Chapter 10 :)

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WHILE WILDCARD HELPED Nathalie get up, Noodles said, " I'm gonna go check it out." he stretched his neck and looked to the left and to the right
"We're all good," he said, turning back.
We started walking out. "Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy said, grabbing Nathalie's hand.
"It's enormous," Fast-forward said "Yeah" Wildcard letting go of Nathalie's hand and went towards Missy. "How are we gonna find our parents?" Wildcard asked.
"I was just thinking about that," Wheels said, stopping in front of them. "Ms. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house,and I think I know how,your bracelet," he finished.
"I haven't been able to contact my dad," Missy said as Wheels took her bracelet.
"But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device," Wheels said.
"But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source," he finished.
"My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark," Guppy said, making a biting sound "Perfect" Wheels exclaimed.
"And I've got heat source,heat vision! " Wildcard said, moving his hands before becoming a toaster,and Nathalie giggled.
"Now he's a toaster," Face Maker said, annoyed. Nathalie glared at him and picked him up,while two toasts popped out.
"Close enough," Wheels said, taking Wildcard.
We started following Missy with her beeping bracelet.
We started running,my hand interlocked with Natalie's,hoping that none of the guards noticed us.
"Is it working?" Wheels asked."Well,it's leading us somewhere, " Missy said, turning her head.
"Hey,that was really good back there," Missy said to me. "What? Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" I asked, annoyed,still dragging Nathalie with me.
"It was heat related,that's real progress," Missy continued. " I guess it's progress," I said, confused.
"You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business,it's all about belief," she finished.
I just scoffed, and I felt Nathalie squeezing my hand.
I looked at her, and she was already looking at me. "She's right," she said. "Who?" I asked, confused."Missy,she's right about the powers thing. You can do it, " she said smiling, and I blushed.
"You just need to be reassured," she continued. "How?" I asked she looked down and then looked at me again.
Then she started coming closer and kissed my cheek. "Like this," she whispered, smirking.
I blushed even harder while she just chuckled,I touched my cheek with my other hand and started smiling cheesyly.
Suddenly, Acapella said, "Um,guys? " She stopped."Does anybody else hear that?" She asked while we all started feeling rambling under us.
"What is that?" The twins said in unison."It's below us, " Wheels said, touching his wheels."I can feel it, " he added.
We started hearing rattling before all going towards the walls.
Suddenly, the floor broke,and alien tentacles came out.
We started running, but suddenly, one of them grabbed my leg,making me fall.
Nathalie quickly came back and grabbed my arm,helping me,and we started running again,hand in hand.
"Which way?" Face Maker yelled."That way!" Missy answered, pointing at a door.
We started running towards the door,but suddenly a tentacle came out of the floor,making us all stop.
Acapella started using her powers on the tentacle, her eyes glowed again,and she motioned us to go.
We did what she said and arrived in a room.
"Look at that thing!" I said, pointing at a giant pyramid.
We heard a door opening and looked down from where we were.
We saw the president?
"What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy whispered, yelled.
The president started walking, with three guards following behind.
"So they're inside this thing? All of them?" He asked, gesturing towards the pyramid.
"That's correct," a man said. "How long before the takeover begins?" The president asked.
"According to the supreme commander less than an hour," a man in white said.
"So soon?" The president asked."That's what she says, and she's never wrong, " the same man answered.
"You don't have to remind me,ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?" The president said, walking away with the guards.
"All parts of the process, I suppose," the man in white said again,as we all looked at each other confused.
"What is that thing?" Face Maker asked.
"You heard him" I started "It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens" I continued motioning the pyramid "in less than an hour,they'll send it down to Earth and start the takeover" I finished.
"Well ,then we have to stop them. Let's go," Missy said, starting to walk, but suddenly the door opened,revealing Ms. Granada.
"Do you children have any idea what you've done?" She asked, looking at all of us.
"Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space.Hmm, " She said, glaring at us,but suddenly she smiled.
"Well done," she squealed. "Look like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities. You took a huge risk,but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attached just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out,you would have all been captured, " she said, smiling at us.
"And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship? Mm,so proud, " she finished squealing again.
"Wait,so we're not in trouble?" Missy asked, confused.
"Of course not,you are heroes," Granada said.
We started cheering, but when I looked over at Nathalie, I saw her with a straight face.
"Missy! Her vital signs are all over the place, " Wheels said, showing Missy his tablet.
Then Ojo showed Missy a draw,I didn't see what that was,but Missy widened her eyes.
Then, the president came into the room with us. " Save your breath, Granada,they know," he said, looking at us.
"Uh oh," Guppy said as Ms. Granada and the guards took out their tentacles. "Well then,round them up," Ms. Granada said, twirling her finger.
Suddenly, their tentacles grabbed all of us and took us somewhere else.

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