Chapter 17 :)

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MISSY STARTED WALKING on the rope,as Marcus' smile dropped as soon as he saw his daughter on the rope.
Missy started walking in the middle of the rope,as the monsters went closer to her,snarling.
Acapella and Ms. Vox started singing,'we can be heroes,' as Acapella flied.
I,I will be king,and you,you'll be queen
Marcus got up from his seat and walked towards the monitor,touching it slightly with his hand.
And nothing, no nothing could tear us apart
"She's leading by example," Marcus said, watching his daughter from the monitor.
Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day
Missy was now in the middle of the rope and signaled to the two monsters to go towards her.
We can be heroes, just for one day
The monsters started going towards Missy,and she looked at Noodles.
Oh, we can be heroes, just for one day
She signaled to Noodle to take his arm back,and he nodded.
Oh, and we can beat them forever and ever
Noodles took his arm back,making Missy and the monsters fall down,as everyone looked at her in shock.
Then we can be heroes,just for one day
Noodles quickly stretched his arm again,grabbing Missy by her waist.
She looked down and waved at the monsters while smiling mischievously.
Then we can be heroes, just for one day
Noodles put Missy back on the ground,and she smiled.
She lifted her thumb at him, and he did the same.
"Hey! Did you see that?" Tech-No asked excitedly."Did you see what my son just did?" Tech-No asked to Miracle Guy "unfortunately I was too busy looking at my own cool kid, " Miracle Guy said proudly.
"How's it going, Wheels?" Missy asked walking towards him "Great,all we have to do is swap out the ignition chamber's motherboard,with one that'll tell the device it launched even when it didn't"Wheels said as Missy hugged Fast-forward,Guppy and Acapella.
"That way, we fooled it -" Wheels continued, getting interrupted.
"Dude! Just tell us how long!" Noodles said.
"Oh,now long," he said, pushing a button on his tablet. "Now put it into the ignition chamber up there," Wheels said and gave it to Noodles.
He was about to stretch his arm when Ojo drew a tentacle and pushed it out of Noodles' grisp,making it fall on one of the lights,under the ground.
"Oh no,Noodles!" Missy said panicked.
He stretched his arm,but his hand stopped a few inches from the ignition.
"I can't reach!" He said, stretching back his arm."It's too high to jump, " Face Maker said, looking down.
"Nobody would ever survive that fall," Missy said, looking down.
"I..can," Slow-Mo said, raising his hand slowly.
"Slow-Mo?" Missy asked, confused as everyone looked at him.
He jumped off of the ground,down where the lights were.
"Slow-Mo!" Missy yelled panicked."Rewind,stop him.Reverse it!" She said.
Rewind raised his index. "Hold on,I think he knows what he's doing," he said, looking at Missy.
"We're running out of seconds!" Missy said, looking at the timer.
Slow-Mo arrived on the light, without hurting himself, and lifted up the ignition, showing it to the others.
The kids started cheering happily.
"He did it," Blinding Fast said with glossy eyes. "Did you see that? He did it, " he continued, smiling proudly.
"Uh guys,how are we gonna get him back up here?" Wheels asked.
Missy looked up. "Wildcard? Nathalie?We need you right now, " Missy said.
Meanwhile, Wildcard was still freezing the guards and Ms. Granada,smiling proudly, as Nathalie laughed at them.
"On our way," Wildcard said, looking at Ms.Granada "Stay cool," he said,making her growl.
"Can we go,m'lady?" Wildcard asked, offering his hand to Nathalie. She chuckled and took his hand.
He wrapped his arm around her waist, teleporting them with the others.
Face Maker immediately took Nathalie by Wildcard's grip and hugged her.
"I'm glad you're okay," he whispered in her ear. She smiled, "Me too."
They let go of the hug, and Face Maker looked at Wildcard. "Dude! You actually teleported!" He said excitedly, high fiving Wildcard.
"Get down there,quick!" Missy ordered, pointing at Slow-Mo.
Wildcard teleported down and grabbed Slow-Mo by his waist. He started flying until he arrived on the ground with the others.
"Yes!" Missy said."Yeah!" Face Maker exclaimed.
"Now swap the motherboards up there!" Wheels said as Slow-Mo gave the ignition to Noodles.
He stretched his arms and switched the motherboards.
The timer ended, and an alarm started ringing.
The ground started shaking as the kids whimpered,Wildcard took Nathalie's hand.
Suddenly, the pyramid started opening, revealing a bright red light.
"What's happening?" Missy asked Ojo,"the takeover's happening, " Ojo said, smiling.
The kids all looked and saw their parents coming out of the pyramid, doing their heroes poses.
"Wait,so our parents were in the pyramid all along?" Missy asked, confused.
"But I don't understand," Missy said, walking towards Ojo,only to be met with a smiling Ms. Granada and President.
"What's the takeover?" She asked smiling "the takeover of power from your parents, " Ms. Granada said smiling.
"You see,the next generation is always an improvement from the last" Ms.Granada said "things are not heading in the right direction on your planet,and you children are inheriting Earth's problems,and need to be able to fix them,sooner rather than later" Ojo explained.
"It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives. So,we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power, " the president said.
"As you've seen from today's events,it's not enough to be strong,powerful, or even magic,if you do not use your strengths together and with good judgment..." Ojo said, smiling at them as Marcus coughed at Miracle Guy.
"You are doomed," Ojo continued.

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