Chapter 7 :)

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WHILE I WAS STILL looking at Wildcard,who was now on the rope,I saw Anita smile with the corner of my eye.
Suddenly, Wildcard started to use his powers, but nothing came out.
"I'm gonna help him," you said to Anita, who just nodded in response.
You went over to Wildcard. "Hey,is everything okay?" You asked softly, he looked at you and shaked his head."I'm trying to use every single power,but nothing came out,literally nothing, " he said, defeated.
"Hey,you helped me, and now I'll help you,come on,get up," you said. He did what that and said, " And now?".
"Well,now try to focus on something with all your energy," you said. He looked at you and sighed before nodding.
"I'm picking up a leap in the sound," one guard said.
"What are they saying?" Ms. Granada asked from the headquarters."Can you hear them?".
"Yes,it sounds like... they're rocking out," the same man answered.
"What?" Ms. Granada asked.
He spotted a rock and started looking at it intensely, and the rock started flying a little.
He gasped and then looked at you,who were confused about why he was so surprised. He suddenly yelled, "I did it! Thank you!" He came towards you and hugged you,but before you could say anything, you heard voices behind you,so you look and see Guppy chasing Face Maker.
Noodles grabbed her by the waist,but she kept running, bringing Noodles with her.
"Guppy, stay calm," Missy said.
We ran over them, and Wildcard grabbed Noodles while I went to Face Maker.
"What did you do?" I asked him."Nothing! I just told her that she was going in the wrong direction!" He said in defense.
"Guppy,you're in a shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends!" Missy said to Guppy, pointing at us.
"Your powers are useless. If you don't stay calm and focused,go meditate," Missy ordered.
Everyone kept doing their training, but suddenly, we saw Slow-Mo getting hit by one of the cushion that was swinging.
"Someone catch Slow-Mo!" Missy yelled."Noodles,i mean no Face Maker" Missy said, frustrated.
"What?" The twins asked. "Who? Make up your mind, " the twins and Wildcard said.
"I got him!" Noodles yelled,but accidentally, his arms became too long, and one of them hit the item that Acapella was using. It hit Rewind, who fell on the ground.
Noodles fell on top of Face Maker and me, and with his arm grabbed on of Wheels' wheels,so he brought him in the center of the camp.
"Listen to me!" Missy yelled, upset.
"Slow-Mo, you never do anything right," Wildcard said to him, kneeling down at my level.
"Are you okay?" He asked, looking me in the eyes, I nodded, and we all looked at Missy,who had a sad look.
She sat down and rested her face on her hand.
"I don't understand what your problem is," Invisi Girl said.
"My problem?" Red Lightning Fury asked disappointed.
"Yes,you wanna come up in my face?" Invisi Girl asked the woman in front of her.
"What's your problem?" Red Lightning Fury asked."Talk to me,what is it?" Invisi Girl asked.
"You don't know what you're doing," Red Lightning Fury said. "I don't know what I am doing?" Invisi Girl spatted back.
"We do work in the same organization," Blinding Fast said to Sharkboy and Lava Girl.
"It'd be nice if you communicated," he continued.
"Why don't you just vanish Invisi Girl?" Red Lightning Fury asked.
"Oh, I'll make you disappear," Invisi Girl said back.
"Don't make me use my outside voice on you two," Ms. Vox said to the two women.
"Ah!ah!," she said, stopping the two from beat eachother.
"If you'd fought like this with the aliens, we wouldn't be captured right now," Marcus said to the team.
"That's what I've been trying to tell," Blinding Fast said before Sharkboy threw something at his head.
"Why don't you cheer us up by singing one of those little songs you sing so well, Sharkboy?" Miracle Guy said to Sharkboy,who got up and went in front of him
"Man, you got some fish to fry," he continued looking down at an angry Sharkboy.
"Hey,hey,hey,calm down, Sharkboy," Lava Girl said, going in front of her husband. "He's just baiting you," she finished.
"Please stop fighting,you're like children, actually worse," Marcus said angrily.
"Yeah, Miracle Guy, why don't you just pretend there's a camera on you?" Lava Girl said.
"There's not a camera on me,and it's actually kind of liberating,I can be my true self,and my true self doesn't like you" Miracle Guy said pointing at Marcus "or you" he pointed at Sharkboy "or you" he said pointing at Lava Girl, and it caused her hair to go on pink fire.
Suddenly the door opened and a circular objet came inside.
"What the heck is that?" Miracle Guy asked.
"It's," Marcus said, unsure,and every heroic went into position.
"I demand you release us,whoever or whatever you are," Marcus said, pointing at the camera.
Suddenly, the hologram of the president appeared.
"Mr.President" Miracle Guy said.
"Greetings, Heroics," the president said.
"There's something you should know Mr.President " Miracle Guy said, clearing his throat. "I didn't vote for you," he finished as everyone rolled their eyes.
"The aliens didn't allow much time for me to give you this message," Neil Anami said. "It's about your children,they've disappeared from headquarters," he continued.
Everyone gasped. "They'll be completely helpless without us," Miracle Guy said.

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