8. Having a conversation. T

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Mineta pov.

The next day was saturday. Tsu and i woke up early and snuck back to our rooms so we wouldn't be caught, but I couldn't go back to sleep.

I layed in bed, my mind spinning about the last couple days. Then I started thinking.... I kinda wanna break a rule now... it couldn't be that bad, right?

It sounds hot... but I don't want to upset tsu... maybe I could be the brat.. and fumikage could be the good boy... he seems to be the type... but it would probably be a bad idea to break a rule this early.. I'll talk to fumi about it. He knows all about this stuff.

Eventually I start hearing doors open. Guess it's time to get up. I sluggishly throw on my clothes and basically sleep walk into the bath room. I do all the basic hygiene, and smile as I adjust my bow and admire my collar. I wonder how tsu got personalized jewelry so quickly.

I walk out and see fumi and tsu standing together at fumi's door. Fumi Is looking down, yet his back is perfectly straight. Tsu is standing next to the wall, saying something I can't interpret from here. Fumi nods, still staring at his feet.

I walk over to them and tsu immediately picks me up as usual, except she then hands me to dark shadow. They set me on fumi's shoulder and float behind me, supporting my back. This is surprisingly comfortable.

They walk to tsu's room, and I enjoy pretending to be tall. We walk into tsu's room and dark shadow lifts me up again, moving me to the bed. Fumi sits on his knees across from me, just like the subs in the books. "minny, i need to go shopping. You and fumi can stay here and talk." Tsu speaks, smiling softly. "Yes ma'am." I totally didn't blush. Fumi Is still looking down, Not speaking. Wow. He's good at this.

"I love you" I smiled at tsu, still blushing. "I love you too, minny." I blush more. "Love you, fumi" she's looking at him with the same exited look she gave me, when we first said those magical three words. Now you might think it's a bit early for them, but you gotta remember, we've already known each other for a year. Only then did fumi look up,"love you too miss." then he immediately looks down again. Tsu walks out, shutting the door behind her.

Fumi looks up, sitting criss-cross. He has a collar too, now. Its just like mine. He can't smile because of his beak, but i can see the bright smile in his eyes. "Minoru, are you straight?" where did that come from?! "Uhmm... no, I'm pansexual." I look away, my anxiety eating at me. What If he's homophobic?! What if he thinks it's wrong for guys to be feminine?! But... he didn't have a problem with tsu... but she's both.... but he hasn't said anything about the bow... but what if he just hasn't noticed it-"minoru!"

Theres a gentle hand on my cheek. "You were mumbling." I blush. I must of picked that up from midoria. Honestly, if tsu had rejected me, he's the one I would have cried to. "You don't have to be afraid" fumi's voice brings me out of my thoughts again,"I am uranic. I feel attracted to most genders except females. Tsu was the only one that came close to an exception and I could tell from the beginning that she was intersex. I also enjoy the occasional Minnie skirt. I won't judge you" I breathe a sigh of relief.

I guess now is as good a time as any to ask him. "Is it bad that I already want to break a rule?" Fumi shakes his head at me. "Your a brat, aren't you?" You can hear to amusement in his voice. I blush. Goddess(praise to the holy Goddess Savanah) I blush more often then midoria these days. "Uhm... I think so.."

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