Chapter 4 :)

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WE WERE LOOKING AT each other dumbfounded , suddenly Ms. Granada popped out of nowhere on the screen.
"Children,for your own safety ,we're going into full lockdown,don't leave your seates. As long as you stay where you are,you're all safe, " she said, smirking as the screen started going up again.
"Yeah, right,they can't protect us from that.We just saw it!" Noodles protested.
"You got a better idea?" Wildcard asked with attitude.
I looked at him,noticing our hands still interlocked, so I quickly removed mine from his,blushing a little.
I saw him frown, but I brushed it off.
"We should probably do what, Ms. Granada says," Guppy said innocently.
"Uh, pardon me, but -" Missy tried to speak but got interrupted by Face Maker.
"The last look on our dad's face will haunt me forever," he said, imitating the face of our dad.
"What do they want from us?" Acapella asked.
"Do you think our parents are okay?" Rewind asked, worried.
"Um, excuse me," Missy said,this time a little louder.
"What?" Wildcard asked rudely.
I shot him a glare, and he mumbled a 'sorry'.
"We need to leave this room right now," Missy said.
"Why?" Me and Guppy asked at the same time.
"Because the aliens know where we are,and they're coming for us next," Missy said in a matter of fact tone.
Face Maker made the last face on our dad,but I knew that he was confused as hell, well-like me, by the way.
"How could you possibly know that?" Wildcard asked, scoffing.
Missy glared at him and then started walking towards Ojo.
"Can I borrow this a minute?" She asked to the smaller girl,which just nodded.
She then walked in front of the class and started showing some drawings that Ojo made. " Ojo drew this," she started.
"Face Maker standing on top of the floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball.." she continued swiping through the draws.
"She draws what she sees, big deal," Wildcard said, annoyed.
"She drew these things five minutes before they happened," Missy explained.
"Ojo super power isn't that she can draw,she can draw the future," Missy said, smiling.
"Okay,cool,good for Ojo,What's your point?" Wildcard asked rudely.
"She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room there," Missy said, pointing at a vent behind us.
"Whoa" Noodles said in amazement. " You're saying they'll come through there?" He asked.
"She's right,all these drawings suddenly make perfect sense,Ojo can see the future," Wheels said, joining Missy in front of the class and taking the tablet.
"Let me get this straight,some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?" Wildcard asked with attitude.
"Seems like she's got a point," Acapella said.
"Just a moment ago, you agreed that we weren't safe here," Missy protested.
"We're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain," he said, adding quotes at the last word.
" I just want to get out of here. If anybody wants to join me, you're free to follow," she said, crossing her arms.
I looked at Wildcard and whispered, " Give her a chance and be nice." he looked at me with a look and then gave off.
"Fine," he sighs. " We're getting out of here,but only because I say so,you got that?" He said, pointing at himself and then at us.
After that, he looked at me and smiled, I rolled my eyes at him and then smiled too.
"Well, what's the plan? Granada said this place is on lockdown. There'll be guards everywhere, " Wheels said.
"Yeah Missy, what's the plan?" Wildcard asked, smirking. God, that boy.
"Well.." she started." I figured this is kind of like making an omelet,you always start by.." she continued," breaking some eggs. " Noodles finished the sentence for her,stretching his head.
Then, me and Face Maker opened the door,peeking our heads out,as three guards spotted us.
"Hey,is that updog?" I said.
"What's updog?" The guard asked, confused.
"Not much.Just living our best life over here,not like I'm totally up to no good or anything," Face Maker finished.
Then we went back ,and my brother gave them a mischievous grin.
The guards came inside and found all of us in front of them.
"So don't ask how we know this,but aliens are about to attack,and we're no longer safe here," Missy said with her hands on her hips.
"This place is a fortress,nothing's getting in,and I'm afraid no one's getting out either,those are the rules," the guard said, looking at all of us.
"Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here,and so we're gonna need your access cards,like now, " Missy said to the guard.
The guard in the middle started chuckling and then said, "And you think we'll just hand this to you?"
"No,but it would have made this a whole lot easier,cushions!" She said,as Wildcard, Face Maker, and Noodles bringed three cushions,putting them in front of the guards.
"What are these for?" The guard asked, dumbfounded.
"Tell him, Guppy!" Missy said, smiling.
"To protect your butts,when you hit the ground," she said.
The guards looked at her smiling. "Why don't you go back in line?" He asked, gesturing with his hand.But Guppy grabbed him and thrown him to the ground.
"Oh no!" he yelled."She's got shark strength!".
Then a guard came behind Guppy. She took him and thrown him to the ground too,making him do a flip.
Then she kicked in the stomach the guard that she flipped and thrown him to an armchair.
"Have a nice nap," she said with her little sweet voice while waving at the guard.
Then the third guard started running towards Guppy,but Noodles blocked him with his arm,throwing him to the ground.
Then he took the access cards and gave them to Missy.
"Aliens are really about to attack,so we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Ms.Granada know what we know" Missy said,but as soon as she finished the third guard pushed a red button,and an alarm started to sound.
"This was a bad idea," Fast-forward said.
"Wheels,next time this happens,don't let the guard reach the alarm" Missy explained to him,who just nodded "Noodles you'll take his jacket and cuff them",Missy said pointing at the guards.
"What next time? You kids aren't - " The guard was about to finish, but a loud noise interrupted him.
Then aliens' tentacles came through the vent. " I told you your plan wouldn't work," Wildcard said at Missy, but as soon as he said that, a tentacle grabbed him
"No!" I yelled.
"Rewind, send us back!" Missy ordered,Rewind started rewinding time,and we turned back.
I runned to Wildcard. "Are you okay?" I asked." I've been better, " he said," but if you take my hand, I will be better, " he said, smirking at me,he wants to play like this huh,well okay.
I grabbed his hand, and he became red.
Then we looked at our friends to see the scene again.
"So we will have to leave your expert care until you and Ms. Granada know what we know," Missy said again.
But just before the guard could push the button, Wheels blocked him with his wheelchair,and Noodles cuffed them.
"C'mon, let's go!" Missy yelled.
"Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less, " Wheels said.
"Let's go!" Missy repeated as everyone rushed out of the room.
Me and Wildcard started running,hand in hand,but we stopped as soon as we heard a noise,we looked behind us, and the tentacles came out of the vent.
Wildcard turned to Missy and said, " beginners luck." she glared at him and then started running to the others.
"Ladies first," he said, gesturing with his hand the door.
"Oh, come on, be quick!" I pushed him out of the room, and we closed the door.
We started running again,and he took my hand.

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