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Name: Zylah Katz

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Hybrid human-dragon (can turn into a dragon)

Characters pros: Can get the job done, doesn't take no for an answer, strong-willed, 

Characters cons: Sarcastic, ill tempered, one of those people who is either really liked or really hated, no in between.

Looks: Red, long, curly hair and honey brown eyes. Tall, pale, has lots of freckles, a couple scars but usually hidden. Wears a bit of makeup, only eyeliner, mascara and lipstick, but not always.

 Wears a bit of makeup, only eyeliner, mascara and lipstick, but not always

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Likes: Music, peace and quiet, reading, learning new things, fighting, and winning

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Likes: Music, peace and quiet, reading, learning new things, fighting, and winning.

Dislikes: People, noise, know-it-alls, people who are annoying for the sake of it

Weapons: Daggers

Magic: Fire powers

Abilities: Can turn into a dragon, can see ghosts, thats kinda it-

Pets: A little wolf pup named Nyko.

Role: Assassin

Class: Knight

Kingdom: Kingdom of the Hybrids

Background: Might if I figure it out as I go? I don't know right now-

Other: Shes a reckless outlaw

~Mae <3 

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