Chapter 16 :)

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MS.GRANADA SIGHED "mmh,let's take him," she said, smirking as tentacles started to come out of the guards' backs.
The kids were all in their fighting position.
"Everyone spread out!" Missy yelled, looking at them.
"Slow-Mo attack! Guppy waterslide!" She yelled, going into her fight position again.
Slow-Mo started running slowly, so Missy pushed him from his shoulder to speed him up.
"Hey,only speed up, Slow-Mo," Rewind said to his sister,pointing at Slow-Mo. "How?" Fast-forward asked, confused."I'll help you, " Rewind said, taking out his hand "Togheter" he said as Fast-forward grabbed his hand.
They started moving their fingers in a circular movement,creating a blue and red light.
They send the light to Slow-Mo, who started running fast towards the creature.
He grabbed his mouth, pushing it on the ground, Slow-Mo started punching the monster multiple times as the twins kept moving their fingers, speeding him up.
The parents were all watching their kids in amusement.
As punches landing could be heard,Blinding Fast ran and sat down,looking at the others' parents,shocked.
"Did you see that? Did anyone see that?" Blinding Fast asked in disbelief as his son kept punching the creature.
"It was too fast..." Miracle Guy said,"For even me to see, " he continued, looking at Blinding Fast. Before doing a punch with his hand,Blinding Fast looked at him before hitting his punch fast.
"Wow,whoo," Blinding Fast said, looking at Slow-Mo in amazement.
"Attack!" Ms. Granada yelled,making an alien sound.
One guard ran towards him,with his tentacles out "Flight" Wildcard said, opening his hand and flying high,making the guard hit one of the sistems.
Ms. Granada gasped as another guard ran towards Wildcard, who was still flying.
He blocked him with his hand "Shape-shift" Wildcard said,transforming into a bowling ball,falling on the guard's foot.
He squealed in pain, removing his foot from the bowling ball.
Ms. Granada looked at Wildcard, shocked,as he transformed in himself again. "Electricity fingers," he said with his hands covered in blue electricity.
Nathalie punched the guard behind Wildcard in the stomach,making him fall.
She started making him float in the air,and then she throwed him to another guard,making them both fall.
The two guards left started running towards Wildcard, but he hit them with electricity, making them fall on the ground.
Ms. Granada was shocked but tried to keep her posture.
"And my personal fave..." Wildcard said, smirking and raising his index finger.
Ms. Granada gasped. "The freeze ray," he finished with a serious face.
He pointed his finger to Ms.Granada feet,starting to freeze her,as she whimpered,trying to get out of the ice.
Guppy ran closer to a monster and started throwing water at it,making it slide.
Soon, she stopped throwing water and looked at her hands. "I'm running out of water!" She yelled at the others while the parents all set down to look at their kids.
"This is too much stress,I can't take it," Lava Girl said, walking towards her husband.
"Come in, Missy, you got this,I know you do," Marcus said, sitting down in front of the monitor.
"Guppy! Make ninja stars!" Missy yelled at Guppy.
She started making three ninja stars of water.
"Noodles,slingshot!" Missy yelled at Noodles as he nodded."Hold my leg!" He said to Face Maker,raising a leg.
Face Maker grabbed his leg as Noodles' arms stretched till he grabbed a piece of ground with his hands.
"Somebody pull Noodles!" Missy yelled with Noodles stretched arms in her hands.
Slow-Mo ran towards Missy and grabbed Noodles' arms,throwing them with him.
Guppy finished the ninja stars and made them go towards the middle of Noodles' arms.
Three monsters were in front of them, snarling.
Slow-Mo let go of Noodles' arms, and the ninja stars hit two of them,making them stick to the wall.
All the kids squealed as Ojo glared at them.
From the other room, Marcus smiled and looked at everyone, raising his eyebrows.
Guppy started throwing water at the third monster.
"I'm out! I need water, " she said, looking at Missy.
"Hey Guppy," Wheels said, capturing the little girl's attention. "This whole thing is covered in liquid metal.Liquid!" Wheels continued, pointing at the pyramid.
"Oh," Guppy said, running towards the pyramid. She touched it with her finger as liquid metal covered her finger.
She gasped and took off her sunglasses. She kept looking at her finger and started giggling.
She started taking the liquid metal out of the pyramid, forming a shark.
She lifted her hands in victory and started climbing on the shark's back.
Missy looked at her shocked,as Guppy was now riding the shark,with her sunglasses on again.
She went closer to a monster and opened her mouth,making a bite sound,and soon the shark copied her actions, biting two monsters.
The kids and the parents started cheering again as Sharkboy lifted his arms in victory, and Lava Girl clapped her hands. "Go, Guppy,go!" She cheered for her daughter.
Guppy went off of the shark. "Go,yes!" She said, making the shark fall from where she was.
"Not so fast," Ojo said,as she started drawing something again.
She threw two other monsters at the two sides of the room.
The creatures started snarling. "Noodles make a tightrope." Missy yelled at Noodles, and he nodded and stretched his arm towards the other part of the room,grabbing a piece of the ground.
"Somebody go on to the center and draw them in," Missy ordered as Rewind, Fast-forward, and Slow-Mo started walking closer.
"No, wait!" Missy shouted with her eyes closed."I have to do this, " she said, looking at Ojo."I can do this," she said, smiling a bit at Ojo,as she started walking on the rope.

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