18. Red. O

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Fumi and I wake up around the same time. It seems like a regular evening except for a weird feeling I have. By the look on his face, fumi feels it too.

I look over and realize froggy isn't in bed anymore. Panic hits me. I get up and rush to the bathroom, praying she's into there.
I knock twice, very loudly. "froggy, you in there?!" I try not to show the panic in my voice but it doesn't work out very well. My voice cracks.

Thankfully, the door opens and she pops her head out, green toothbrush in hand. "Yeah, why?" She looks concerned. Probably cuz of my panic. "Sorry. I woke up with a bad feeling and panicked..." I rub the back of my neck, smiling sheepishly. She smiles gently, "awww, you were woried~ how sweet" She kisses me on the tip of my nose and gently pets the non sticky part of my hair. Then she walks over to fumi.

He has a concerned look on his face too, but its slowly melting away, as if he just realized she's ok. I watch as she kisses the tip of his beak and ruffles his fluffy feathers, which are sticking up everywhere from sleep. He chirps quietly. It's barely audiable.

She turns around and walks back into the bathroom. I walk over to fumi, reaching my arms up like a child. He gets the signal and pulls me up, setting me softly on his lap, facing him. "You felt it too, right?" I ask. He nods. He doesn't seem to talk alot. Then again, he never really has.

"Maybe it's just some kind of contagious anxiety or something, hehe..." I tried to sound confident. Clearly I'm not very good at controlling my voice. He looks at me softly for a moment before pulling me close, my head leaning on his chest.

He just holds me for a minute and I start to relax. I'm sure everything will be alright.i snuggle into him and here the bathroom door open. I feel the bed dip as miss sets down beside us. I look outside and realize it's almost dark. We practically slept through the whole day. The anxious feeling is still here.

There's a knock at the door. Miss gets up and opens it to reveal Kirishima and Bakugou. Kirishima has his signature bright smile and his hair in a pony tail, and Bakugou is scowling as per usual with hir hair in its regular spike. They are wearing matching red and orange shirts with each other's hero names. How cute.

Bakugou has a tray in his hand and kirishima has to more. Bakugou speaks first. "Alright frog fuck, half grape, and emo bird, here's your food. Don't get used to it. Tch." He doesn't say it, but I can tell he has a certain respect for tsu. He used a curse at her. Maybe it's the same as his respect for kirishima. He's totally a brat like me.

Tsu scoops one tray much her tongue, being careful not to lick his hand, then grabs the other two. She quickly rushes back to the bed and turns around. "Thank you, kero." She smiles almost as bright as kirishima. Bakugou huffs and rolls his eyes, "c'mon shifty hair." Kirishima follows behind him, slapping his ass as soon as they think they are out of eyesight.

The sound is much louder than he seemed to expect tho, cuz he freezes for a moment before grabbing bakugou's hand and rushing to his dorm. It's quite amusing. I giggle for a moment with fumi before looking down at the trays, a smile still playing on my face.

Dinner consists of a cheese baked potato, egg soup, crackers, and sweet tea. Yummy. We each eat out food and stack our trays on the night stand. We turn on a movie after and miss falls asleep. She must have stayed up while we were sleeping. I look over at fumi. "We should get miss some white roses. She loves those."

Fumi nods and we climb out of bed. We don't want to wake her so I just write her a note and stick it to the door. We walk through the hall and past kirishima's dorm. We here a smack. "Someone's in trouble.." I mumble. "And its not me this time." Fumi giggles at my antics. Yes he can giggle. No, don't ask me how.

We quietly walk out the doors of the dorm building and walk to the garden grown by shoji and Kota. They have a CGL relationship and are both Asexual.

We make it to the roses and see white, red, yellow, and a few blue roses. The blue ones are genetically modified so momo makes the seeds for them. Fumi and I start picking some of the white ones, admiring the perfection. I pick a single red one to go in the center.

We had to be very careful not to get pricked and we still did a few times, but it was worth it. Fumi pulls a green rubber band out of his pocket and bands them together. We walk back inside a grab a nice, thin vase from the kitchen and walk back towards froggy's room. We pause for a moment when we here a high picked yelp from kirishima's room.. guess they aren't done yet...

We continue to her room and fumi quietly opens the door, careful not to let to much light in at once. I carry the vase into the bathroom and fill it half way with water. I return to fumi and he puts the flowers in, setting them on the table, "we should wait till tomorrow so we don't have to wake her up." He suggests. I nod. We crawl into bed and cuddle up next to her. Everything is fine.

Maybe we were just being paranoid...

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