6 Froggy and minny. H

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Mineta wakes up the next day to find an green envelope on his night stand. He picks it up, looking for some sort of signature or something. 'It's green, so it's probably from tsu..' He smiles as he opens it, giggling when he realizes it's on purple paper.

Dear minoru, I've done a little research myself and made a list of rules to start us off. Please edit these rules so that you are comfortable with them. We'll talk after classes, there is also something else I wish to talk about...♡♡♡♡♡

1. Tell me if something bothers you- I want to take care of you.

2. No touching yourself- that's my job. If you want something, then ask for it.

3. Behave in class- if you get in trouble at school, your in trouble with me.

4. Take care of yourself- I love you.

5. Tell me if SOMEONE bothers you- I want to protect you.

6. Use your manners when speaking to me- yes/no ma'am. Please/thank you

7. Ask for permission to cum- I'm incharge. I decide when you get to.

8. Keep your collar on- it's waterproof, I have a matching bracelet with a key


Mineta stares at the list, 'collar?' He looks over at his night stand and notices a box.

He picks it up and opens it, revealing a simple yet beautiful collar with a lock on the back and the nickname he gave tsu on the front. He smiles. It's unlatched so he can put it on.

he walks to his bathroom and stands in front of the mirror. He carefully wraps it around his neck, putting it on backwards so he can see. He slowly latches it, hands shaking from excitement as he turns it around.

He admires the beautiful piece of jewelry in the mirror, before quickly throwing on his uniform and adjusting his bow. He grabs his back and walks out the door, smirking in amusement went he sees midoria and uraraka making out in the kitchen. They quickly separate, rambling about how it isn't what it looks like.

"Uh-huh sure it isn't" he speaks sarcastically before grabbing a go-gurt and walking out of the dorms. He spots tsu walking towards the school and races as fast as his tiny legs can carry him to catch up.

He caught up and tugged on the skirt slightly to get her attention. She stops and looks down, smiling when she sees him. Without a word, she picks him up and continues walking.

Mineta glances at her wrist and spots her bracelet. It's a braided black one, with a metal peace like his. It says minny on it with the key to his collar dangling from it. He smiles.

They arrive at the building and tsu walks through, mineta holding onto her as she walks. They make it to class right before midoria and uraraka, once again sitting side by side. Aizawa walks in with mic on his tail, saying something about getting just one more kitten. Immediately tsu notices his ring, 'knew it.' She thinks.

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