No,causing him to get taken.
Wildcard gasped, and I squeezed his hand since we were still holding them.
"They got Tech-No!"
"There goes Lava Girl," Guppy gasped,putting her head in her arms as Acapella patted her back.
"What is happening?! Our heroes are dropping like flies!" The lady said.
"They won't get Blinding Fast, not him,he's too-" Before Wheels could continue an alien ship took Blinding Fast, we all turned to Slow-Mo who had a tear that fell dramatically on his desk.
"It's all up to Marcus Moreno now." When Missy heard those words,she instantly got up, and her bracelet started beeping.
"Dad? Dad, we had a deal!" Missy said.
"I know,I promised I wouldn't be a hero  anymore, but I'm still the leader of the Heroics," he said as he took his swords.
"Dad! Dad, run,get out of there!" Missy yelled in her bracelet.
"And a good leader leads by example," Marcus continued.
"Dad!" Missy yelled." I'm sorry, honey, " Marcus said before jumping into the crowd of alien ships.
Missy then fell onto her desk crying.
"This is unbelievable,unimaginable,"
"Ladies and gentlemen," the man continued, "The Heroics have fallen."
"We're getting word that the president would like to address the nation."
"People of America,as you have witnessed,the Heroics have been captured,Military forces are stepping in,mobilizing to bring our heroes back.
But while it looks rather's bad - it's hopelessly bad, " the president said.
"How did this guy get to be president?" Face Maker asked.
"He can't even put two sentences together," I finished.
"We have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded,it reads ' We are from the planet Ogima,unfortunately we have no choice but to prepare you for takeover.Please comply or else Earth will be destroyed,you have three hours' I'm afraid that was the entire message,there are no heroes left,God save us all" he said,and with that,the TV turned up,while we were there looking at eachother.

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