Chapter 18 :)

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WHEELS LOOKED AT them, confused. "But,I don't understand, the clock hit zero,we were one second too late," Wheels said.
"The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen," the president said,motioning Ojo.
"Your guess was close wheels,but not quite right. Everything on the ship wasn't designed for children," Ojo said.
"Oh,it was designed by children," Wheels said in realization.
"That's correct. On our planet,the children are in charge," Ojo said as Ms. Granada,the president, and the guards bowing at her while taking their tentacles out.
"So,you're their leader?" Missy asked, smiling."Yes,just as I knew you would be a natural leader,it's why I drew you in front of the class, " Ojo said, and Mossy smiled proudly.
"So,from one leader to another, as we each head off to face the challenges of the universe,can we count on you to not just help save your planet,but the entire galaxy? " Ojo asked, smiling. Missy smiled and put her hand on her hips."You have our word,when you need us,we'll be there, " she said at Ojo.
"Thank you," Ojo said, smiling before opening her arms.
The ground became all the same level,and the parents ran to hug their kids.
Face Maker and Nathalie ran to their dad,squeezing him a bone crushing hug.
The twins started explaining everything.
"Dad, there were tentacles everywhere!" Face Maker said."Yeah,and we escaped the headquarters and flied on the roof!" Nathalie said.
Crushing Low chuckled. "You did a good job, kiddos." he lifted his hands, and the twins high fived him.
"Listen Nat,what's happening between you and that Wildcard boy?" Their dad asked "Nothing" she said, blushing,and her eyes became white.
"Ah! She's lying!" Face Maker said laughing while making fun of his sister.
Suddenly, someone tapped Nathalie on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Wildcard.
"Uhm, can we talk?" He asked shyly, and she nodded.
He took her hand,bringing her in a more 'private' spot.
"So.." he said "So" she repeated.
They looked at each other. "I like you." Wildcard blurted out,blushing, she giggled, "I know... and I like you too."
He smiled. "I know," he said.
He looked at her and started leaning in. She leaned in, too,and their lips touched,starting a kiss.
They kissed but suddenly heard a cough behind them. They pulled away and saw Face Maker with his arms crossed.
"Hey lil sis,could I have two words with Wildcard?" He asked,glaring at Wildcard "sure" she said, confused, walking back to their dad.
"So.. Wildcard,I heard that you like my sister," he said "yeah" Wildcard answered, "You promise you'll always protect her?" Face Maker asked with an eyebrow raised."Yeah,I promise, " Wildcard said.
"Good,because if you do something to her,I will transform in Hulk and squash you. You got that?" Face Maker asked, threatening him,Wildcard nodded quietly "Okay you can go to her again now. " Face Maker smiled and walked to his sister again.
Wildcard went towards her and interlocked their fingers,as Face Maker kept glaring at Wildcard.
"I love you," Lava Girl said, smiling,hugging Guppy.
Sharkboy lifted his hands,and Guppy started punching them,but then accidentally kicked him in the stomach.
Guppy gasped,but Sharkboy ran back,roaring.
"How do you feel, son?" Miracle Guy asked,kneeling down to Wheels' level.
"Strong,you know like,really strong," Wheels said. "You're stronger than i'll ever be," Miracle Guy said,hugging Wheels. "Proud of you," he whispered.
"I'm so very proud of you," Ms. Vox and Acapella sang together.
Slow-Mo arrived at his father and hugged him.
"Put it there, buddy," Blinding Fast said, extending his hand,Slow-Mo exhaled slowly before giving a fast high five to his father.
"What're so fast," Blinding Fast said, smiling, hugging Slow-Mo tightly.
"I love you," Slow-Mo said. "I love you too, buddy,I love you too," Blinding Fast said, patting his back.
"You're so wonderful together, I am so proud of you," Red Lightning Fury said to Fast-forward and Rewind,taking their hands.
"You two make such a great team," Crimson Legend said, smiling.
Rewind rewinded his father. "You two make such a great team," his father repeated for three times.
Ojo looked at Ms. Granada and the president, and they hugged each other with their tentacles.
Missy passed and gave a punch to Face Maker and Nathalie and high fived Rewind.
"Oh yeah,come on," she said, hugging Fast-forward.
"Hey dad, hey grandma," Missy said, smiling.
"Hey," Marcus said, raising his hand.
"Hey," Anita said, smiling.
Missy high fived Noodles "Someone's made a few friends," Marcus said to his mother. "I tell you,Marcus,natural-born leader," Anita answered, looking at her granddaughter.
Missy arrived in front of his father and put her hands on her hips.
"I should get captured more often," Marcus said, leaning down at Missy's height.
"Nope,not without me,you're not,if you ever go on any other missions,I'm gonna be there right by your side,deal?" Missy asked, extending her hand.
"A deal is.." Marcus started and looked at Anita."A deal, " he finished,shaking Missy's hand.
" I missed you," Missy said, hugging Marcus.
The aliens started clapping and high fiving each other with their tentacles.

This was the day our heroes fell,but others did rise.
As for the aliens,they'll be back,and when they call on us for help,we will be prepared, and we will be ready.

The kids are now standing on a rock,all with their uniforms and in their fight poses,Nathalie and Wildcard hand in hand.
"So..what are we supposed to be looking at?" Face Maker asked,and everyone looked at Missy.
"The future," Missy said smiling proudly.
Wildcard and Nathalie looked at eachother smiling, before looking in front of them again.


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