Chapter 2 :)

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ME AND WILDCARD STARTED talking about random things,till my brother came and separated us.
Leaving us confused.
"So,Wildcard,how have u been?" He asked.
"Good?" Wildcard answered,but it sounded more like a question.
"What are u doing?" I asked him.
"Talking to my friend,why don't you go somewhere else?" My brother asked, gesturing with his hand.
"Jeez, fine," I said, rolling my eyes and getting up.
I saw that Wheels was about to go to Missy,so I approached him.
We walked towards her desk, and I said "hey" she looked up at me,then down at Wheels.
"I'm Nathalie," I said .She smiled at me. " Missy."
"And I'm Wheels,yes,they call me that on account of the wheel chair,it's a little on the noise,but I like it,because it's cool" he said proudly.
"Ok," Missy answered, faking to be excited.
"You may think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak,but it's the opposite,my muscles aro so strong that my bones can't support them,but lucky for me,my brain is the same way,it's super charged,so i'm good" he said still proud.
"Nathalie,have telekinesis, and can read minds,oh also,her eyes color change when she change emotions,like pink means that she's happy,blue sad,yellow,embarrassed, red,angry,orange confused,just like that,c'mon,show her"
I looked around before something caught my eyes,Guppy's bottle water.
I started focusing on it, and with my hand , took the bottle.
"Hey!" Guppy said, frustrated
"Sorry, Gups," I said
"That's really cool!" Missy says, smiling looking at the water bottle.
"Thank you," I said, smiling.
I give the bottle to Guppy again,receiving a glare from her.
"So guys,who's your new friend?" Noodles asked, stretching his head towards us.
"Missy,this is Noodles." Wheels said, "We call him that because,well..."
"He stretchs and twists around like a noodle?" Missy questioned finishing Wheels sentence.
"Yeah, basically," Noodles answered.
"And that's Ojo," Wheels said,making Missy jump to the girl that was now on her desk.
"Her power is that she's a genius drawer,like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dalì" He said, gesturing to her draws.
"Can I see?" Missy asked politely to Ojo,who gave her her I-pad.
"A kid standing on top of floating chairs? An exploding exercise ball?"
"Nothing she draws makes sense," Wheels said.
"That me,why did u draw me in front of the class?" Missy asked.
" Oh, she won't answer," Noodles said to the questioning girl.
"Don't speak,I know just what you're saying," Acapella sang.
"No, you don't, you have no clue," Noodles answered, speaking facts.
"And this is Acapella," you said.
"It me," she answered proudly.
"That's your superpower? You can sing?" Missy asked, amazed.
"Yeah,but I have an usual range,I can go low,or I can go high," she said, singing in the two tones.
"I can even go, really," she said, singing.
"I don't hear anything," Missy said, confused.
" It's beyond human hearing," she said.
Then we heard Ms. Granada from the auto speakers " Miss Acapella Vox,please refrain from using your high voice,every dog in the neighborhood is surrounding our building," She said, earning a laugh from everyone.
"And she can sing so low that she can move objects,show her how you make things float," Wheels said.
Acapella nodded and then went on the center of the room and started singing very low.
Everything started moving,like it was an earthquake, and the chairs started floating.
My brother obviously had to do something, so he climbed up on the chairs and started showing his non existing muscles.
Then he went down, and Acapella stopped singing,making the chairs fall.
She waved at Missy and walked away.
"All right, let's see who's left," Wheels said, looking around.
"That's Blinding Fast kid,Slow-Mo. He's actually moving very fast,but somehow, his powers have him stuck in a time wrap," Wheels said, pointing at Slow-Mo.
"Hi," Missy said, waving at him.
"Hi," he answered very slowly.
"That kid over there," he said, pointing at Face Maker.Oh god.
"Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes," Face Maker said.
"Is Face Maker" Wheels continued.
"Okay," Noodles said.
He started crossing his eyes,like a normal person could do "Beat that" he said proudly," He makes the craziest faces"Wheels said,then Face Maker literally crossed his eyes,then they went back at their normal place.
"He's also Nathalie twin brother."
"Really,you're twins?"
"Yep,it's kinda funny having him around," you said, looking at your brother.
"It's impossible," Noodles said in disbelief.
"I can even change my face to look like,you," Face Maker said, then changed his face like Noodles.
"He's cheating! I can't compete with that!" Noodles yelled, angry.
He made a big punch with his hand and punched the table,breaking it.
"Oh, dude! Rewind clean up on aisle two, " Wheels said as Rewind runned towards us.
"That's Rewind,he can rewind time,but just a few seconds," Wheel said as Rewind rewinded time.
Acapella and Rewind took the table away from Noodles,as Face Maker brought an exercise ball,and Noodles smashed it with his punch,making the ball explode and Face Maker fly.
"I'm sorry," you said. "Don't worry, I'm fin -" Face Maker started. " I'm not sorry for u,but for Noodles," you said as Face Maker pouted.
You laughed at your brother's face.
"They're twins,it's crazy right?" Wheels said out of the blue.
"What twins,what are you talking about?" Missy asked, confused.
"Fast Forward, are u at it again?" Wheels said, annoyed.
"You were taking so long,I skipped u forward a bit,sorry, not sorry," she said sassily.
You smiled at her while Fast Forward smiled at u.
"She and Rewind are twins,opposite powers,the only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other," Wheels said, looking from the twins to Missy.
"At all," they answered in sync, glancing at each other.
"They're twins, it's crazy right?" Wheels repeated.
"And then there's our fearless leader,Wildcard," Wheels said, looking at Wildcard,while him was too busy to stare at u.
"There's not a power in the world he doesn't have," U said, smiling at him while he was smiling softly at u.
"True," he said confidently.
Then Face Maker came and put a hand on his shoulder.
" Sure,he has every power imaginable,but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly," He said.
"Also true," Wildcard answered with less confidence.
"Until now that is," he said, then looked at u,u smiled at him, and he said, " Teleport!" But instead of teleporting the book, it went on fire.
U look at him with sympathy, while a truck of water came towards u.
" And last but definitely not least,Guppy!" Wheels said, motioning the little girl.
"How are u making that?" Missy asked.
"My mommy is lavagirl but my daddy's Sharkboy,so instead of lava I move water" she said throwing the water on the book,while Wildcard raised his eyebrows annoyed"I need hydration for my powers to work" she said sipping from her bottle.
She then spits the water in the air,representing the scene from Jews,where the shark eats a boy,and then she throws it in the air.
"That's really cool," Missy said. " Thanks," Guppy answered, giggling.
Your brother walks next to you and you whispered to him " leave him alone" you said motioning Wildcard, he looks at you and started smirking,you hit the back of his head,earning an 'ow' from him.
U started laughing while Wildcard smiled at u,seeing your eyes turning pink.

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