Chapter 15 :)

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OJO LOOKED UP SURPRISED "You were working together?" She asked "Surpise" Missy said, opening her arms."I even sent them on a secret mission, " she continued ,winking at Ojo,who just looked at the brunette girl curiously.
"Isn't that right, guys?" Missy asked, looking up.
"Yep," Wildcard answered. " And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it," he continued looking at Nathalie and smiling.
"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked, confused.
Wildcard looked at the monitor. "Since the tunnel," he said, walking towards the cameras. "When she told me you were an alien spy," he continued, and Nathalie gasped "Really?!" She said in disbelief as Wildcard smiled at her nodding.
"Ojo's an alien spy?!" Everyone exclaimed in disbelief."Yep,Ojo's a spy. " Missy smiled proudly and looked at the shorter girl.
Ojo smirked, and four tentacles came out of her back. "You knew,how'd you figured it out?" Ojo asked, smirking.
"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings,your art never lies," Missy said, remembering when she told Wildcard.
"She's an alien spy," she whispered in Wildcard's ear. "Holy- doo doo," he said, looking at Guppy and Ojo.
"You work for Granada, don't you? Or does Granada work for you?" Missy asked, looking at Ojo suspiciously.
"They all work for me," Ojo said as Face Maker ran into the room,bumping into Ojo's tentacles.
He widened his eyes. "What the- Ojo's an alien!" He exclaimed,  panicked,Nathalie heard him "Yeah no way, Sherlock, " she said sarcastically as Face Maker looked up and glared at the speakers.
Wildcard chuckled, and Nathalie smiled at him,her eyes becoming gold with pink and silver glitter in them,Wildcard was mesmerised by her eyes.
"We know," the kids said in unison, and Face Maker shrugged.
"And now you can be impressed..." Wildcard said, pushing a button "and defeated" he continued,looking at the monitor with a big shield on it. "As soon as I figure out which button removes the shield," he said, puzzled
"Knowing the aliens,it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it," Wheels said.
"Oh," Wildcard said, pushing the big button,removing the force field.
Everybody started cheering, and Nathalie hugged Wildcard tightly, making him blush.
"I hate to spoil your celebration" Ojo said and everyone looked at her "but there's still two minutes left" she pointed at the timer on the pyramid "game's not over yet" she said as she started drawing something on her I-pad.
She drew a monster, who started snarling. It went out of the IPad and started making his way towards the kids,becoming bigger every step he took.
"Uh-oh," Guppy said, backing up a little.
The monster got up and started standing on two legs. "We'll hold it off," Missy said panicked. She turned her head towards Wheels. "You find a way to stop the launch," she said to him.
Ojo meanwhile kept drawing monsters and spreading them around the room.
"'s not an it,it's a them!" Wheels said panicked, pointing at the monsters.
"Well then, you better hurry," Missy said, scared as the monsters became bigger and kept roaring.
Everyone went into their fight positions. "Come on, everyone," Missy said, going into her position. "It's time to show these guys what we're made of," she finished.
Nathalie hugged him tightly,making him blush.
"Oh, sorry," she said, letting go of him. "It's nothing," he said.
"Hey, look," she said, pointing at Ojo "It looks like she's drawing something," she finished.
Wildcard went closer to the monitor. "I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's nothing good," he said.
Ojo's finished drawing, and a monster came out of her iPad.
"What the hell is that?" Nathalie asked, confused as her eyes became orange.
Wildcard looked at her. "It looks like a big lizard,but uglier," he said.
"Hey, um..can I ask you something," he said after awhile, breaking the tension a bit.
She looked at him, and her eyes became gold again.
"Why does your eyes become gold with glitters when you look at me?" He asked. She was confused but then realized what he meant, Anita was right.
Nathalie just didn't know it,but every time her eyes became that color was because she looked at him.
"Uh, I don't know," she said, blushing,but the fact is that he knew that she was lying. "That's a lie," he said. "Your eyes are white," he smiled.
She widened her eyes. "It's-it's not." Wildcard smiled and went closer to her "Aw does someone like me?" He asked teasingly, and she blushed.
"Oh shut up," she smiled and rolled her eyes,pushing him back a little.
He laughed. "What? I'm just telling the truth, Nat,and you have to accept it, shortie, " he said, patting her head.
"Hey! I'm not short!" She said, trying to defend herself, and he chuckled."Of course you're not. "
Suddenly, there was silence, and she looked up at him smiling slightly,and he looked down at her smiling widely.
"I hate you" she said looking away "Nah,you don't" he said putting an arm around her shoulders "You love my face Natty" she looked at him,he knew how much she hated that nickname "Maybe I do Card" she smirked at him,she knew how much he hated that nickname.
"Oh,well, I'm glad that my face amuses you," he said jokingly, and she laughed.
Suddenly, they heard a noise,they turned their heads and saw some tentacles trying to open the door.
Wildcard smirked. "Come on in, it's broken,I mean, it's open," he said, still with his arm on her shoulders.
The alien took the two pieces of the door with his tentacles and threw them away.
Ms. Granada ran into the room quickly. "Guys,you have to keep those shields down," Missy said from the other room.
"Don't worry, Missy,we're on it," Wildcard said, removing his arm from her shoulders and turning towards Granada.
"Oh yeah?" Ms. Granada asked."What are you gonna do,hmm?" She asked, looking at them furiously.
"Turning into a bowling ball or making us fly around?" She asked, kneeling down at Nathalie's level and glaring at the two.
"Sure," Wildcard said with a straight face. "If that's what we want," he said, looking at Ms.Granada in the eyes.
"I can control my powers now" he said crossing his arms "Working with Missy helped me realize I was so busy trying to prove everyone else wrong,when I should have been concentrating on proving myself right" he continued "Nathalie and Missy believed in me,now I believe in myself" he said proudly,smiling at Nathalie,and she smiled back.
"Oh right,and you think that's enough," Ms. Granada said sarcastically, "believing in yourself," she finished, mocking him.
"You tell me," he said, stepping closer. "Let's do this" he continued, raising his hands.

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