Chapter 11 :)

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The alien guards brought us into a purple room,shoving us inside.
"Watch it!" My brother said angrily at a tentacle.
Missy almost fell,while Guppy had to run for the velocity.
The last one was Slow-Mo,who fell on the ground dramatically.
I heard Wildcard scoff and I looked at him "Quit the pantomime Slow-Mo, you didn't even scrape a knee" he said with his arms crossed.
Slow-Mo just shrugged and came over to us.
"Oh good" Ms.Granada said entering the room "Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on" she said looking at us sharply.
"You kids are just like your parents " she said crossing her arms "the same fighting,the same bickering, putting your own egos ahead of your team" Granada said coldly,while Guppy took out her water bottle.
"Take away her water " Granada ordered pointing at Guppy,who just gasped.
A tentacle took the battle and Guppy gasped again.
"They're too powerful together" Granada said looking at me and Face Maker and Fast-forward and Rewind.
We looked at eachother, before a tentacle suddenly shoved me and Fast-forward on another side of the room.
Wildcard came to me immediately,taking my hand.
"Aw,young love,don't worry,I won't separe you too,you are useless,and you can't control your feelings" she said.
"Hey,watch your mouth you piece of-" Face Maker said,before I shushed him.
"Or what,you're gonna transform into Jhon Cena and fight me?" She asked,I wanted to defend my brother,but it's better don't say anything.
He looked at me and I mouthed 'no' he nodded and turned back at his spot.
"Just like I thought" she said,she then looked at Ojo,who was hugging her I-pad tightly.
"Oh don't worry,I won't take away your little toy" she said bending down to Ojo's level.
"I already know what your future is" Granada said taking out a weird key of her pocket "Imprisonment,life long" she said looking at the key once again before standing up and smiling.
She turned around and walked out of the door,locking it.
"How are we getting out of here?" Guppy asked to Missy,who walked in front of the door,before looking at us again.
"I...don't know" Missy said sitting and pressing her chin on her hand.
"What do you mean,you don't know?" Miracle Guy asked to Marcus.
"I mean,I don't know, I'm thinking,I'm thinking " he repeated sighing.
"Enough thinking,I'm gonna punch my way out of here,i have to save my son" Miracle Guy said punching the metal door repeatedly.
"That's not gonna work" Blinding Fast said to the man in front of him.
"How do you know?" Miracle Guy asked punching the door one more time.
"'Cause while you were blinking your eyes I went around and tried everything" Blinding Fast said moving his hands.
Miracle Guy mocked him silently, before punching the door again.
Suddenly they heard a noise,and the door opened.
"Uh,you were saying?" Miracle Guy asked proudly.
Suddenly the tentacles brought inside a weird heary creature.
"What are you? An alien spy?" Miracle Guy said moving his hands.
Blinding Fast ran towards the creature and started to get closer with his hand.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Tech-No said raising his hand.
"I just want to see what it is" Blinding Fast said looking at the thing once more "Don't worry, it won't even know I touched it" he said moving his fingers.
He put his hand quickly on the back of the creature, but suddenly the creature shoved him to the ground.
Miracle Guy ran towards it immediately, but the creature punched him and throwed him somewhere.
Sharkboy ran towards it too,but the creature kicked him and throwed him too.
Then it was the turn of Crimson Legend,he ran towards the thing too,only to be punched and throwed.
Invisi Girl ran too,but the thing kicked her.
Suddenly the creature removed the cover,just to reveal Anita Moreno.
"Ah,ah!"she screamed "Anita Moreno?" Tech-No asked surprised.
"Hmm" she said glaring at the Heroics.
"Hi mom" Marcus said unimpressed,raising his hand.
"No,no,no,don't 'hi mom' me,that was pathetic, you stop training for a year and look what happens,eh?" Anita said upset "You! Dropped your guard" she said pointing at Miracle Guy "Attached when you should have blocked" she pointed at Sharkboy "And you rushed,when you should've calculated,eh?" she added gesturing with her hands.
"I hope your kids paid more attention to me than you did" Anita said putting her hands on her stick.
"Thanks mom" Marcus said with one hand on his hip,as every parent looked at him.
"I bet Ms.Granada's been working there for years"I said walking around with my hands in my pockets.
"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president" Wildcard said walking around like me.
"So they could set a trap for the Heroics" he continued as I sat on a weird thing.
"I'm such an idiot" Wheels said looking at his tablet " President Nail Anami, spell Neil Anami backwards and you have.." he paused showing us his tablet "I'm an alien" we all said in unison.
"Everyone thinks the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years,planning this takeover the whole time" Missy said.
"And now we're locked in this stupid cell,with no way out" Wildcard said smiling sarcastically,going beside Nathalie.
They started talking, man,when she looked at him her eyes became a color I've never seen before,and she laughs and smile a lot,he better kept doing this.
"You're welcome Missy said annoyed "Any luck?" She asked to Guppy,who was trying to open the door with her shark strength.
She punched it one time before going back in her seat,pouting "I need water,without water I can't use my powers" she said angrily.
"I need food,my stomach hurts" I said to Noodles " My arms hurt" he said rising his arm.
"My ears hurt!" Wildcard suddenly yelled "We never should have come,you led us here" he said blaming Missy.
"You think I wanted to get locked up in an alien ship?" She spatted back.
"It was all of us,we did it together " Wheels said turning his tablet towards himself.
"Hey,you don't need to yell at her like that" I said grabbing his hand.
He looked at me before squeezing my hand.
"I'm sorry it's just that she's been on my nerves for all the day" he said annoyed.
"Please give her a chance, plus,without her we would have never discovered all of this" I said looking around.
"Maybe you're right " he mumbled "I'm always right sweetheart " I teased, he blushed and looked at the others.

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