Chapter 12 :)

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HE BLUSHED AND turned to the others.
"I wanna go home," Guppy said, hugging her knees.
"Me too," the twins said in unison.
"We all want to go home. The key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to," Wheels said.
"Wait a second,what did you just say?" Missy said like she realized something.
Wheels widened his eyes. "He said we all want to go home," Acapella answered.
"Not that,the second part," Missy said, looking from Acapella to Wheels.
"Figure out how to get out of this room,so we can make sure there's a home to go back to?"Wheels repeated confused.
"Stop saying that," Guppy protested.
"Keep it together," Wildcard said, moving his hands,while Guppy just glared at him.
He then came closer and placed his head on my shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled,I smiled back,blushing a bit.
"Guys," Missy said, standing up. "Maybe it's time to admit we're never getting out of here," she finished.
What the heck,why is she saying that??
"What?" Rewind asked in disbelief.
"I mean,let's get real,these walls,and this door must be like,two-feet thick,it'stotally impossible," Missy said, gesturing with her hands.
Wildcard looked at the wall behind us. "Wow,great attitude," he said, smiling sarcastically and lifting his thumb.
Then his smile faded quickly, and he removed his head from my shoulder.
"Yep,,we're never getting out of here,and we'recertainly never seeing our parents again,that's for sure"Missy said sitting down again and winking at Wheels,who understood what she was trying to say.
"She's right" he said putting on a sad face "pretty soon, we'll forget what they even look like,the way they smelled,it'll all just be..gone" he finished snapping his fingers.
"Jeez," Wildcard said, looking at them. "You guys are really bumming me out," he said.
Missy winked at him multiple times,and Wildcard shutted himself up.
"But I guess.. this really is the end," he said, looking intensely at Guppy.
"But I'm not ready for the end," Noodles said, crying.
I heard my brother sniffles, and I looked at him.
"I was just starting to think," Rewind said, pausing himself as we all looked at him. " Maybe my sister didn't hate me," he finished.
"I don't hate you," Fast-forward said with tears in her eyes.
"I love you," the twins said together.
"That love we feel is real," Missy said.
I looked at my brother, and he had big baby eyes with tears.
I started tearing up too,seeing him sad was terrible.
Wildcard looked at me and took my hand,rubbing it gently.
"'s that love," Missy said, wiping away her tears. "That'll get us out of here," she finished showing us her tears.
"Why are you saying all this stuff? It's almost like you want everybody cry..ohh, " Guppy said,then realization hit her.
"Guppy,quick,gather all the tears," Missy said, giving her her tears.
Guppy started taking all of our tears,and then she went in the middle of the room and started fidgeting with her fingers.
"What are you making?" Acapella asked, getting closer to the little girl.
"I'm making a key," Guppy said, hitting the key,making it doing a 'ding' sound.
She gave it to Missy. "Little Miss Guppy,you just saved us," she said, patting Guppy's head.
Missy went to the door,putting the key in the door lock.
We heard an unlocking sound and saw the door opening.
Missy took out the key and started swinging it in her hand.
"Come on, let's go!" She yelled, running out.
Wildcard helped me up, and we went out of the room.
Miracle Guy kept hitting his head on a metal part of the room,making noise.
He then looked at the ceiling and sighed.
"How long has it been this bad?" Anita asked, looking at Marcus and pointing at Miracle Guy with her thumb.
"You should've come to me," she continued. "You?" Marcus asked, surprised.
"Yep," she said proudly "Hmm" Marcus answered sarcastically.
"Don't you remember what your generation was like when we took over?" Marcus asked.
"Good point," Anita said, looking at the floor "hmm-hmm" Marcus agreed.
"Well, I guess it's up to the kids," Anita said, shrugging. "The next generation is always more..." she said, gesturing with her hands."powerful, more..." she continued."Evolved?" Marcus answered, finishing her sentence.
She looked at him and nodded.
"I got it," Tech-No suddenly said.
Miracle Guy's head snapped quickly towards Tech-No. "What? You figure a way out of here?" He asked hopefully.
"Oh,no,I figured out how to switch on these security monitors," Tech-No answered, connecting two sockets,and suddenly, a camera behind them went on.
"Surprisingly intuitive," Tech-No continued proudly,as everyone looked at him in disappointment.
"What? At least now we can watch something instead of sitting around yelling at each other. " Tech-No said, sitting down.
Suddenly, a video with all of their kids popped up.
"Wait,what's this?" Tech-No asked, pointing at the monitor.
"Acapella," Ms. Vox said "Rewind,Fast-forward" Red Lightning Fury and Crimson Legend said.
"Are those...our children?" Lava Girl asked, getting closer to the monitor.
Crushing Low and Tech-No looked at each other, confused before looking back at the monitor.
"Looks like your kids found love," Miracle Guy said, laughing to Tech-No and Crushing Low.
"If you even saw how he looked at her," Anita suddenly said.
Everyone looked at her. "What? I'm just saying that these kids have liked each other for a long time, " she said, shrugging.
"I knew that," Crushing Low said, getting closer to the monitor, sitting down beside Tech-No.
"You're right," Tech-No said, agreeing with Anita's words.
"Twenty bucks that they're gonna be together at the end of this," Miracle Guy said to Tech-No and Crushing Low.
"Bet," the dads said in unison as everyone looked intensely at the screen.

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