~The Curse of a Mad Man~

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NAME| Charlie Williams

AGE| ( 18 - 24 ) 20

SEXUALITY| Pansexual




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PERSONALITY| Mischievous, loyal, either worn out or tones of energy, ADHD, fidgety, relatively nice and sweet until someone ticks them off then they will kick their @ss, a rule breaker on occasion, will help people said person is nice to them, reckless. 

HEIGHT| 5'10


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DISLIKES| Rude people, ignorance, when people purposely use the wrong pronouns for them, loud noises, stupidity

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DISLIKES| Rude people, ignorance, when people purposely use the wrong pronouns for them, loud noises, stupidity.

LIKES| Nice people, peace and quiet, trouble, jokes.

NIGHTMARES| ( 3 - 4 ) Being stuck in one body forever, (they're non-binary but they were female, so their main fear is being stuck as a female, basically), darkness, betrayal of the people they trust, running into their father again.

HOBBIES| Reading, drawing, taking care of animals, creating stuff.

STRENGTHS| Taking care of people/animals, good listener, trustworthy, good fighter, smart, somewhat good at talking to people.

WEAKNESS| Closed off, has trust issues despite being trustworthy themselves, intense

ELEMENT| Creature Element

BACKSTORY| Father is a homophobic, and was against them being non-binary, he is also psychotic, they nearly died quite a few times because of it, so they went off to a far away University to escape him.

OTHER| Wears rose-gold coloured circle-shaped glasses, that's it-


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